Newfoundland Spirit

Thanks to Gander

by Norbert Demps (one of the passengers)

To the Gander Community,

We would like to express our deepest gratitude for
everything you have done to make us, the passengers,
feel welcome and comfortable. The Gander Community
has extended its arms to us, looking after all of our
needs during our stay. Your hospitality, warmth, and
openness have left a lasting impression. The
generosity and friendliness you have displayed has
been extremely appreciated. Thank you.

This site is a special thank you to you “Gander”

Read comments which have been posted by passengers, friends, families and people feeling with us just after 11 Sept. 2001

Norbert Demps: Thanks to Gander Academy you are just great and there are not enough words to say thank you.
carol and bill lee: Thank you for fantastic kindness, hospitality and generosity. Heartfelt gratitude to you all.
Oliver Babson: Many thanks, not just for the hospitality, but for the spirit.
Nicky Byrd: Thanks for all your wonderful hospitality and friendliness - makes the situation more like the holiday I should have been on!!!
Simon Davies: Thank you for all your warmth and the tremendous organisation. We have all been deeply touched by the generosity and help on all sides, and it was our great good fortune to come to Gander. I will treasure memories of the special atmosphere of Gander Academy!!
Michael Braun: Thanks for helping us in that way. I have never ever seen such an organized and effecive group. Thanks again
John S. Geis: Thanks to the citizen of Gander for there great hospitality for us "stranded on's", I will keep this as one of the most positve experience in my life in my memorys, thanks again and all the best for you all.
Melinda: Words can not say. Thank you!
George Anipsitakis: I would like to thank all Gander community for the hospitality and the friendliness. You are a remarkable kind of people and I will never forget you. I will try in the rest of my life to live up to your standards.
Edoardo Falvo: Thank you for the incredible kindness you showed us.
Audrey Limor: No Words can actually describe how we fee about the friendly people of gander thank you for all of your thoughtful assistanceNot
V. Hooks: Thank you very much for the best hospitality, God is with you.
Stephanie Cheng: Thank you Gander, you have done so much. I am impressed with how your community has come together to help make our stay as comfortable as possible.
Stefan Bedorf: thanks for the incredible help and kindness... you`re just great
Ruth Mason: words cannot express how grateful we are for the kindness you have shown us
Keith and Mary Frances Bruce: We cannot begin to tell the community of Gander what their hospitality and kindness meant to us. Thank you for reminding us in this difficult time that kindess and goodness are the true nature of human beings. Especial thanks to Gander Academy for your hospitality.
Tracy Austin: The kindness of this comunity has been overwhelming. My prayers will always include you for what you've done.
Nancy Dunning: My sincerest thanks to all the people of Gander who were so very kind to us in our time of need. You opened your home and hearts to us and made us feel like part of your family. It is so nice to know that we have such wonderful neighbors in our Candian friends.
Jo Kuffner: Thank you for the hospitality, for making us feel so welcome. Everybody was so friendly and so helpful. Thanks for the use of the Academy, we were very comfortable. Thank you for your hospitality and care during our stay in your delightful part of the world. Good luck to you all. Thanks for all your wonderful hospitality and friendliness - made the situation more bearable.
Tony Cudmore - Ireland: Thanks for all your help and support - you will not be forgotten !!
Christine and Johannes Timte: Thank you for all ! You are realy wounderfull people. We will never forget Gander and ist wounderful people.
Roman David Monzon: Thank you so much for taking such good care of my Grandparents. Thank you can't express the gratitude I have for you. People like you give me hope for the future. You will forever be in my prayers. Thank you!
Dave Cullen: i just wanted everyone to know that you are taking care of two people that have spent their lives helping people through hard times, as well as teaching others how to do the same. but i am positive this is the first time they have ever been on the other side. it is amazing and we all thank you. they are my parents. thank you
Brian Ward: Your kindness and generosity is an example to all of us to help others in need in a similar way in future when and if required. Thank you
Joey Cullen: Thanks Gander.
Fritz joel: Merci pour tout, votre gentillesse, hospitalite et disponibilite m ont beaucoup touche . MERCI!!!!!!!
peggypeggy: it was a great experience you are all wonderful
Brigitte Ajagu: Thank you so very much for the warmth and hospitality that made our stay with you surely unforgettable
Dania Reiche: Thank you very much Gander!!!!
John Goodenough: Your community defines all that is good about humanity - thanks for shining light in a dark time
Geoffrey and Susanne Clare: Our heartfelt thanks to the good people of Gander for their overwhelming generosity and hospitality to us. We will never forget you and how you helped us.
Danielle and Stephen Blair: Dear Gander Academy and Volunteers, Thanks so much for you all of the wonderfull hospitality that you have given to us. All of the wonderful food that you have been providing to us is very much appreciated. The gathering of supplies, towels, toiletries, pillows, etc, etc was extremely generous and greatly appreciated. We will never forget Gander, who have made these past few days bearable. THANKS
Serge: Thank you so much for your kindness and your dedication to the well-being of the passengers.
Darrell & Lee Summers: Thankyou so much for your generosity and hospitality, it will never be forgotten
Ron Berger: Thank you so much for opening your homes and your hearts to strangers in need. Your community is a very special place.
Yat-Kha band: Thanks a lot for everything you do for us. Here in Canada we feel like at home in Siberia! We'll be keep Gander forever in our hearts. Yat-Kha rock-band from Republic of Tuva, Siberia.
Tom Shelley: Words cannot express my appreciation. All that can be said is simply- "Thank You all".
Callist Tindimugaya: My appreciation cannot be fully expressed in words. All I can say is that this has been home away from home and all of you have been there to ensure that our stay is very confortable. You have made our abrupt stop over look like a planned holiday. Thanks so much and keep the Canadian hospitality alive and kicking.
Marc Verthongen: Words can not express gratitude to your community
Johannes Wiegand: Thank you. You are wonderful.
Patricia Wilson: Words could never express the kindness and generosity your community has shown us. You didn't just go that extra mile for a complete stranger but went way beyond that. Your community is an example of how we should all live and behave towards our fellow human beings. Thank you!
Nick+Lana Chepovetski, Chicago, IL: If we had bottomless hearts we would have filled them with "thank-yous" up to the brink. Indeed, we have made friends under sad circumstances and these friends have extended their support, hospitality, kindness from a person on a street in Gander to the Prime Minister Chretiene. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Matt Fentem: Dear Canadian neighbors! Nothing original to say, I'm afraid, I'm just so grateful for your apparently boundless hospitality to the peoples of so many nations! As one of your American neighbors, please accept heartfelt thanks and an assured place in my memory, and that of my country! You folks have been fantastic!
Nick+Lana Chepovetski, Chicago, IL: If we had bottomless hearts we would have filled them with "thank-yous" up to the brink. Indeed, we have made friends under sad circumstances and these friends have extended their support, hospitality, kindness from a person on a street in Gander to the Prime Minister Chretiene. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Michel Brousse: Un grand merci. Nous avons eu doublement de la chance, d'etre dans un avion qui atterrisse et erte accueilli par vous. Votre devouement et votre gentillesse, votre capacite a relever des defis et faire face a des situations si difficiles meritent d'etre connus de tous. Merci de votre aide et de votre amitie.
Mollie Genoves: I can not thank your generosity enough for the care, support and well being of my sister and brother in law, Judy and David Cullen. All here were so worried as to where they would or could land. Little did we know it would be into the arms of such kind, warm and giving people. The community of Gander as gone above and beyond the call to duty, and they were never asked, just did. Thank you so very much. God bless you.
Marco Pagani: I want to tank all the people of Gander. They have been so nice and caring and they have helped us going through a very difficult situation. I will never forget their kindness and I'll always keep a soft spot in my heart for Gander. Grazie mille.
kamal & rima: Dear Gander Academy & Volunteers, thank you for being such great by serving us with the great hospitality. we will never forget your warm love towards us. May god help you have great success in the future and become the world's shining star " The Gander"
Boone Stefaan: I am extremely suprised what the people off gander did for thousends of us... the remembers off you all will never fade away... thank you with all of my heart
Anna Murray: ThanksttoGander Academy and to the wonderful people of Gander, who have welcomed us into their midst, and looked after us with their time, generosity , hospitality, and kindness. I cannot believe our luck to have arrived here, and really stretched this wonderful town to it's limits. You will all be remembered for years to come. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
james: Thank you for all your help and all the hospitalityyou gave usthanks.
Liane and Claudia: There is a hard time for us but with your kindness and generosity you make it not only endurable, but unforgetable.Thank you very much for all !!!
Carolyn and Dave Vogt: We're certainly happy we landed on this solid rock of humanity. Your smiles and accomodations have helped us to know what generosity and kindness are all about. Your hospitality has endeared us forever to all of Canada, but Newfoundland will always bring a sweet, sweet smile to our faces.
The Liddell Family: Words cannot express the wonderful kindness and generosity you have shown to all of us during our stay.A BIG Heartfelt Thanks to each and everyone in Gander.We will always remember our time here.
Karen Brogan&John Rennie&Lauren Brogan: Thank you so much for your kindness and genourous hospitality, without your community looking after us so well I dont think we could have got through it.
Christa Roberts: We are so touched by your extreme kindness and generosity at this time. It is good to see the better side of human nature. Thankyou.
Radford Family: our pilot told us "if you could land anywhere in the world in this disaster Gander is the best place as the people here are wonderful" but never in our wildest dreams or hopes could we have wished to be anywhere else, the Gander people are Angels sent from heaven and we can never re-pay you for everything you have done for all the passengers of all the planes that landed in Gander. After leaving the plane after 24 hours frightened and unknowing of the situation, we were made to feel safe and welcome and as comfortable as possible. We will never ever forget all of you Thank you
JOE SALAMONE: As i stepped out of the plane in to the uncertainity of the warm night, i was surprised at the smiles in sight, but as walked thru the halls in the light, i said to myself, it is true , these are angels in paradise , thank you gander
Tom Widdup & Sarah Bartley: We can't thank you enough, we all were set for Disney World and you brought Disney to us with Cinderella and company! You are something special! Smiles, fantastic food and a really nice place to be. Special thanks to all at St. Pauls Intermediate School and the guys who bought us beers at Mich's Bar. We will always remember you.
whitehouse & tansley families : thank you to all the people of gander, for your kindness and opening your homes up to us.Thank you for making Taylors 4th birthday very special and one she will never forget .
Nikki Bowen & Family: Thank you very much for all your help and kindness.You have been so wonderful and i hope you are all very proud.Thanks
Roberta & Allan Booth:: Thanks for all your help. You have restored our faith in the human race. YOU 'RE SIMPLY THE BEST.
Charlie & Sue Campbell State College, PA: We've been absolutely amazed by your kindness, warmth and fortitude. We thank you from the bottom of our heart.
the family of 13: thanks forall your hospitality you are all complete angels. I f it wasnt for you wed still be stranded on the plane. You lifted our spirits and most importantly filled our stomachs. We'll miss your french toast and eggs and we'll defiently miss each and everyone of you . You are such kiind people i only hope that if anything like this ever happened in england we'd show the same type of caring and kindness that you have shown to us. You have made our holiday nightmare so much better and now when we look back on all of this instead of seeing misery and heartache we'll see all of gander and the love you've shown to us.You are all truely a godsend! xxx Thank you so much for the hospitality and generosity. In these difficult times, your community have shown the world the true meaning of friendship and solidarity. Canada must be very proud of you. I will tell the whole of Malaysia how wonderful you are when I return. Keep up the great work and best wishes to all.
Diana Gurley, e-mail What a gift you are to the whole world. May peace and blessings go with each one of you, always.
Rob Noble: Thank you for your generousity and kindness. You have made a trying time as painless as anyone could. Thank you.
John Barry: Thanks for looking after my Caroline for the last few days - but please send her home soon!!
Heiko von der Leyen: Finally back home in Germany I want to thank the people of Gander for the hospitality, for their great support, and friendship. This was a wonderful experience which I never will forget in my life. Today I had dinner with my 7 children and I told them about Gander Academy, the classroom, the 1st grade letters on the wall, food from Gander citizens, and the fabulous landscape of Newfoundland. The experience of humanity and friendship was particularly moving in those days where we were confronted with the unbelievable tragedy in the States. God bless the families of those who lost their lives in New York, Washington DC, and Pittsburgh.
chantal & kayla: hi we live in gander and we enjoyed people staying here it gaveusa oppertunity to meet new peolple and help themout!!!!thanks bye
Dr. Salem Omar: I will like to send my deepest gratitude to the Gander community for taking good care of my colleague, Dr. Haizal. May God bless you all for your estreme kindness, generosity and hospitality.
Muhammad Dzulkarnine Umar: I like to thank for those who have taken care Malaysian people there. My deepest sadness and sympathy for those who lost their love ones.
Klaus Walther, Senior Vice President Lufthansa German Airlines, Headquarter Frankfurt: Thank you for your great hospitality, your friendship and your patience. You will here from us, we all feel, that the people from Gander must be very special. Thanks again, we will come back and God bless you all!!!
Ian Little's Family: We wish to say thank you to every one for the kindness given to Ian over the last few days.
: God Bless America
Johannes Wiegand: Back home, I would like to add a few words on what I wrote earlier. It has been a most memorable experience to be with you. From one minute to the next, you organised this immense effort for complete strangers. I will not forget those who gave us food, medicines, bed linen, even their own clothes. Those who brought us to their homes, letting us have showers in their bathrooms and a glass of wine to make us feel "civilised" again. Those who turned Gander academy into a sophisticated accommodation center taking care of all our urgent needs. I will also not forget the plane crews, who worked relentlessly on finding a solution accommodating everyone’s interests, which were, naturally, very different. Finally, I will not forget my fellow travelers, people from everywhere, from all sorts of social, ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds, who formed a colourful, respectful and peaceful family for four days. Hardly anyone misbehaved. I believe that in these difficult days, all of us gave an example of how things can and should be.
Jim Miller: Thanks for all the help. I could never expect the help and care that I recived from you
Christoph Hamann: After a small odyssey I finally arrived at my home destination in Williamsburg, VA on Sept. 15. I deeply want to thank you, the volunteers at Gander Academy and the people of Gander and vicinity, for your hospitality and charity you offered during the time I was stranded in your city. Almost at a finger snap you set up a very effect crisis management, making life of the people dwelling in the school as enjoyable as possible. The warmth and the effort you put in helping strangers was outstanding. I certainly will remember the stay in Gander and the friendly people living there. Once again, thank you very much.
Brennecke Joern: i am the husband of a Lufthansa flight attendant and in the name of our two children i want to thank you all for the great hospitality, friendchip and warmness you gave her and all the other stranded passangers. It is so good to know that if you are in an extreme situation you are not alone in the world because there are people like you.After the first phone call with my wife my girls and i were no longer frightened because we know her in best hands. Thank you all - god bless you.
Marco Dall'Asta, Lufthansa Editor New Media, Headquarter Frankfurt: I was very near to the things that happened in Gander and I'm deeply impressed of your hospitality and your outstanding kindness. You really did something unforgetable. Thank you so much!!!
Markus Lison, Lufthansa, editor internal communications: I spoke to a LH-Captain, whose plane was diverted to Gander. He told me from your outstanding helpfulness and humanity, thank you, you will go down in history books
Gander: I am from Gander and I just want all of you to know that your presense here in Gander has really changed me. I really wish you all the best in the future.
Rolf Halbroth, Lufthansa: With great respect and admiration I have listened to the news that reached us from Gander. With everything you did to all those people stranded at your airport, you did not only ease their difficult situation but added a sparkle to the name of your town which is so well known in the aviaton business.
Thomas Preinl, Lufthansa Corporate Communications: In a time the open society is under attack, in a world challenged by violence and war, you set an example what our values are: Humans help humans - no matter what. I wish this world would follow YOUR way.
Gander resident: I sit here reading all of your thank-you messages and tears automatically fill my eyes, not only for your kind words of thanks,but to know you are all home safe in the loving arms of your families.GOD BLESS YOU ALL !!!.
Marie-Louise Sjöblom, Stockholm, Sweden: To all You wonderful peoplewho made us all feel at home at the Ganderacademy. I thank You of from all of my heart.To all the people we never could thank personally, cooking for us at home, giving and caring so much, to the children who let their classrooms become our home for four days to teachers and parents you are a wonderful examlpe to your children and to the world.
Len Simms,Keyin College: I was amazed with what I saw while visiting our Keyin College Campus in Gander. The response was phenominal for the people of that area. Our own staff & students ,under the direction of our co-ordinators, Debbie Bugden & Brian caravan, actually gave up their classes to let dozens of our visitors use our computer labs for e mail services & to check news on the internet. theystayed around until 9 o'clock at night for 2-3 nights. I had occassion to speak with several of our visitors & have seen an e-mail already sent to the Campus by one of our guests, & the comments made me feel so proud of our staff & students. we hope that in some small way, they helped make the stay of our visitors a little more comfortable, under very tragic circumstances.
Karen Galway: I am here in Illinois going to school. I was so happy to hear of what my home town was doing for those people who were stranded. I have never been so proud of my town!!
Denis&Shirley Spanek: Stranded in Gander, TWA flight 819, was given a gift, a lesson in humanity, kindness, and hospitality during our short stay. With all the madness in the world to fall into a community of such care. The world could take lesson from you folks!! Thanks Gander, Masonic lodge, Jerry,Mona, Ness, Uncle Bob, your all family now. We will take this spirit you showed us and move it on to others whenever we get the chance. This will be our way to show our appreciation for your kindness,keep that spirit moving.
Terry Kean (volunteer): I like to give a THANKS to the Flight ATA TZ 8733 passengers. Thank you for all the kind remarks that you have said and also for the help you gave the volunteers in those 4 days. Once again THANK YOU
Linda Oldford: What a week last week was both for those stranded and for those who helped! Travellers found themselves in a place most of them never even knew existed and we got to be part of a most wonderful experience! I feel proud to have played a small part at the Gander Fire Hall - thanks for what you gave to us,safe journey, God Bless and please come back.
Veronica: I read about Gander's wonderful hospitality on my home town web site, Preston News....Andy and Veronica Atkinson told of theirxperiences
V.S. in the U.S. A : I read of Andy and Veronica Atkinson's traumatic experiences and Gander's wonderful hospitality on the web site of my home town in Preston, Lancashire. They closed their account by saying, "It was a terrible tragedy but the thing that will always stay with us is the kindness of the Canadian people. They were so good to us all and we will never forget it."
Gander Resident: I was a volunteer in Gander during the terrible time of crisis and I want to say to everyone else who volunteered, you did a wonderful deed for humanity and should be quite proud of yourselves. As everyone could see this past week, Newfoundlanders are very generous people and give freely of whatever we can with very little effort, and expect nothing in return. I am so glad most of the stranded passengers have returned safely to their homes and hope the remainder so will as well. I wish all of them the very best and to the families of those still missing and those unfortunately not with them anymore, My Deepest Condolences and may God Bless You.
Stacey Hart: gander: Thank you all, we are very grad we were able to help . The friendships we have made will always be. To all the passengers who stayed with us in those few day. this messages is for you. no matter were you go, or what you do, you will always have friends in Gander. thak care.
Gambo Resident: It is nice to see all of the praise and thanks given to Gander, but i think the surrounding communities who helped also should be mentioned. After all they helped out just as much.
Deb Hinton: As I sat in the plane on Tuesday, waiting to be let off, I had no idea that I was about to have one of the most extraordinary experiences of my life. The way the people of Gander opened their arms to us and took us in, fed us and clothed us when it got cold, is an example of human beings at their absolute best. The memory of those four days will be with me always, and I wear my Gander Academy pin with pride. I hope to come back and visit the town under happier circumstances one day. Thank you one and all for everything you did for us.
Glenwood: I was very surprised on Wednesday morning to learn that some 700 passengers were "in Glenwood". I immediately joined with everyone here to assist in providing for them. I was very impressed by the patience of the passengers and the understanding of the situation. The passengers seemed to think that anything which was done for them was alright and rather unexpected. To be dropped off in an unknown location, accompanied by strangers from your own flight must have been uncomfortable, to say the least. The news of "why" this had all happened was not made available to most passengers until after they were on the ground, even the crews did not know "why" in many instances. In closing I would say that I was very pleased to meet those passengers whom I did meet and I would have to emphasize that, we did not do anything for you which we would not have done for anyone else, "that is who we are", fortunately we have not bee affected to an extreme by the outside world, even though we are constantly exposed to is through the media. We are proud of our way of life and we were glad to share it with you. I hope you return under different circumstances and participate in our way of life, with us, and see in a more relaxed, comfortable setting, how we live and enjoy life. It was an educational happening for all of us, all the best to you and yours, be good, be safe and enjoy life and those around you.
Adam Dubrowski (AA49): Thank you Gander! I consider myself very fortunate to have been diverted to your town. Everyone I've met has been helpful and kind beyond belief. Special thanks to Dianne and Don Coffey for opening their hearts and taking us into their house. My hat is off for all of you!!
John Steiner, Alma WI: My deepest thanks to all the wonderful people of Gander for their assistance to the 6,500 stranded passengers from Sept 11 - 16. Words can never express adequately the gratitude we will always carry with us. I was deeply moved by your support, in particular, when during the Toronto Memorial Service, at the playing of our National Anthem everyone in the church hall stood up in silent solidarity with us. God bless you, Gander!
Gander and surrounding area: There were some 39 airplanes which were diverted to Gander and some 7,000 pasengers on them. Communities from Grand Falls / Windsor in the West to Gambo in the East and all those in between were affected. To name a few: Bishops Falls, Norris Arm, Lewisporte, Glenwood, Appleton, Gander Bay area (many small communities included there). I may have missed a few, however my point is that the whole area took on the responsibility of tending to the passengers. Many in these areas work in Gander but live outside of it, we were all very pleased to asist as Gander did, --we are all Newfoundlanders. The other areas in Newfoundland which had plance diverted to them were Stephenville, Goose Bay and St. John's, there were areas outside of these centers which asisted as well and were, I am sure, glad to do as we did -- help in any way.
Lisa Ivany: I'm a resident of Gander and was fortunate enough to work with the passengers of Luftansa Flight 438 during their stay here. They have touched the hearts of us all and we will cherish the friendships we have made for a lifetime. I pray we meet again under better circumstances and my prayers are with the United States at this time of tragedy.
Richard Walther, Germany: Thank you very much to all the people of Gander who helped all the stranded passengers. This was a once in a lifetime experience for us which we will never forget. My special thanks to the St. Martins Anglican Church members who hosted us and treated us wonderful. We came as strangers and left as friends.
Debbie I was fortunate to have been one of the volunteers that assisted at Gander Collegiate. One of the schools where some of the passengers of the diverted planes stayed. It was an honour to meet these people and I was totally taken by the strength of each and everyone. There was alot of worried faces but all and all not one showed any unpatience. All that I met was friendly despite the situation that they were forced into. The scene of the elderly people sitting around and looking at the news of what was happening in their home land will never leave my mind as was how all gathered to hear the speach by the President. My heart and prayers goes out to the USA and the families that lost their loved ones. And to all of those who are the firemen, policemen and who ever is helping to dig threw the World Trade Center and The Pentagon you truely are heroes. And to all those passengers who were stranded here in my town of Gander and area, it was an honour to have you here.
Kelly I was a volunteer at Gander Academy - I was "The Coffee Queen" . I hope you all made it home safe and sound - Now that the town has quieted down we have had time to think of all the wonderful people we met I have put my email address here and I hope to keep in touch with all that are interested. Love to you all!
Jan Crichton, Juneau Alaska: Thank you Gander, for unselfishly taking on such a large burden to help and host perfect strangers in time of need. We in Juneau Alaska struggle to host one third our population each day in Summer visitors; and even planning and welcoming their visits, we must work hard to be able to provide for them. We know how incredible was your deed, and your willingness, to double your population within the hour, and we cannot thank you enough for being such wonderful neighbors when we needed you. Thank you.
Ashley, Gander: Just want to say to everyone that visited our town over the past few days, thank you for your kind words and we really hope to see you all soon!! And to Lefthansa flight 400...COME BACK
Garth Trinkl, Washington, D.C.: I would like to express my deepest thanks to the residents of Gander and its vicinity, the Gander Academy, and the Twin Lakes Salvation Army Camp, for the extraordinary outpouring of humanitarian concern extended to over 6,500 stranded international air passengers during the traumatic period commencing September 11. These passengers ranged from infants of a few months of age to very elderly persons travelling alone from some of the poorer parts of Africa and South Asia. It also included European Mayors and world renowned writers. The residents of Gander and its surrounding communities extended the same humanitarian concern to all. I will never forget the early Thanksgiving gift that Gander extended to a vulnerable segment of the world during that period. The following Saturday, I was able to light a candle in an ancient church in Frankfurt, Germany for the victims of the previous Tuesday's act of inhumanity. There is also a candle lit in my heart for the people of Gander and Newfoundland.
Pat & Cara Hurley, Western Springs, IL: We were passengers on Sabena Flight 539 from Brussels to Chicago. The generosity and hospitality extended to us by the people of the Gander area was astounding. In particular, we wish to thank the volunteers at Gander Academy, James Paton Hospital and the Salvation Army. The efforts of so many people, in an area of relatively low population, was incredible. Every volunteer worked tirelessly, without complaint, even though confronted with extremely unenviable circumstances. Lastly, we wish to thank Stella Brazil, who went above and beyond the call of duty and put us up in her home for 4 nights---we can never repay her for her kindness. Newfoundlanders, holds your heads high---you are quite an amazing group of people and will never be forgotten by those of us who were received by your embrace.
chris nevin: yo
The REAL Nevin: Sorry about whoever that was, obviously an idiot
Karl: Thanks to a wonderful group of people. I especially want to thank those ladies in the Staff Room with whom I spent several hours helping them wash all those pots and pans. My time with them made my time go so much quicker. Ladies, you were a fun bunch and I Love You all.
Bob Gill: As I drove my son to work this morning and went past the runway at the airport, now void of any aircraft whatsoever, I felt a feeling of warmth come over me. The same feeling I felt when I greeted our first stranded couple and child from Swedan as they arrived at the Gander Lions Club, and as each passenger thereafter came through our doors and into our hearts forever. It was an experience I will never forget. During their stay at the Lions Club these people gave us the opportunity to discover within ourselves what caring is all about. They were absolutely a pleasure to be around. They made us feel proud to be Newfoundlanders and proud to be a part of this great nation CANADA. Friends I want you to know that it was indeed an honour to be able to assist you in your time of need. Everyone has made life long friends. Thanks to Vi and Herman Scheef from Marlin , Texas. You have won a special place in my heart. May God bless the people of America during this terrible crisis, and may God comfort all those who have lost loved ones during this ordeal. I trust that you are all now safe at home. The memories that I have of the past six days will remain with me always. It was a pleasure to be your friend and thank you for being mine. YOu will always hold a special place in my heart. I am so privileged to have been a part of your lives for a short time. May God bless each and everyone of you.
Gander Resident TT: I would like to thank the staff of James Paton Memorial Hospital,Lakeside Homes,Notre Dame Memorial Hospital,Bonnews Home,Brookfield Hospital.For their hard work unlaoding cots and blankets from three large aircraft almost 5000 cots.Then delivering them to Gander and all the outlying towns.It was back-breaking work.They only too glad to help their neighbours in a time of horror.God bless them all.
John Melville, Washington, DC: It is clear from all the comments that the time in Gander had the same impact on them as it did on my wife Linda and I. It was truly a sanctuary for us all in a time of much stress. You in Gander have made an impression on each of us which we will carry forever. My only regret is that with the very early departure of Virgin 021 on Saturday, we were not able to say thank you personally. I am a Canadian and I am truly proud to have you all as fellow Canadians and friends. You have set an example for us all and it truly seemed so natural for you. I think it is just the way you are. God bless you and many thanks for all your kindness..
Debra Stewart(nee) White..daughter of Lloyd & Dot: As a Newfoundlander living so far from home these past 14 years I have once again experienced the heart ache of being away from home. During this trying time for many people ...Gander towns people have again loved and welcomed strangers into their lives and hearts. I must express my strongest gratitude to all of you for your unconditional kindness and warmth . Especially I'd like to mention the MINT BROOK Camp who took in over 220 diverted travellers from several corners of our world. This group of people along with the others already mentioned from Gander and surrounding towns, had also openly embraced each and every traveller as the arrived and continued a warm and comfortable family environment throughout their complete stay. WIth home cooked meals and miles and miles of blankets and and name it they got it...thats pretty darn special!... Unfortunately something as tragic as this world changing event has brought many together. Many lives have changed both those directly affected by WTC and Pentagon Attacks....and many who just sat and listened in disbelief of the unbelievable act which had just occured in North America. Newfoundlanders are extremely sensitive to their fellow man when in need and even when not. Its Just in our genes...true! ..Some may say once you meet a Newfoundlander your life will be changed for the better...this passing week has proven that very known fact. I Love My Homeland of Newfoundland...and my heart aches for one day to return. Thankyou for keeping the spirits high of all of these known travellers from afar. MintGroup have all left a special place in each and every volunteers heart. I say that on behalf of every person you had met while staying at the MINTBROOK camp. ( If Ma & Pa had a computer they would do this on their own,,,,so I decided to help them out a wee bit)...Take Care to everyone of you who travelled through the fine towns of central Newfoundland. I am sure the warmth of your own homes and comfort of your own beds is feeling pretty good about now! God Bless You ALL! God Bless ALL of Us affected my these horrific attacks *
Hubert Lendle: I was a "stranded" passenger of Lufthansa flight LH 416 on its way to Washington DC. Being in this unfortunate situation I learnt to know the kindness of the GANDER people. We were accomodated at the Gander Academy and at the College of the North Atlantic. I will always remember the never ending care and the great performance of your logistics! I thank you so much for all you have done to us strangers. God bless you! When I have the opportunity to visit this nice place of GANDER under more pleasant conditions, I will surely show up at the GANDER ACADEMY and at THE COLLEGE OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC.
Mario van Rijt: Dearest people of Gander. I landed safely back in Brussels on the 17th of September and arrived home in the Netherlands around noon that day. Would like to thank all of you on behalf of myself and my family for the enormous welcome you gave us during these difficult days. You have become to me a symbol of how people are on their best, and I can not thank you enough for all you have done for us. Once again thank you very very much for what you have done for us during these difficult days, and Gander and it's people will always give me a warm feeling if I think about you, and I really hope to be able to visit you once more in the future under more peacefull circumstances.
Gabriele Weidle: Dear Sir or Madam,as my daughter Nina Weidle, Germany (flight DA 117 Stuttgart - Atlanta) told me, she experienced such an overwhelming and incredible amount of hospitality in your town, especially in Ganbo. She felt like being part of a family, she felt safe all the time.Thank you so very much for everything you did during the last days - it must have been hard for you, too. I can't really express my feelings of gratefulness to you.Yours sincerely Gabriele Weidle, Nina's mum, Bonn, Germany P.S. Is it possible to get some photographs of Gander and Ganbo as an e-mail attachment, so that we can make use of them for an article?
weidle@Gabriele Weidle: Sorry, I forgot to tell you my e-mail adress:
Jamie Dubrowski: We give our thanks to Gander. I certainly know that I do. We here in New Hampshire are giving financial and medical donations, and I am glad that Gander did also. God bless us all.
Jason: Many thanks to Adele Petten for keeping everyone updated on the information...
Ashley, New Hampshire: the first time that I heard of the incident that happened in lower Manhattan, I was terrified and shocked. It has been very generous of Gander to give them donations. What makes it even more special is that they are from another country, and it shows that the world can help each other, although we may fight, compete, and even have the innocent perish because of jealousy or hatred. We can come together and help each other in times of need and disaster..
Bjoern Hegewald, Bremen, Germany: As one of the tired stranded passengers I enjoyed your warm hospitality in Glenwood at Lakewood Academy. I want to express my deepest thanks to all the wonderful people who helped us. It was an impression for a lifetime that I never will forget. To say 'Thank you!', that's all I could say right now. Love to you all.
Martin Riecken, Lufthansa Online Editor in Chief: A "small" village gave the "big" world a lesson in humanity and hospitality.
Kelly Bryan: I wanted to thank all the people of Gander for their generosity and kindness. You were caring for my mother, father, aunt and grandmother. They were among the many passengers deferred to Gander. Never once did they feel like stranded people though. They were treated with the same kindness and hospitality of old friends. I was comforted knowing that they were in such good company. I can not say that I would have been able to handle their absence, as well in they had been somewhere else. To all of you, thank you. You kept those I held most dear, not only safe, but in a loving embrace. I only hope that I can one day begin to repay the tremendous kindness you showed to my family
Martin Riecken, Lufthansa Online Editor in Chief: A "small" village gave the "big" world a lesson in humanity and hospitality.
Marc: We were happy to help the stranded passengers here in Gander
Paula: As a volunteer at "Hotel Gander Academy", I would like to express my appreciation to the stranded passengers who became our guests for several days. They were unfailingly gracious, and grateful for our efforts, despite what must have been a very trying situation for them. Working mainly in the kitchen area to help meet their specific diet needs was therapeutic for dealing with the anxiety resulting from the horrific events that had transpired in the United States. It helped those of us that were removed from the situation to feel that we were helping in some way. We only wished that we could have done more, and wish our newly found friends a safe journey.
Kayla Gander i was lucky to have been one of the volunteers along with quite a few friends while I was at "Hotel Gander academy" I met quite a few extrodanaire people these people came from all over the world. I will miss them all so very much!!
Dave & Judy Cullen ( Thanks Gander for your remarkable hospitality. We are with Virgin Flight 21, and our hope is to spread and continue "The Gander Way!" You will never be forgotten. Thanks, too, to Norbert and friends for setting up this site. What a great idea.
Janet W: i heard from ofe of the US Air crews how kind the people in Gander were to all those stranded last week. Thank you and God bless you all for your many kindnesses to all passengers.
CYQX: Although unexpected, you were guests in our home, and we could do no less.
Dan and Stephanie Williams: To the people of Gander and especially the wonderful men and women at the Masonic Lodge: Words can never express our gratitude for your caring giving and tireless effort you gave the passengers of TWA flight 819. Though difficult you gave us faith in mankind and comforted us. We never heard a complaint. Instead it was "what can we do." And, Gander made so many people that had never met before a family. Thanks to all, and God bless you
Kasandra: I really think that the page thatpowered by ip & more GmbH put too thought this is really nice!!!
matthew budgell appleton: Thanks and hi!
Marcus Ellis Glenwood: I would like to leav this message to mads and kennith from denmark and if they happen to get on this site is would like to thank you for the knief that you left me and my mom and my e mailis ok bye bye guys
Danielle: As a volunteer at Lakewood Academy, I would like to thank all the passengers for being so kind and patient.I would also like to thank the passengers for stopping to talk to us and tell us about all the different cultures!!!It was really a once in a lifetime experience that I will never forget!!! The passengers made it worth while to volunteer!!! All the people I met during the few days that they were here I will never forget them.They all hold a special place in my heart. I wound like to say Hi and Thanks.
Matthew Budgell In Appleton: Good bless America !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Danielle: As a volunteer at Lakewood Academy, I would like to thank all the passengers for being so kind and patient.I would also like to thank the passengers for stopping to talk to us and tell us about all the different cultures!!!It was really a once in a lifetime experience that I will never forget!!! The passengers made it worth while to volunteer!!! All the people I met during the few days that they were here I will never forget them.They all hold a special place in my heart.
Andrea: I was so glad that people have stayed at Glenwood Newfoundland, I meet so meany people and they are so nice to talk to. This one girl that I meet Chelsey she was 4 years old and very nice. Me and my friend Wendy took her to the playground because she was the only girl that was at the Riverside Pentecoastal Church in Glenwood, so we took her out side and we had so much fun. I was very sad when she left. I have meet so many people over the couple of days that they stayed here in Newfoundland that I can't even remember all of their names but I am missin' ya lots!
Danielle: any one that stayed at Lakewood Academy, Glenwood feel free to email me at:
Sandy Jenner Cheam, Surrey,England: Virgin Airline Flight 21 - A huge thanks for all your kindness. Gander and its citizens are truly extraordinary. I feel fortunate to have spent time with you.
Searching for: Hello - hope you all made it back ok - there are a number of people in Gander trying to locate an address for Florence and her mother Ula - traveling on Sabena - they touched many hearts of the children here in Gander and they would like to write - anyone having any information pls forward to - Thank You!
Stacey Gillingham: I just want to say that having everybody here for the past few days was a great experiance and a time I will never forget.And to all the passengers, you were a great pleasure to have around. Thanks to all, and hope to see you all again soon.
Choy: Hi! We enjoyed our stayover at North Atlantic College Gander and appreciated the work of each member of the community, someone cooked chili con carne, another spaghetti, another several great salads (good for cholesterol diets), people gave blankets and mattresses, they took us home to shower, and around to shop for new underwear and shirts, and see a bit of Gander; like the Silent Witness and Lake Gander and Cobb's Pond. I think Gander is a model community and I would be very happy to be stranded there any time! I know there are people, there are friends. Thanks to Kevin, Philip, Chuckie, Goergina, Ron, Cliff, Ian, Sheila, Donna, Liz, Yetta, and so many I can't recall all the names, but your faces and your warmth are indelible on my mind. Thanks to to Jana of the Beacon for covering good stories of this in her newspaper. You can check my site for some photos of this or news on when the data is transferred, maybe by Monday 24 sep. Big thanks to all!
Choy: We were 235 passengers on Air France 004. Some went on to New York by bus, ferry and rented car; What an adventure, thanks to some good ideas from Kevin and others.
Christina Jones: As one of the many volunteers at the Gander Collegiate. I would like to express my thanks to all the lovely people from the fights that were diverted her to Gander. I have met some of the the most interesting and nicest people in the world and was able to have a chance to see people from different cultures and in the few days they had spent here I have learned alot. I do get the chance maybe to meet some of those people again on a better note. I certainly hope everyone arrived saftly back home and may god bless you all...
karen, passenger on lufthansa LH416: i wanted to thank everyone for their help, kindness and effort to make our stay as comfortable as possible. the kindness and hospitality you have given us cannot be put into words. special thanks also to all the busdrivers - most of the people didn't even realize they had all been on strike when we arrived in gander!
C.J Gilley Glen wood: Hey and thanks to the people that posted this page it dose mean alot to some of the people that made it my e-mail it
Lee : I hope that the peolpe that stayed in Glenwood had a great time!
C.J Gilley Glen wood: Hey and thanks to the people that posted this page it dose mean alot to some of the people that made it my e-mail it
Lee : passengers of the planes e-mail me at
C.j Gilley: OPPSSSSSS??!!!! Sorry for the mistakes
Lee : passengers of the planes e-mail me at
C.J: sorry agian BYE
Andrea: Hi! I hope that the people that stayed in Glenwood had a really great time adn made some friends. I was was so glad to hekp out. If the passengers what to say thank-you or anything my email address is
Stacey Gillingham: For those who stayed at Lakewood Academy Glenwood; feel free to email me at:
Veronica: We, the people of Gambo, who had over 2000 people in our area, would like to say that we are all glad to have been helpful to the stranded passengers here as well. We hope that the passengers have made a lasting friendship as we have here. We will always remember these few days and we wish everyone who stayed with us the very best in the future. We are happy that you've returned to whatever homeland safely and that you will remember us from time to time. God Bless.
Phil Brinston: Hi to all the passengers that were stranded here on the island of Newfoundland!! I hope you all had a Great time and maybe plan to return to this great province in the future. if anyone has anything to say to the many volunteers from Gander Fire Rescue ( Gander Fire Department) you can e-mail me at and I will gladly pass the message along! Good bye and God Bless!
Phil Brinston (Gander Fire Rescue): It was a pleasure and an Honor to help all those who were stranded here in Gander and Surrounding area!
Danielle Shea of Glenwood: If any of the passengers that stayed at Lakewood Academy ever come back to Newfoundland contact me or visit me!! Email me at:
Gander : It was a pleasure to be of assistance to passangers who where stranded on the flights here at Gander and to try and make your stay a little less stressful .our thoughts and prayers are with you and your familys during this time. Perhaps some of you will return to our great province another time under better circumstances, and get to see some of it's beauty.
Danielle (Glenwood) If any of the passengers that stayed at Lakewood Academy have any pictures from the time they spent there will you email them to me please!!!
Deborah True: I would also like to thank the kind and generous folks of Gander, and especially the folks at the Gambo Salvation Army. I was a passenger on UA929 and I cannot tell you how much your kindness, generosity and warmth were genuinely appreciated by all of us. You showed all of us a side of humanity far removed from the tradegies! God bless you all.
Beverley Bass: Greetings to Gander,
Beverley Bass: Greetings to all in Gander, I was the Captain on American Airlines flight 49 from Paris to Dallas/Ft. Worth. I have traversed the North Atlantic more times than I can count during my 25 years as a pilot with American. I have often wonderered what it would be like to drop into Gander or one of it's sister cities with either a mechanical or medical problem. I can tell you now that if that ever happens in one of my future crossings I will feel like I am home turf. It has been nearly impossible for me to adequately convey my impression of the incredible way we were all treated on our 5 day stay in your hospitable city. Not one person ever lost their temper, got annoyed or even seemed aggravated at the never ending demands of the thousands who invaded your city. In the middle of the night while still on the tarmac you supplied airplanes with anything from diapers, heart medicine, cups, toilet paper to dog food for the starving animals in the belly of the jets. My crew and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the phenominal job that you did. The story of the great folks in Gander is spreading like a wild fire in the west. We love you all! It was a pleasure to help all of you during your unexpected stay in Gander. I hope you will all return to Gander some day in the future.Myself and family will be glad to help show you this great province.
Ed: To anyone who stayed at Gander Collegiate from Lufthansa Flight 400. It was an honor to meet you and talk with you. Your time with us was very very exciting and enjoyable.. It trust you have all arrived home safely...Should anyone from the flight like to e-mail me it is as follows: hope someday to meet you again..God Bless and trust your travels will always be full of laughter, fun and smiles ( a volunteer from Gander Collegiate)
John DiGregorio & Joe Dunn, Arlington, VA: We'd like to add our sentiments of gratitude to those expressed by our fellow passengers. The kindness shown by the people of Gander will never be forgotten. Special thank to Stella Brazil for opening her home to us!!! Best wishes to her, Brenda, Valerie, Angela, Sandy, Cara and Pat. :)
Karen Heppolette: Gander is where I was born and I can' think of a better place for all of those people to be. My parents are part of the Salvation Army there. My younger sister works at the community centre. I feel immense pride knowing that my family was involved in helping. I have to say though that I'm not surprised, Newfies are known for their generosity. I would like to say thank you to everyone back home (Gander and the surrounding area) for opening your hearts and homes to people in need and making us all proud to be Newfies!!
rose from AA49: A big hug and kisses to all the wonderful men, women and families of the Knights of Columbus Hall in Gander! They are all angels and I will never forget what they did for us in our time of need.
Manfred Werner: Many thanks to the people who took care of us in St. Martins Church. This was just great and I hope to see you again sometime. Thank you!
Mathias: I was overwhelmed by the hospitality and generosity the people of gander. Never in my life I met so many helpful and friendly persons like in this town. This is what I tell everybody here in Germany. I never will forget these four days and for me Gander and its population will always be extraordinary. Thanks a lot.
Neil Shea: Nice to see the residents of "my old home town" help those in need
Rottenhofer Werner: Gander will always be in my heart
Teri: Gander, Newfoundland--You make the rest of Canada Proud! Thank You.
Robert Burgess: It was my privilege to be the Captain of the Virgin Atlantic Boeing 747 en route from London to Washington which diverted to your town. I am still overwhelmed by the kindness and humanity which you extended to my passengers and crew. On their behalf I thank you.I am holding at home a bag of money which contains donations large and small, which my passengers made and entrusted to me to pass to the Gander Academy. It is their wish that this should be used to befefit the young of your town. It is my intention to return with as many of my crew as are able to join me to hand this to Mr Wayne Witheral the principal. At that time I hope to meet many new friends again. If you need to communicate with me please note my e-mail Gander - thank you again.
Latour: Les mots ne suffisent pas pour dire toute notre reconnaissance à la communauté de Gander. A toutes et à tous, un super merci !
Agnessen: Grand merci pour votre disponibilité, votre solidarité et votre gentillesse. Epouse G.Latour - Namur - Belgium.
Alex's dad: Best regards to the caring people of Newfoundland who dropped everything to take care of the stranded passengers. If only the rest of the world were so good-hearted, we would not be experiencing such unspeakable tragedies. Special thanks to Ness Skinner and all those associated with the Masonic Lodge. I would also like to acknowledge Jack and Karen Bechard and the many co-passengers and crew on TWA flight 819 who took special care of my 10 year old daughter and her grandfather (my father). Largely because of the way you doted over her, my daughter enjoyed her stay in Gander as much as her week in Paris. (Her mother and I are wondering how we are going to compete with the fact that she walked off the plane with a industrial-size trash bag full of toys.) You will all, forever, be in our thoughts and prayers.
Carla Brett: I am sitting here reading all of the messages from the passengers whom we had the pleasure of showing our hospitality to. I am glad that everyone was made to feel comforted and welcome. But as you now know, that is the way of life for all Newfoundlanders. It is in our genes I guess. I was just sorry that I worked the entire time that the flights were down but I saw many of you at the store that I worked with and was thrilled by all of the nationalities that I encountered. I hope that many new friends were made here and on behalf of the Town of Gander, which I am so proud of, I invite all of you back for a visit on your terms. To Air Lingus croud that I went Karaoking with at Legends, and everyone else, Love, Peace and Prayers. And try to make it a point to hug someone at least once a day. After all we are all here serving the same purpose in life. Let's all love one another and remember, "No matter how bad you think your life is at times, there is always someone else that is worse off." PS. To Shaun, I hope that you found yourself in New York, and email me...
Leah Mcbreairty: presently am a student at gander colligate. I had the pleasure in reading the mural that the visitors to our school left us. It really gives me great pride towards my town and where I come from. Further more I was glad to have seen so many stranded passengers smiling and laughing even though the world was in a time of terror , hatred and blame. I am happy I got to for take in such an experience as this. Further more my prayers and thought go out to those whom have lost family ones. Take care
Chris&Jean Brown: We are now back home in England but we want you to know that we will never forget the kindness the people at Gander Academy gave to us all.Thankyou.
Stacey Greening of Gander: I guess now you know why people, when talking of Newfoundlanders, have such great things to say. I was honored to have the opportunity to help out. I met some great people from all over the world, two of them, Dawn Baker and Henry Miller of New York, I developed a friendship with and will never forget them. It was so nice to see that even when the world was suffering from a horrific tragedy people pulled together to help out. Although I was glad to see that you guys all returned home safe and sound, I do miss seeing all of you. You left the people of this town with such a feeling of pride from your kind words of thanks. I hope one of these days most of you will return to our great province and you will always be in our hearts and prayers.
Holly Rushmeier: Thank you Gander for your generosity and kindness!!
Konstantin Kerscher: Many thanks to all the friendly people of Gander, especially to the wonderful men and women of St. Martins Church. I will never forget this exciting time and I hope we will see us in a better situation some day in my live. Once more - THANK YOU TO GANDER!
Patty: I would like to thank the Town of Gander for all of their kindness! It brings joy to my heart to know that there is a place here on earth where people live as God intended. It was a great pleasure to have been able to stay in such a loving & caring community.
Fernando and Patricia: We are now back in Costa Rica but we want you to know that we will never forget you people of Gander for being so kind and lovely people, for making us feel like at home, for let us feel that HUMANITY can still be found in Gander, for making our stay less stressful, for showing us how to pulled together to make hard moments easily, to...There will always be a very special place in our heart for all of you SPECIALLY FOR RANDY AND MINIE we cant forget how lovely you were with us.We are also very glad to see that you guys all returned home safe, we do miss seeing all of you but we feel happy at home. Come and enjoy Costa Rica some day you got two friends here. You will always be in our hearts and prayers. Also our thanks to the Captain of American Airlines flight #63 and all its crew and for our new friends from Miami JAIME AND DOMINIQUE. God bless you all. Email me at:; our hearts and homes are open here in Costa Rica. Bye bye lucky people.
Lee: People who stayed at Lakewood Academy please e-mail me at
Mary Pat and Glenn Sincerbox, Tucson AZ: Words can not express the depth of our appreciation for the wonderful people of Gander. You took us in, complete strangers, and sheltered us, fed us and comforted us in our sorrow. Never once did we sense that you wavered in your commitment to our care. You put meaning to the word “Christian” with your actions. In the short time we were there we made new friends, hopefully lifelong friends – we shall return to see more of them and your island. Thank you and God bless you.
Susan Vena: I was a passenger on flight 2193, diverted to Gander for the terrible reasons we all know. We were welcomed, fed and housed, and looked after with generosity and affection 24 hours a day. Thank you to all those of the Pentecostal Church who looked after us and helped make our stay as comfortable as possible so we were able to reassure our loved ones back home. Thank you, sincerely, thank you .
Sheri Rumbolt - I work at 103 SAR SQN and I was one of the Volunteer's with the Canadian Red Cross. I only got the privilege to meet a few of the thousands of folks that stayed in Gander and surrounding areas, but I got the honor to talk to your families. Along with many others, I spent most of my time answering phone calls from all over the world, locating family members and giving out numbers. I must say, it was a great honor helping out and I hope everyone found there way back home!! Also there was one man in specific, I talked to numerous times that was trying to reach his son staying in Mint Brook, I HOPE that you did reach him and that he is home safe!!! :)
Judy: To each and every one one of the diverted passengers w hom shared our corner of the world through the horrific circumstances of last weeks events I send sincere thoughts of appreciciation and thankfulness...while reading though all the comments on this site it is amazing to realize that you were so overwelmed with our acts of kindness and generorsity expressed due to was the least we could do to try to ease the turmoil these terrosists have caused. Hosting you all in our small community has been an experience we will always remember...While your thanks are appreciated we were thankful we could help in some way..your being here gave us a means of responding to unimaginable evils(until now). We do hope that comfort was provided at this time...that was our goal.. Our children have just returned to school and academics could not have taught them this past weeks experience.. they will remember..Hopefully the worst has come....upefully aught them, skclcshool rn
Colleen Santiago, Charleston SC: I was born and raised in Twillingate and am so happy to read the comments from the passengers that were stranded in Gander.
::: Just a note of thanks from Monica and I for the
Carla Brett: To anyone who experienced our lovely little town and would like to keep in touch, please email me at LOVE, PEACE AND PRAYERS
Laura Moore: Dear City of Gander:
Laura Moore: Dear City of Gander: My name is Laura Moore and I was a passenger on Delta Flight 129. We were sent to Lewisporte, where we enjoyed the hospitality of the Kinsmen Community Center and the Calypso Foundation. Words cannot truly reflect the deep feelings of love we have for you as a result of the love, caring, and hospitality shown to us. Many thanks also to the heroes who coordinated this massive evacuation and whose names are not known to us individually. Many thanks to the Gander Airport personnel and volunteers who met our flight, performed exacting security checks to protect Canadians from us, your unexpected guests. After 30 hours on the plane, I felt secure among the passengers of my plane, but was glad to see such security measures to protect us from any harm posed by passengers on the other flights. Again, thank you for the loving kindness shown to me, my mother, the other passengers and crew of Delta 129 bound for Atlanta and all your other "guests." Know that you have a special place in our hearts. God bless you all! Laura Moore, Manager of International Taxes, The Coca-Cola Company, Atlanta, GA,
Megan pike: hey i am a ganderite but i like to have a american pen pal ages 12-15
Megan Pike: oh i for got my e-mail is
Linda Melville, Washington DC: Greetings from Washington DC - Now that we are home safe and reasonably sound, there is time to reflect and sort out feelings about the last ten days. John and I have shared our experiences with firends and family of our time in Gander. The story line is the same. That of amazement and gratitude. Amazement at the efforts made to comfort us physically and emotionally. The gratitude was always there with the response of a "thank you" but now the grattude has become more ingrained and philosophical. Something that will last a lifetime. I told a friend about our experience and she asked if I was fearful to fly from Gander to DC. My response was no, not really knowing why that was true. After some thought I realized that my calmness was a direct result of all that I had experienced. People from many countries livig closely together as one in peace and co-operation. I realized that on some level that if my life did end that I was lucky to have experienced how the world could and should be. Peple caring for one another without regard to religion or ethnic differences, finding out what we have in common - that we are human and have the ability to love one another in a meaningful way. I thank all of the people in Gander, hosts and guests alike. Living in gratitude, Linda
Bob Moberly : I would like to thank the teachers and volunteers at the Academy. You were wonderful. In the rush to leave onVS021 Saturday, I failed to the get the names of the volunteers that made this operation successful. The names that I do remember are the principal, John, who used his car to transport an elderly woman to another site Friday night, Leslie and Diane who were always present. As you may already know there was an article about the Academy and your wonderful support of the standed passangers in the 17 Sep edition of the Washington Post.
Ray and Muriel Lebeau - Gander, Newfoundland: As proud and peace loving citizens of our great countries, Canada and the United States of America, WE STAND UNITED. As we strive toward world harmony, regardless of race or religion, all peace-loving countries are in this together. In our hearts, we know that any one of you, given the evil act which occured on 11 September 2001, would have done the exact same for us. Let's give thanks for who we are and for what we believe. We pray that nobody ever has to see this again. Peace and Love to everyone.
KIM: I also would like to thank the people of Gander.I am not involved in this act of war but it makes me proud to say that I am a NEWFIE and from Gander to boot... It is good to see keep up the good work
Shakira Osmond: The last day that the Lufthansa Flight LH400 was here I volunteered at NewTel and never got a chance to say good-bye to everybody, there's this one couple in perticular that I'm looking for they stayed at Gander Colliegate and were from Nice,France. So if anyone has there address or e-mail could you please e-mail me at
To: Karl Gansberg: read your artical in the Popmac - great artical - believe me it was just as much a pleasure having you here washing dishes with me! Glad you and Joanne made it home safely and Thanks for putting us on the map in Virginia! who is from or resides in Gander NEWFOUNDLAND CANADA: This world of our becomes very confusing once we are confronted by our fears. Fear of losing someone we love. Fear of losing our own lives. Fear of the unknown. Gander has always been an twinkle in the eye of many who have stopped over during a flight....a few years residence to several thousands of Canadian Military and R.C.M.P. families. Newfoundlanders are jokingly made fun off and funniest part is...most of what is said...has been said by ourselves...once a wannabee or 'mainlander' grabs hold of the ''joke'' it becomes the newest 'kneeslapper' to them. We just laugh at it. Through many years of our own difficult times we have learned as a people to persevere and look ahead and simply survive the moment! If this is what it has taken for us Newfoundlanders to be the fun loving,caring individuals that we are. Then All The More Power To Us....This was an imparitive moment in history when GoD required all angels on duty....Newfoundlanders were first in line!..
Nicole Young: To the people of Glenwood, especially those at the Salvation Army Church adn public Library. Iris, Dave & Janet, Haywood, Michelle and on,,, Thank you. The words cannot describe my gratitude to you all, but they are all I can come up with. You made all of us, CO #23, feel as though we were a part of your family. You have no idea what comfort that brought to us and to our families. Again, Thank You. God Bless.
Andrew Mills: I was more than glad to be able to help in some small way with transporting some of the people to the mall and show them a little bit of the Town of Gander. There was 4 ladies from Scotland and 4 from South Carolina I wished I had gotten their names and addresses so I could keep in touch. Just in case one of them reads this email you can email me and let me know how you are getting on. Especially the gentleman I took to the hospital. If anyone happens to know who he was could you conta contact me. My name is Andrew Mills and I drove a blue Grand AM
Antonello Selloni Roma: GRAZIE, grazie ancora a tutta la città di Gander per l'ospitalità, la cura, la pazienza , la solidarietà, l'amore offertoci in quei giorni che non dimenticherò mai. Per molte ragioni. THANK YOU, GANDER.
Gregory Free: To the citizens of Gander; God bless you all for your kindness to those in need, especially our friend Rose. May you never be forgotten for your loving spirit.
Greg Hobbs : Although I'm currently living in ontario, I was touched by some stories i have heard from my little brother. I wish that i could have been back in Gander to meet all of the people and try to help out where I could. COngradulations to the people of Gander for doing such a good job and I hope to be back for christmas to hear all about peoples experiences. Well goodbye from Barrie.
Mary Tuisku With tears in my eyes, I read the comments of the stranded passengers and townspeople of Gander. I am so proud of Gander. I feel like it is my 2nd home. We were in Gander for 2 weeks in August for our son, Jason Tuisku's wedding to Catherine Adey. When we heard that dozens of flights were being diverted to Gander, we knew the passengers would be well taken care of. We fell in love with Newfoundland, its people, and culture. We are proud of you and grateful for all you have done to help ease the pain of Sept. 11. Even though we are thousands of miles from Gander now, we left our hearts there and long for the day when we can return to visit. God will reward you for all of your compassion and generosity. I know we are grateful and so is our country.
Dave: Greetings from Guam. It sure is great to read the excellent comments about our little island paradise. Just remember it is not the weather that makes a place PARADISE.
megan Kinden: thanks to everyone who helped out in the last week or so Thanks!!!
Jennifer Haggie: I hope that every one hade a great time
Tiffany: I, a member of glenwood and appleton enjoyed having the passengers stay here at our community. The passengers were overly appriciated and were very kind. I found found for myself and young friends that having the pasengers stay here was an excellent experience. Good Luck to the passengers and I hope to see them all again next year!!!!
Megan !!: hi , any people who stayed in glenwood please e mail me AT
Tiffany Gillingham, Appleton,NFLD: I forgot to add in that my e-mail address is
Serena: hi,guys. i hope you come back next summer. i live in appleton, and i hope whoever stayed there was reasonably comfortable. i think the war has touched me, too, even though i have never been to the u.s.a.,but we are all in this together!
J. A. Arias: My youngest child, Irene, was welcomed by the Gander people when landed there from LH416 ... please accept the following 'poem' in Spanish as a gift of gratitude of the Arias family in Spain and in America ...
J. A. Arias: Yo también estuve en Gander
J. A. Arias:
Justin & Christyl Brown: For now, let us just say that the people of Newfoundland have touched us and impacted our lives in a most wonderful way. In particular, our stay at Mint Brook Camp was a completely overwhelming show of true Christian love. Let us say that all the folks of Newfoundland made at least 204 ambassadors out of all of us on US Airways Flight 27. We love all of you and we will come up for more of your home-cooked love and affection. Justin & Christyl Brown, Pittsburgh PA
Asher Altshul: Thank you Gander!!!!
Jen: The staff of Mint Brook gave me proof that there is more benevolence than evil in this world. The sooner we all learn what Gander already knows (that we all need one another), the safer each of us will be. I can't thank the "Newfies" enough for the good will they demonstrated last week!
Alex Alex Griziotis (LH 416) I learned two thimgs:1) Terrible events can happen every day and 2) People like the Gender community still exist in this world,. God Bless you all. I am honored to have been your guest..
Viki Wilson: Gander resident and vollenteer at St. Paul's through this whole ordeal: i just wanted to say that it was great having all of you here, it was a real unusual experience. I made some real friendships out of it all. my mother always told me that children sense that i love them and they are attracted to me instanly and it must be true because i had 5 with me from about an hour after my arrival at St. Pauls. they we all great and i hope to keep in contact with them. i had a birthday party for one little girl, Taylor, it was her 4th birthday and she was upset because she couldn't be in Disney Land for her birthday and all her gifts and things were one the plane, so i gave her a birthday complete with cake, presents, balloons, cards and banners. i hope her birthday was a special one, that's what i was hoping for, just to make her happy on her birthday. to my girls, Sadie, Katie, Caitlain, Michelle, and Becky, I love you all and i hope to hear from you soon. here's my e-mail incase you lost it.
Peter I had the previlage of helping out here in my Town of Gander when the planes were diverted here. I met many a new friend who have made a lasting impression on me. I am glad to hear that you have all made it home safe. My heart felt prayers goes out to the USA and the families that lost their loved ones in the attack on September 11th.
Marie Guthreau.......Parrsboro NS: I am so proud to be A Newfoundlander......Your generosity is so overwhelming...Thanks to the people of Gambo my home town for all they did to help dad Phil Critchley and all the people at the Salvation Army there....To Irene who let the ladies have a shower....My sister Katie and husband Hedley Bungay who gave of their time..My son Robert Guthreau who worked many hours ....Mom loves you...and Travis(grandson) for taking his clothes to the Academy........God Bless you all......Gander I am PROUD of YOU......Hoping to be back home soon......
Trudy Goulding----Gander resident: I just want to say that my thoughts and prayers are with the families that have lost loved one in this horriable attack on the USA on September 11th.God Bless America!.
John Ritchie: I want to thank every Canadian in Gander for going far beyond the limits to welcome the standed American passengers diverted to your city after my country suffered the worst terrorist attack in history. May God and His Holy Mother reward your generosity, selflesness and kindness. And please pray for our country.
sarah: may god heal all the broken hearts
Robyn Hollohan: I am a residence of gander and i voulinteered at the elementry school. i was really fascinated to meet so many new and different people it was truly a great experience.. I send all my deepest thought and prayers to all of the people in the us .. God bless america.. and justice will be served.. Bless u all
David Martin Flt VS021, London: To the many Samaritans of Gander who finding us down picked us up; gave us shelter; food; life's little necessaries. On such a black day you served us brightly and the finest qualities that can be found in human beings overflowed all around. Your finest hour will be held in the memories of many people from many nations who once came and went. You brightly shone; we brightly went...
KIM WAGG: I am a Ganderite living in Orangeville,Ontario. My parents are the most loving people i know. My father and mother are very involved with the Salvation Army there.My father,s name is Roy Sceviour and my mother,s name is Lorraine Sceviour. Many a night i called my parents at home only to get no answer. I knew they were sharing their love with some people who needed it more . My younger sister Kelly Sceviour works at the community center. She was doing what she knows best helping people.I am writing this to all the families in Newfoundland,who gave their wonderful kindness and generosity to those who needed it most in this mixed up world we live in. I am so filled with pride to be a Newfoundlander. Maybe the world can take some note of this and remember. I would like to thank my parents and younger sister for everything that they did.They have made Karen and I very proud. We love you all . MAY GOD BLESS ALL THE FAMILIES IN AMERICA WHO HAVE LOST THEIR LOVED ONES,MAY THEY HAVE COMFORT IN KNOWING THAT THEIR ARE STILL PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD THAT STILL CARE.
Nicole Denty : I am a resident of Gambo and I just want to say that having all those passengers living in our small town for 4 days was a wonderful experience. I volunteered at my school,Smallwood Academy, and the people I met were amazing. It was great to see people pull together in a time of need and tragedy. I made many lasting friendships, and I learned and felt what the world should be like.It was great to see people of every nationality and religion get along so well and show the population what the world should be like! I met people from Germany, Panama, Columbia, France, Spain, Australia, Africa, the Dominican Republic, Ecaudor, the U.S, and well,everywhere! They were all so nice and friendly , and the whole thing was an experince I'll never forget. Alex, Brendan, Jose, Greg, Emanuele, Annika, Grace, if you guys read this I miss you!
Massimo Trovato: I Am the 2° Purser, Cabin Crew of the Alitalia flight 644 to N.Y. landed in Gander on the 11° of September. On behalf of all the crew and our passengers I want to extend to all Gander Community and to all the Gander Hotel great staff our deepest gratitude for all your help, hospitality, generosity and warmth. Thank You to every single one. Massimo
Susan Scharpegge, Gander, NF: Through this tragedy we have confirmed the meaning of our existence. It is a simple message John 13: 34 "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another". After all we are all brothers and sisters in the eyes of God. Let's just keep looking after one another.
Derek Rolfe: Boy, Am I prowd to be a Canadian,After reading all these's commentsI find I have popped all button of the front of shirt,Thank you very much visit us again. Derek.n
Robert S. Garland: I was brought up in St. John's Nfld. Now retired in Florida. You good folks have made me proud, although you always have. Thank you for your love for your neighbours
Jo Buck, Germany: Words can not express what we have experienced in your City. Our thoughts will be with you for the rest of our lifes remembering your warm hearts that allowed us to feel safe and welcome. Passenger of LH 400. To Ed: Special regards to you and the "feuchte Wäsche".
Janice Bertilacci: I just want to Thank everyone in the town of Gander, who opened there hearts to all the passengers who landed in Ganger, I was on Alitalia Flt#644, I just want to Thank All of the Crew Members from Alitalia, The Hotel Staff and Employees, I speak for my self and the passengers," May God Bless All of You."
Bruno J. von Borziskowski: To every onre in the world
Bruno: Wir wollen sein ein einzig Keit vo bruedern, in kiner Not uns trenenund Gefahr, wir wollen treu sein wie Vaeter waren, eher den Tot alls in der Kneftschaft leben.
Carl Morrissey: I write from St. John's, Newfoundland to congratulate all involved with caring for the stranded folks in Gander. Well done! Best wishes to all passengers ... you're welcome here anytime!
Bruno J.Muzzi: I was on USAir 027. We were hosted by Father David et al at Mint Brooke near Gambo.We were treated as a favorite relative.They couldnot do enough for us.The Anglican diocese generously gave us there time, their food, and most of all their love.They made us a part of their extended family.The neighbors along the pond were very hospitalable and gave us comfort. Thanks you Grander!
geraldine & dennis: a message to pena,deborah,denis,anja,anne,annie,henry& dawn, lela & jack,ralph & rose, thomas,conny & anne, mieka , jerry & mimi, Joelle & Juliana . to all our wonderful new friends, we sure hope you all had a good flight home. it was a pleasure meeting each and every one of you. guess you are all happy to be home safe and sound. you are in our hearts. mimi i hope you have a wonderful birthday, i know you will. love to all . my e-mail should read
Terry Bartlett: as a former resident of Gander, I kept up with the events of last week re: Ganders involvement in this tragedy and I would like to pass on my thanks for having done such a great job.
Kathleen: may god bless everyone and i send my deepest prayers.. May God Bless america ... we all hear your cryes and wish we could wipe your tears away and make everything better.. We all will truly rember sept 11th ...
Kathleen: may god bless everyone and i send my deepest prayers.. May God Bless america ... we all hear your cryes and wish we could wipe your tears away and make everything better.. We all will truly rember sept 11th ...
Dorothy and John Howie, Nanaimo. B.C. Air Canada retiree.: Bravo, Gander, you are all an inspiration to the world. God bless you all.
`Michael Krista and Lee Marinelli: We are the husband, daughter, and son of Debra Marinelli (crew member aboard USAIR flight 3) just one of the thousands your town cared for during a time of great crisis in the world. We wanted to let you know that we thank God for all of you! For the peace you brought us in knowing that Debra, as well as so many thousands of others, were safe in your care. You are a blessing to mankind in your service to strangers. Recently, Deb was asked by to do an interview on one of our local television stations about her flight. During the nterview she was asked to give an account of what it was like to be in Gander. She told the reporter.she a sweet heart of a woman helping out hugged her and said, "We're your neighbors to the north, aye! We love you!" That for me, said it all. I just wanted to let you all know that on behalf of my children, myself, and Deb "We are your neighbors to the south aye! and we love you too" God Bless and keep you all! Thanks for all you've done.
charleneshugarue: whow! isn't this sight amazing. To sit here in my Moncton home,being from Gander,NF it makes me so proud to be a newf.Knowing that my mom and dad where there sharing there kindness day and nigth makes me even prouder! heres to us newfs! bravo and to all the families in the US my prayers are with you all! take care and God Bless
Hans Hoogen: Dear Ganderites ! As a flight attendant on Lufthansa flight 416 from Frankfurt to Washington on which we were devided to Gander, also I would like to express my gratitute to the entire comunity for the incedible welcome we got upon our arrival. Never in my life did I experience a people so engrossed in merely taking care of our passengers and us crew through these difficult days in such a loving way. During our stay in Gander of course I experienced a lot of stress and was absolutely shocked by the images of New York, still how terrible it all was a very fond memory will always linger in my mind ; Gander and its Ganderites ! Last week I decided with a friend to go back to Gander in order to finally be able to really see something of your beautiful country. I'm looking forward to see Gander and all of you folks in September 2002. Know that you're being loved ! Thank you from all our hearts. LH 416 CREW.
Kristee & Eammon McChargue Early: On behalf of the Americans that were stranded...and I use that term very lightly...due to your kindness and over whelming generosity you could hardly call that being stranded....please accept my heartfelt thanks and blessings for your town...It is truely wonderful indeed that your town would take on what so many think of as "ugly Americans"......At the time that this occurred..I cannot even begin to fathom the added shock and confusion that they must have felt by being in a strange country at such a tumultous time.....And yet you welcomed them in with open arms and treated them loke family....or better then honored guests......Your town is surely will be remembered fondly and with love.....if any of your town people come to the States....please....have them feel free to look me up so that I can return the hospitality....God Bless you and keep you....
Valerie Hughson: What an amazing site. To witness the kindness shown to people in need. It just makes my heart swell to know there is the opposite to the evil terrorist
sue bartley: thank you all for looking after my daughter sarah and her boyfriend tom widdup
Andrea: God Bless America
J. Blaze: sorry i wasn't in Gander at the time to see all the german etc., hotties runnin around. On a realer note though, I was shocked and saddened to say the least, when america was attacked. BUT, we should never forget that war is very real in other countries. always was and always will be. We should always pray for those countries who are war stricken. PEACE
Jenny B: did my message work??
Cujo: Hi Nan!!!
ananaa: testing
Shoshi Konsky: In this time of great tragedy i was amazed to see the kindness of strangers that gave me a home during this awful attack. Thank you very much for the hospitality and kindness.I also want to thank all the local citizens for everythin
Steve Ackland: It doesn't surprise me that Newfies, once more step up and show their true spirit of giving. I lived in Gander for 3 years , and loved it. Congrats to all the citizens of Gander for their efforts under truly tragic circumstances. God Bless you all!!!!
Tim Newton, Budapest Hungary: Thanks to the fire crew for putting up with the passengers on Malev flight 90. Cyril and his team really "took the edge" off the situation. By the time we left, all of us felt we had made some really good friends. Lnaguage was a problem until the Hungarians opened their home made fruit brandy! I just hope we didnt leave too much disruption behind us. Thanks again to you all, you will be in our memories forever.
Chevalier, Didier: Thanks a lot for all what you did during these 5 days in Gander !!!
Sherry Gawley: I just want to say hello to all the people from Aer Lingus flight 105 that stayed at the Royal Canadian Legion. It was great meeting all of you and I hope you all had a good flight into New York. It's just unfortunate that we all had to meet under such grime of circumstances. Hopefully our paths will cross again sometime under better circumstances. You can e-mail me at P.s. A special hello to Whiskey Bob, Mat and Michell!
Sophie Jablonski: I just wanted to thank you all gander inhabitants, and especially the people from Mint Brook Camp (Reverend John, Margareth and the others). I had a very special time there, cut off from the world during several days, and meeting people (French, Americans...) I had never thought to meet at that occasion... Thanks a lot!
Sophie Jablonski: A tous les français du camp MintBrook avec Margareth, John, et leurs gâteaux, j'ai été heureuse de faire votre connaissance dans des circonstances aussi dramatiques soit-elles. A bientôt j'espère! With so many "thank you's" being sent our (Gander's) way, I feel it is appropriate to send a big thank you back to all passengers and crew who were our special guests for a short time. You all reminded us that we are capable of so much when we work TOGETHER. Thank you for your patience, kindness, generosity and unwavering appretiation, and thank you for your kind words. Take care and be safe.
Robin Stephens, UK (VS21): The remarkable people of Gander and the staff of Gander Academy deserve every commendation on this site. They gave selflessly over the period we were stranded not knowing when it would end. Thank you, Gander and may your kindness and blessing be returned to you a hundredfold.
Nerina (Alitalia #644): The world and humanity can certainly learn a lesson from Gander and its people. Your generosity and unselfishness will always be remembered. God Bless you all! Thanks also to the Alitalia flight crew who worked tirelessly and who helped to get us home safely!
Peter Ahlers: I was stranded in the beautiful town of Gander with Lufthansa 416 on my way to Washington DC. What we all experienced was hospitality, humanity, help, engagement and friendship . Our stay was like holidays and we really enjoyed being in Gander. After that terrible attacks in the USA the experience in Gander gives us hope and the strength to go on and look ahead to a brighter future. People from Gander, the world needs people like you. You are all heros. Thank you very much! One day we'll come back - as tourists to the beautiful Newfoundland with the friendly and caring people. Thank you!
Lisa: I just wanted to say thank you to the wonderfull people of Gander. You have shown us what true caring is all about. And to the young man with the nicest blue eyes I have ever seen, thank you for your help at the Salvation Army church. Without your help, I would never have been able to read that map. God Bless you all.
Elisabeth: 1ooo thanks to the great people of Gander .Your kindnesness help and philanthropy was the best I´´ve ever seen and showed me a lot .Especially thanks to the people in Lewisport. nessness
Bill and Wavey Ireland: We are former Ganderites living now in Ottawa. We know what a great town Gander is, we still miss it after having moved away almost forty years ago. I n fact I (Bill) still call it home. We were home during this summer for almost two months and the previous three summers. Hopegfully we can spend out future summers there now that Bill is retired. We have been looking for a summer home there this year and hopefully we will be successful in that regard soon. See you again next year Gander. We are very proud of the hospiality and friendship that you showed to so many during the Sept 11 disaster in the U.S.A. , We knew you would come through in such a great way. I AM PROUD TO SAY THAT MY HOMETOWN IS GANDER, NEWFOUNDLAND. THANK YOU GANDER. .
David, Germany: I’m so glad having read this unequalled site - obviously there is still a sense for our unalienable human values, right, solidarity and peace in the world! Please permit me, to express my feelings after the indescribable, despicable September, 11th attacks with some Shakespearean words: O judgement, thou art fled to brutish beasts, And men have lost their reason. Bear with me. From: Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, 3.4.84. Though I’ve never been to Gander (I just flew across New Foundland several times), I hope to visit you soon and make your acquaintance! Keep up the good work, folks - and continue to stand together! C U, David
Jerry & Mieka Gerard: Tampa, Florida: Our heartfelt thanks to all the wonderful people of Gander, for going "above and beyond" caring, love, and hospitality! TWA Flight 819 from Paris to St. Louis were taken in and housed at the Gander/Airways Masonic Lodge for three days. The volunteers there cooked, arranged for showers and laundry, and made us feel like family. When we left on September 14th, we were family! Thank you cannot begin to express our feelings of gratitude. You will never be forgotten, but fondly remembered as "family and friends"!
Steffen, Germany: Actually i was not really involved, but the destiny of those some six thousand people stranded in Gander showed me how deeply frightened (and involved) all of us, the peoples of our only world , are about this horrible incident brought to us by some mankind-disappreciating terrorists. Your destiny won`t be ever forgot, and , if I could, I would hug every human being who helped on this damn 11zh of September, 2001. God bless you and your consciousnes in a better world. c u steffen
Jim & Daisy Ford,: anyone who stayed at Appleton Town Hall, e-mail us at
Ron & Kay Thomey : Folks have done us proud ! can't tell you how great it felt reading about this and the website of "thanks" in the National Post while commuting on the train into Vancouver. Well done and obviously the world knows it !
Kathleen Katt MD: THANK YOU DON AND DIANNE COFFEY AND THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS!!!! Your hospitality and compassion are a living example of world solidarity and brotherhood. The common thread of human dignity, trust and hope weaves us all together in our vision of the "civilized world". I will hold you in my thoughts and prayers throughout my life. It is the incredibly organized, effective and instant response from Gander that lays the foundation of our common goal on this Earth, to provide a safe and secure "civilized" world, where every human is treated with dignity and respect.My deepest heartfelt thanks!
USAF Crews: Thanks to all of you for the superb support and hospitality!!
Ed Oldford: Jo Buck, Germany...Great to hear from you..Great to know that you arrived home safely..The time spent with you and your fellow passengers is one all the volunteers, including myself, will hold forever...Jo, my personal e-mail address is: me a line someday..Take care all and keep the positive energy alive!
Dean Cull: Really impressed with the number of comments.Glad we could be of help in a time like this.
Sue Riccardelli: Words cannot fully express all that I feel in my heart for the people of Gander and the staff, faculty and students of the College of the North Atlantic. What the College of the North Atlantic and Gander accomplished in those few days is incredibly overwhelming to me. The love, kindness, generosity of this community was the antithesis of terrorist events. We will never forget the people of Gander who opened up their hearts and wallets to make sure we were well cared for during our unexpected stay. Before we left, some Gander residents gave us each a lapel pin with the word "Gander" on it. They said they didn't want us to forget them. Never, ever in a million years could we! Lufthansa Frankfurt : Dear Ganderites, We ( LH Special Assistance Team ) flew to Gander in order to take care of our stranded passengers and crews. We did not know much about the situation in Gander and had no idea what to expect. Never did anyone of us expect such a well organized, open hearted, overwhelmingly friendly community which made the whole situation not only bearable for the stranded passengers and crews but also a most memorable experience for everyone involved. You made our job very easy and there are not enough words to say "Thank You" . All of us from Lufthansa that have been involved are still deeply impressed and keep spreading the word about the great people in/around Gander to our friends, families and co-workers. Ganderites, you are something special and in many parts of the world people talk about you nowadays with a smile on their faces ! I think that is a wonderful compliment for wonderful people ! Thank you !!!!!!! Hello this is Patrick keough a student at gander academy. I hope u enjoyed your stay. Where are u from.My e-mail Address is plz E-mail me .. thanks alot.. God bless
Kevin SLANEY, RCMP Officer, Gander, Newfoundland I was seconded to Gander Airport during this terrible tragic event and am part of the RCMP Major Crime Team and we were responsible for investigating the various complaints that were received from certain diverted flights to Gander. It was such a pleasure to see how professional, cool, calm and collected the passengers were, in light of the fact that they were so inconvenienced. It was so nice to hear the great comments coming from stranded passengers and it is obvious everyone was treated very well during their stay in Gander. I think Gander should be very proud of the way in which they handled the influx of people. It was so nice to see that everyone made it home safe. Thanks you to the nice people who visited here as well.
Barry & Tina Coomer { We were on flight VS075 from Manchester to Orlando on September 11th and we had to make an unscheduled stop in Gander. We would like to say ‘Thank You’ to all of the people of Gander and especially the Salvation Army at Twin Ponds who looked after us for our one-night stay. We would also like to say ‘Thank You’ to the flight crew of flight VS075 who kept us informed as much as they could and even came to our camp to try to put our minds at rest.
LILA KEATING: My daughter Mary and I were returning to the US from a Scottish vacation on that fateful day Septmber 11 2001. We were on Aer Lingus Flight 105. What good fortune that our Captain was able to seek refuge for us in Gander. The organization of every detail of our plight was so thoroughly organised. Kudos to you all. Our now forever friends at Th Royal Canadian Legion Hall greeted us with tears love and understanding. We ate like royalty, the kindness of strangers was overwhelming Our special thanks to the kind lady who took us to Wallmarts (due to win the store of the year award) for a change of clothing and then offered us hew home to shower and rest and also to Gwen who provided a bed and breakfast for us and the Lloyds from the UK for two days. We love you all. The dear couple whose firefighter son was among the missing at the WTC, you were so brave and our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. To you all a huge thank you, may we stay in touch and perhaps meet again one day.
Glen Dann-Gibbons: As a long since retired Stewardess from England I who passed through Gander many times in the past, I am physically far removed from the awful happenings in USA, but feel close to everyone involved in my thoughts. Reading of the wonderful way in which the people of Gander rallied to the aid of stranded passengers filled me with great hope and optimism. All the time there is so much love and unselfishness in the world the men of evil will never win.
Jack Power: Gander will always be my home town although I've been away many years. You have done us all proud.
David Korpan: The genuine kindness shown to the 80 or so refugees staying at the recreation center in Appleton was beyond any reasonable expectations. At three in the morning we found the good people of Appleton awake with food, coffee, bedding, television, and kind, sympathetic words for all of us. This was followed by so much kindness in the form taking us to their homes to take showers and even spend the night, hikes through the woods, homemade brew, boat rides, and many, many laughs. The Laughs were so important in reversing some of the despair of the tragedy and being stranded far from home and feeling vulnerable. The spirit in which they took care of us was the most inspiring because they did everything in a way to make you feel that it wasn't a burden on them. I knew that they had closed their schools and many businesses to just attend to our needs. Furthermore, many of the meals and supplies that we went through came from their own local funding sources. Other examples of pervasive kindness was the pharmacy provided our medication at no cost and told us the Red Cross is paying for it, and once I was in a small store buying some simple supplies and was a dollar short, and more than one of the other customers offered me the extra amount, knowing that I was one of the "plane people." Really, it was the most humane treatment that I have ever received from people that I have never met before. There were at least one hundred small incidents of beautiful human kindness that I witnessed over the three days that I cannot express, except to say that they are the gold standard of humanity. They brought out the best in us as well. I cannot thank the good people of Appleton, as well as the rest of the Newfies for the wonderful kindness.
Tim and Erica Bennett AZ644: Just want to add our thanks to the people of Gander. We were on Alitalia 644 on September 11 and enjoyed the fantastic hospitality that you all exhibited. Everywhere we went, people were cheerful and accepting of us. Special thanks to the staff of the Hotel were fantastic. It was obvious that many of you were working around the clock, which was really a great enough sacrfice to make, but you should be exceptionally proud of your spirit, energy level and cheerful outlook even after 2-3 days of being "on." Many of you were more cheerful on day 2 and 3 than I could have been in your shoes on Day 1! Also, a special thanks to the bus drivers who gave up their picket lines to move us were on the scene at the airport so fast, that it was obvious that you must not have had any second thoughts and jumped to our aid immediately. We will come back to visit!!!
Barbara We were honoured to be of service to the many guests who were stranded in Gander. The September 11 crisis was a powerful message that intolerance & terrorism go hand in hand. Our thoughts & prayers are with all those who were made victims of this heinious crime. Perhaps NATO will help bring about world peace.
Mike Reipdath: I have visited this site now a number of times to read the updates that are always here.I too was one of the workers that assisted the passengers from the various flights. I am a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police here in Gander. It was a great feeling to be able to be of assistance to the stranded passengers. In the days that followed Sept. 11th, both my wife (who is a nurse and who helped out at the airport and at Gander Academy) and I spent more time helping out in one capacity or another, the passengers. We both have seen this site and are overwelmed by the thank yous that keep pouring in. Hopefully we will have the opportunity to meet some of you again, under better circumstances.
Margaret Marsh & Family (BA1503): My heartfelt thanks to the people of Gander
Margaret Marsh & Family (BA1503 JFK): Thankyou so much Gander - We are now safely home in England and have a wonderful experience of human kindness to remember for the rest of our days
Stefan Jonas, Cologne,Germany: I read about you in a german magazine and I want to say: Be proud of yourselves, this was a great act of humanity!
Alan@Debra,Amy@Abbie. of Grimsby. ( Thanks to the people of Gander, all the very best for the future,well done!
Alan@Debra,Amy@Abbie. of Grimsby. ( just fogot to mention any one who helped or "lodged" at St Paul's A.T.A. TZ8733 stay in touch on
Sean McNulty (dark hair), Ireland. Flight EI 105> Well what can I say. They say actions speak louder than words: and your actions said a lot!! I can say thank you 100 times, yet it won't seem enough. I stayed at the Elks Club, where ,like everyone else, I was treated like royalty. I was on my way to visit my 3 brothers in Manhattan, and although I didn't get to see them I thought Gander was a holiday in itself.........and a free one at that!!!! I had an amazing time and I would like to thank everyone who made my stay an enjoyable one. I landed in Gander with no money as it was all in my case, however people at the Elks Club sorted me out and I am greatly indebted to you, David!!! Not only do the staff at the Elks Club deserve credit...... but everyone in the community!!!! from the shop assistants to the public; thank you! In all sincerity I hope to return someday, to meet the people who treated me like one of their own.
Dean Richards: Having been born in Gander, but living in Ontario, I always knew where Gander was on the map. Now the world knows! You accomplished the near impossible and you should be very proud of yourselves.
Kerstin Schütz, Germany ( Thanks to everybody in Gander! It was an amazing experience to meet so many generous and nice people, especially the one from the College of the North Atlantic; the kindness and helpfulness of everybody in Gander was absolutely overwhelming. A big thank you also to the wonderful crew of Air France, AF004
Gerhard, Gabi, from LUFTHANSA Operations at Gander: Thanks to all you people in Gander, especially those working at the airport!!We will never forget the people from Esso Avitat, Sherry, Charlene, Kelly and the "boys", all the people from Ogden Allied, the Ladies from Airport Security, who never freaked out when we were passing security up to 25 times a day, fully equipped with weird airline stuff,the police department, loaders and ground handling staff and everybody who did his utmost supporting us, getting our airplanes ready as fast as possible! Back to Germany we keep remembering the "Newfie"-Spirit and try to spread it over here!! See you all soon!
Ganderite: I am a born and raised Ganderite who has been away for about three years now. I can hardly say I am shocked by the outpouring of hospitality from my friends and family in Gander. This should not go unrecognized.To all people who were welcomed into Gander, e-mail our Prime Minister Jean Chretien at and let him know the kindness extended to you. All Ganderites, Newfoundlanders and indeed Canadians who must inevitably feel the sense of pride that I do right now, should do the same. Snail mail the PM at Office Of The Prime Minister
80 Wellingston Street

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1A 0A2
Fax:(613) 941-6900. I trust I can rely on your support.

G: Office Of The Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1A 0A2
Smadar Levi: I was at the LH400, stranded in the Gander Collegiate. Originally I live in Israel, and was on my way to visit family in NYC. The whole haert welcome we got from all of your community was very touching. Although, time was hard fro all of us, you were so friendly, and did so much to help us, you were the true heros of this week. Brian, Jill the nurse, Jim, Ron, Dainna and all other who helped us in the Collegiate told me that this is the way in Newfoundland, well, I wish we all could share this quolity with you. You have changed many heart and soul for the better. I wish the whole world would learn something from you. I hope to come again some day . Do not lose it guys.
Paul and Julie Bishop: To all of the wonderful people of Gander, You turned a disaster into a triumph. My husband and I were coming back from a two week trip to Paris. The experiences we had in Gander, particularly at the Masonic Lodge gave us hope for the future of our troubled world. I am infused with "Gander Generosity and Goodness" and have tried to treat everyone I encounter with the same spirit that you all showed to us. On a funny note, we shared with everyone at home about what happened in your wonderful town. Thank you again for opening your homes and hearts to us. And hello to everyone on TWA Flight 819.
Edee Andrews: To all the residents of Gander, I applaud you all! After seeing pictures of the runway on Sept.11, watching the news, talking with friends, and reading all of these accolades a tear comes to my eye. I know how difficult it must have been but your kindness and generosity triumphs! The people I met here in Edmonton are extremely impressed with how such a small town in NF handled the situation. It makes me proud to say I came from Gander,NF. Hello to all my friends esp. the Tuffs, Maloneys,Smiths,Doucettes,and Robins.
Matthew & kieran Marsh (age 8 & 5 ) B.A.1503: On September 11th we had spent a very long time on our airoplane before being sent to Gander Air Force Base. We vere very tired when two nice air force men came and asked us if we were hungry. They brought us hot food,biscuits,fruit and even a box of cereal and milk for Kieran! Then they gave us presents of badges and computer mats. We cannot remember their names but if they read this they will know who they are !! Thank you wery much. mummy and daddy will contact the base commander to make sure he knows of their generosity and compassion. finally a big big thank you to the two angels who looked after us all day Wednesday. Wanda and Donna. A special thanks to both of you . Lots of love , Matty and Kip . you
Mary Tiplady: Myself, my son and his friend were passengers on the American Transair flight TZ873 from Manchester to Orlando - and we would like to thank the people of Gander- especially St Paul's Intermediate School - from the bottom of our hearts for all the hard work and hours they put in whilst we stayed with them. Words cannot express the gratitude we feel for what they did -you are truly wonderful people - Many thanks to Mr Freake for the use of his classroom and could you please give an extra special hug to Imelda ( she was one of the lovely ladies and gents making breakfast) - who let me wash up.
Deb Stewart ..... from USA FYI - This is a story making its way around the US right now - thank you to Gander!!!
joel: Dear Gander
joel: Dear Gander - this site is a testimony to the generosity and kindness that the people of Gander unselfishlessly gave to complete strangers who arrived in an hour of need. I was a passenger within a large group of people on flight VS021 heading for Washington on that fateful day. I can only say a large thank you to the many friendly people that we encountered throughout the town. They only served to increase my pride in being born a Canadian. However they have made me feel somewhat deficient in not being born a Newfie!! We will always remember the good times and the excellent moose stew!! God Bless.
lil cardenal69: in these hard times a few people showed the rest of the world that a hero must not die in a fanatic war to come into paradise. u pople from gander will meet paradise without murdering yourself. thanx a lot
Kirstin, Germany: dear Ganderits, what you did for people from all over the world and many different religions is a great testemony for all of us... the message of your love and friendlyness that went around the world is a victory over the fear that this terror acts spread out. (I read about gander in a German magazin.)
anonamus: I think Gander did a pretty darn good job from the 11th to the 16th.Every school,church,church hall,community center and everywhere elsewas packed with food, clothing,toothbrushes,toothpastes,rosors and shaving cream,brushes,towels,facecloths,and other accesories donated. All the stranded passengers were amazed of what Gander could do. I mean if you go to Gander Academy you will see a bullitin board full of thanks to Gander. YEAH GANDER ROCKS
Stella Galway: I am a Ganderite and this heinous crime of September 11 did a marvelous thing. Out of bad things come good things. It showed that human nature is basically good and it times of terror it blooms to its fullest. The whole world came together that day with God at our helm. The "Spirit is A-Movin" all over the world. God is alive.
Hoodooman01: As a Canadian, it makes me proud to know that there are people like you people in Gander.....well done my brothers and sisters !!
Kelli Fraser: Born and raised in Gander, I am now attending school in Halifax. I have never been so proud to say that I am a Newfie!! To all those who unexpectedly experienced a trip to Newfoundland, you now have a taste of what I have been proud of all my life, Newfoundland culture and hospitality. I hope that you all enjoyed your stay despite the unfortunate circumstances...I only wish that I could have been there to help.
Michael Gamon: I wasn't in Gander, but I wanted to say thank you to everyone who helped and especially for taking good care of my fiance Tere ! Thank you very much and God bless you all !
Theresa Almaraz 21: Los Angeles California : I wanted to leave a message to the lovely folks of Gander. I was headed to New York on Delta flight 141 that tragic day and stayed 5 days in Gander. It was one of the most wonderful experiences Ive ever had. I stayed with the people of the Salvation Army, and never have I felt so much love. Ill never forget any of those wonderful people I met. God bless Gander and God bless you all! I forgot to say a HUGE thank you to the crew of Delta flight 141! I dont think they know how appreciated they are =o)
Sandy: A friend from Berlin, Germany was stuck in traffic last week and so was reading a magazine, and read this article, written in German, about the wonderful people of Gander. He emailed this web-site to me. Congratulations Gander - you make us all so proud! :)
Sue King: It was a great pleasure to help the people of the Hungarian Airline. I have made alot of new friends from all parts of the world, and it has been great hearing back from The Szabo's and many others that you had a safe trip home. Good luck and God Bless to all of you for letting us be a small part of your lives even for a short while. The staff at Gander Fire Rescue continue to receive thank you cards from Budapest, and the US. Thank you to you all. Take care and keep in touch, please email me at I look forward to heraing from anyone on the Malave Airline from Hungary!!! God Bless, Sue King
Mike and Joyce Kane: At 37000 feet on flight TWA 819 the shocking empty feeling we had when the
Dominik from Switzerland: I was very close to the WTC. God bless America and Gander!
Reinhard: thanks to all newfies/ganderits I was able to learn something about being a community.I do hope, I can pass it to my children.We all can learn from you.
David Warford: A Ganderite born & bred, away from home, with tears of joy and pride in his eyes, thinking of his hometown that has shown the world what it truly means to do something in the name of God! BLESS YOU! LOVE YOU! GANDER ROCKS!!! :-)
Jillyan Norris: To all my fellow friends and family, i'm very proud of what you all have done for those people on Sept. 11. i couldn't have been no more prouder to be a Ganderite, and knowing that "you"were the heroes. I wish that i could have been there to help, but i couldn't . i'm pround to say that i'm a ganderite. God bless you all especially my friends and Family .
Juliette Monet: I was on US AIR. I want to thank the people of Mint Brook Camp in Gambo, near gander for their selfless hospitality. We are all in awe of your kindness. The 5 days we spent with you will live on in our minds and hearts forever. I hope to come back to visit!. Thank you.
Donald F. Kelley: I am a retired teacher living in Milford, OH. I would be very interested to know how much money was pledged for the scholarships for the High School from the passengers of Delta Flight 15 from Frankfort. My address is God bless Gander and the U.S.
Hanneli Pflüger, After a time of sadness I went on thies LH 400 flight to USA and got strandes in Gander like many others. Ther I got to know people of selfless hospitality and kindness, that I didn`t feel like stranded. No words can discribe your warmth and love you gave. Thanks to all of the volunteers of Gander Collegiate and the friendly people of Gander
Steve Hann: Way to go Gander Good Job!! I live in Toronto but was born In newfie and i knew gander was easily capable of handling a large unusual situation. Im sure all the passengers of the Grounded Aircraft got A good a Warm impression of Gander NFLD.. and I bet are very Thankfull ... p.s Hello Uncle Jerry
Rhonda: You are so VERY proud of yourselves....thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
abigail palmer: I too was a passenger on Delta Flt 15 that was diverted toGander. We spent 3 dyas in a church there, were fed, welcomed into their community as one of theirown. What a difference that made to all of during such a difficult time. I thank you and my family thanks you.
Ryan: during the time that the passangers were stranded in Gander, which is my home, I was in Grand Falls going to school. I called home everynight to only to hear about the excellent job that everyone was doing. now the rest of the world can know what it is like to live among such wonderful and caring people. many walls have come down during this episode in our lives. we have all been blessed. Many of my friends were helping out by ansering phone calls, picking up supplies, translating, and just giving a smile. You guy are the best.
Bob Crane: To you wonderful Newfies, I would just like to give my heartfelt " Thanks" to all of you wonderful spirits for the kindness and compassion you shared with the rest of the world on that fateful day. It is hard to put into words but my spirit thanks you and God bess you all ! My mother was a Newfie , born and raised and when I come back to visit I feel a sense of peace like I have nowhere else in the world. It's like , I have come home, and I know you made the people who were diverted there feel the same way because that is who you are! I know my Mom is smiling down at you with much happiness and joy! You shined with the light of God in the darkest of times. God bess you all and I can't wait to come home again!
Tom Farrier: I've been a pilot for more than 20 years, and I've been personally -- sometimes painfully -- involved in aviation safety for 15 of those years. In my experience, I have seen kindness and compassion many times over from people living in close proximity to an unexpected catastrophe. I have seen passengers, or the family members of passengers, collectively unite under the name of an ill-fated flight. But, I have never seen anything like the outpouring of unselfish assistance all of the communities surrounding Gander mustered in the wake of a wholly unnatural disaster, and one so remote from your own borders. I have never seen passengers proudly refer to themselves as "the folks from Flight so-and-so." You could have pleaded an inability to help beyond the basics; you could have tried to limit the burden to "first come, first served," or "women and children first," but you didn't. Instead, you turned a terrible day into a remarkable affirmation of humanity and compassion. We Americans watched, often in surprise and occasionally in disbelief, as one nation's leaders after another firmly stated, "We are all Americans today." In return, I'd like to say this: would that everyone in the world be Canadians -- Newfies -- if that meant seeing a spirit of unique generosity and kindness encircle the Earth.
Anja: me and my husband were one of the 360 passgengers
ANJA: Gander stands for :Love can biult a bridge!
Darinka: Hello everybody in Gender, I´m just reading the messages and watching the pictures.My husband and I we were there, stranded om our way to New York, where our son lives. We shall never forget Gender and all the people, who were so good to all of us. We are back to Germany, after we could stop in New York and visit our son and his wife. Thank you for everything, we are comming back to see more of your land, for sure.
Golnaz: I was the only 12-month-old baby girl traveling with my parents in flight LH400, thank you Gander so much for taking care of me and my parents, I love you all.
Golnaz: Date: October 4, 2001
Jerrye Albert: I just read about how wonderful you people in Gander were to the passengers on September 11th. I just want to thank you all very, very much. With all my love to all of you, Jerrye Albert, Sherman Oaks, California
Guenter und Waltraud Neddermann: In Gander we met with real charity. Thank your so much for helpfulness!
Charlie and Angela Saunders from Ireland: Its great to get this opportunity to thank the people of Gander for their hospitality and especially Lester And Joan Pittman of Glenwood who took us in and treated us like one of their own.
Dave: Thank you! I am thankful that I share the same planet with such incredible people.
Walter Billhorn: i'm from San Diego, california and i have to say that i'm very pruod of all of you for that wonderful and beutifull actions done by the Gander people on September 11th. you are heroes and my emotions comes out from my heart. God bless you ...
Alonzer & Shirley Kitchings: Thanks to the Gander community for making our 3 days pleasant and unforgettable! The friendly people there are just great! Everyone really took care of us in our time of need and what you did for us really touches the heart and will always be remembered. A special thanks goes to Sheila Goodyear for the delicious Cod fish and of course her side-kick, Donna O'Rielly. What a wonderful job everyone did. May God bless you all for we were blessed to be with all of you..
Thomas Buchert: Dear Ganderites, I was, together with my teammembers from the Lufthansa Special Assistance Team at Your fantastc little Town. All of us agree, that after haveing seen and experienced what the Newfies did for our passengers, Crews and for us, that we have taken o lot with us back home. . Thank you ganderites for all you have done and for proofing us that good people are still around in this world.
Markus / Germany: The Name of your City will be for ever in my mind! You were great! THANK YOU!!!
Douglas St.Denny: Humanity at its best! I'm proud of you people in Gander, and I don't even know you, heck I'm not even Canadian.... Greetings from Hong Kong.
pam & roy flight TZ8733: words cannot express the thanks that we would like to send to the wonderful people of Gander and especially the volunteers at St. Pauls. What started out as being a very frightening situation turned out to be a most memorable and special part of our holiday. You are the most wonderful people we have ever had the pleasure of meeting and we hope that one day we may return. We will never forget any of you and the things that you went out of your way to do for us, you are trully remarkable people. If anything good was to come from such an awful occurence it was that it gave us the honour of meeting you all. If there is anybody out there in Gander or any of the passengers from TZ8733 who would like to get in touch please e-mail us at
Michael "Mac" McCarthy: I've read of your generosity -- you ARE the most WONDERFUL people in the world! Thank you for adding to the goodness of the world!
Veronika & Stefan Noé, Karlsruhe (Germany): We too were passengers of the Delta 15 flight from Frankfurt to Atlanta and enjoyed the hospitality and unlimited generosity of the people of Lewisporte, Newfoundland. You really left us speachless and very thankful of everything you did for us. Hopefully, the scholarship of Delta 15 will contribute to the education of one of your kids and thus help spread the Newfi-message: Be generous and giving through and through. Thanks again.
Karl-Heinz Patzwaldt: I too was passenger on Delta Flt 49 that was diverted to Gander. I stayed with my son Peter in Norris Arm.I say thank you so much to all the people of Norris Arm especially to Joyce and Harold Sentner.With deep gratitude Karl-Heinz Patzwaldt (Germany)
Sue & Alan Robinson: We were on Flight TZ8733. Thanks for everything. We do not know what we would have done without you.
Arthur Riesenfeld: Your humanity, gentility, and kindness will never be forgotten.
Melissa: I'm form gander
Barry & Tina Coomer Flight VS75: Was nobody else on flight VS 75 ? ?
Ralph Quintana: I have been reading how a beautiful community turned out to help "a friend in need." THank you for the kindness and hospitality you showed to the stranded passengers of Delta Flight 37. I praise God for the love you showed and know that He will bless you fully. Thank you and God bless you all! From southern California.
Lynn: In the Bible there is a passage of Jesus Christ helping several people. Only one returned to thank Him after realizing he had not done so. I hope that it can be said that All Americans in some fashion say , Thank You to you and your wonderful nation as well. In Christ's love, Lynn Ward, Sulphur Springs, TX , Just a regular person.
Out there: Newfies have great heart!
Teri & Bob Shoemaker Malev Flight 90: 10/08/01 After being diverted to Gander on 9/11/01 we were not able to fly out to San Diego, California until 9/17/01. My husband and I spend 6 days stranded with the most saintly, loving, giving, compassionate people we have ever known. I am embarrassed that I have not written sooner to thank the incredible people of Gander. I would be remiss however, if I did not include all surrounding areas (names which I don't even know) who heard food supplies were low so they cooked hot meals and drove for 1 1/2 hours to deliver them to churches and facilities in need for the plane people. Thanks to the Fire & Resue teams, the Gander Library, the Gander Malls, Wallmart (who I understand stayed open 24 hours a day to provide anything resue workers needed for passengers), to the Red Cross, to the churches located next to the Fire station who tirelessly served meal after meal, to LeGrow's Travel who stayed open and worked relentlessly to make sure everyone got flights out of Gander that needed them, to the Military base who housed us for the final days of our stay, to the Gander airport for their remarkable ability to do what they had to do to get flights in and out of your tiny town, and to the many others to volunteered their time, their kindness and their incredible humanity towards a lot of scared travelers. As I write this I don't know what our fate will be. But I do know this, if there is a heaven on earth, it is in Gander. God brought us to you. It was no mistake, it was not luck. Your actions and your faces will remain engrained in our memories forever. To say we made friends in Gander would be an understatement. You made us feel like family. We plan to return to see you someday. If you should ever come to the southern California are, please contact us. Our hearts and our homes are open to you. We are trying to contact any other passengers from the Hungarian flight Malev 90. Please e-mail us at:, we are concerned about the health and safety of some of the friends that we made. We continue to pray for the families that lost their loved ones in the New York tragedy, and all of the brave soldiers who have risked their lives in an effort to protect what we value so highly, our freedom. God Bless the Town of Gander and God Bless America!!!
B. Clark: I live in Calgary, Alberta and just wanted to say that you newfies made me proud to be not only Canadian but a member of the civilized human race!! I am heartwarmed and proud of you all!!!
Frauke and Joachim: As passengers on NW 0061 from Amsterdam to New York we were diverted to Gander and subsequently stayed at Lakewood Academy, Glenwood. Thank you each and everyone for your overwhelming hospitality and the heartfelt welcome extended to all of us stranded pa
Jeff: I live in Houston, TX. We had no problems on Sept 11. It was most heartwarming to read of your kind acts on that day.
Irene: It is so inspiring to know that there are people who care about people.
Marc: Gander you have made all of us real proud. I just found this site and have been overwelmed with the things you have done in this terrible time. I always been very proud to be Canadian and an Honorary Newfie and I didn't expect anything less from such wonderful people. It takes something like this to show the rest of the world what I already knew Newfies are great people. Very well done Gander. You have made all of Canada proud. Denver
Kim: I received your story via email. Your kindness is further evidence that evil-doers are the minority and will fail. Sugar Land Texas USA
S & A Robinson: We Were on flight TZ8733 - words cannot express our gratitude to the people of Gander. Many thanks
Frank McFatridge: Your story has so touched my heart ! After a month of rehash tv, the hatred of osama and his ilk, a fresh breeze blew in from God Himself as manisfested in your town & folk
Phil Brinston (Gander)`: I hope all of the passengers ar doing well and Please keep in touch. My E-mail is
Vickie: I live in Nfld and have for the past 10 yrs and yes, as alot of people have stated, newfoundlanders are the best. They know how to come together in a crisis.
Anthony: I live in Manhattan and just received a forworded e-mail account of a crew member on Delta Flight 15. It confirms my conviction that bin Ladin and his evil henchmen will not triumph. The good people of Newfoundland are a witness to the goodness of mankind. God bless you all!
Cat: Thanks to Gander and its wonderful citizens who gave so much comfort to Delta 15. I was not a passenger, but as an American I want to send my best wishes to Gander.
Mary Lee: You wonderful people are such a blessing to those in need in such a difficult time. Reading the stories of the various passengers, I am overcome with gratitude and love for our wonderful neighbors across the border. I will make it a point to visit your wonderful town as soon as possible. You were surely doing the Lord's work.
Gary Mormino: To all citizens of Gander and the surrounding area,
Cindy: This note is from a stranger in Phoenix, AZ - What a lovely story I read about how well your city and people treated the airline passengers and crew. You have stood behind our country (USA) and people when we were in need and we will never forget your kindness and cooperation at this time of our being in need of help. Thanks to all of you and your lovely city.
Amy Wise San Diego, CA: God Bless all of the people of Gander. The kindness you have shown to strangers will be forever remembered by America and the world. Thank you.
Jann: My husband and I have enjoyed the hospitality of the Newfoundlanders during several vacations we have taken to Canada. We have always been impressed with the wonderful people of Newfoundland. So, I am not surprised that Gander and surrounding areas were so kind to the people stranded there due to the attack of terrorism. Thank you!
Elaine Watt: Thank you so much for your response to all the passengers that were stranded in Gander.
glinda: canada rocks, i always knew it.
David: I too have received the email/story that a number of people have mentioned. Does anyone know the name of the author/flight attendant? I work for a news agency and we would like to speak with this person. Unfortunately Delta Public Relations has not been accomodating. Thanks.
craig, karen, jack, harry, and hannah roberts: thanks to all in Gander and most of all to the teachers and volenteers at St PAULS for looking after me and my family thanks for all the love and kindness shown to us hopefully my children will grow up better people having met such kind people like your community THANKYOU
Mary: Thank you so much for your kindness and hospitality. God Bless Gander, and our good friends in Canada and God Bless America
david arnold: what a remarkable web site. i am a reporter from the boston globe, and i would love to get in touch with anyone from the boston area who was treated to gander's hospitality after the attacks. my telephone is 617 929 3152. email
JoAnna: I live in Clearwater, Fl. I just viewed your web sight and want to extend my heartfelt deep appreciation for all you did to make an horrific event in history for many to become a blessing for some. Thank you!
Lynne: David, I received the same e-mail...the name listed on my e-mail was: Nazim-Amin who worked for Delta as either a flight attendent or as part of the pilot's crew. Hope that helps. I too received the e-mail and read about the wonderful people of Gander and the surrounding communities. What wonderful people you have in your community, God Bless you all.
Wayne: I was a strandee from Delta Flight 37 cared for in Gambo. Please check this site for other stories and pictures.
Beverlee Bruce: I was one of the passengers on a Continental Flight to NYC that ended up in Gambo, population 2500. A more gracious community, we could not have found. Thankfully, the contrast between those who initiated the circumstances that led to our being stranded and those who responded to our needs, restored our faith in the Human kind.
Clare: I wanted to add my thanks also. I heard about it by email here in Australia.Your thoughtfulness in your care for distressed people far from home touched my heart. Congratulations for your compassion and organisation! God bless you all.
Mike: May God bless you all for you selflessness and a large thank you for your human kindness.
Beth White: I was a passenger on Delta 15 and like so many others who were fortunate enough to enjoy the Lewisporte hospitality I want to extend a very big "Thank-You" to all the Newfie's - You're the best!
Elizabeth Katt: Today, a month later. I am taking a moment to reflect on how the world has changed. Three co-workers and I were on Delta 15 heading to Atlanta, GA for a conference. We instead spent our time in Newfoundland, Canada. My heart still aches for humanity when I think about the horror of that day but we were blessed by also having very wonderful memories as well. Everyone on Delta 15 treated each other so well, the 27 hours together on the plane which could have been horrible were instead tolerable. People looked out for each other. Ending up at St Matthew's United Church of Canada in Lewisporte was a blessing. The moment we arrived we were welcomed with open arms. All the little things that were taken care of without having to ask: cable television so we could see with our own eyes, phone lines so we could speak with our family, maps so we knew where we were, toiletries, food, bed.... but more than that hugs, concern, caring and prayers. We were in a state of grace. Thank you, Lewisporte, for giving us hope in the world. Keep fighting the good fight...Remember the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. Hello all. I am the producer of the CBC radio show RadioNoon. This coming Monday (Oct 15th)we are going to have a phone in on our who about the people show were stranded here in Newfoundland and Labrador on and after the 11th. We hope that anyone who has a story to tell will call in and tell it. Americans can listen to the show on Real Audio on the Net. Just go to and click on Radio One, St. John's Live. You can call us collect at 709-722-7111 and you will be connected to our host Anne Budgel/. The pone it is from 1:35 to 2:30 Newfoundland time. That's 12:00 to 1:00 Eastern time. we will have Shirley brooks Jones from Columbus, Ohio as a guest. She'll be on the phone from her home. She was housed at Pius X in St. John's. But we want as many people from around the United States to please phone in. We will hopefully have guests who volunteered in Gander, St. John's Stephenville, Lewisport, Happy Valley Goose Bay on as well. It will be a sort of reunion with all of our new American friends. Give us a call. Monday Oct 15, 12:00-1:00 Eastern time, collect 709-722-7111. Thanks. Ingrid Fraser Oh I should add, that of course, anyone at all from any part of the world who was stranded in Newfoundland or Labrador is welcome to call into the show and talk about your experience here. And anyone who who lives in the province was involved with our stranded passengers is welcome to join in. Again the Crosstalk phone in show on CBC radio's Radio Noon out of St. John's is at 12:00-1:00 eastern time. (That's 1;30-2;30 in Nfld. 1:00-2:00 in Labrador) The phone number if you are calling from out of the province is 709-722-7111... call collect. Thanks, Ingrid (sorry about the bad typing on the last message.)
melba pride: I was not a passenger on Delta Flight 15, but I was greatly touched by the account of kindness and hospitality shown by Gander and the surrounding communities. It shows low neighbors are to treat each other, especially during a crisis. I know your communities will be greatly blessed because of your act of love to your fellow humans. Thanks, you are the GREATEST. Also, thanks to the Airline stewardess who shared the experience with all of us.
David Arnold: Hello. One more try. Anyone out there from the Boston area who touched down at Gander?, or collect: 617 929 3152. Thanks.
Markus Veit, Germany: Dear People of Lewisporte and Gander, With this letter I will thank you and all people with you for everything provided during our onintentional stay in Lewisporte as passenger of Delta 015. I never expierenced such a kind of spontaneous hospitality and warm welcome. It was like a holiday with the only difference that it will be unpossible to find a hotel with such fantastic food . If anybody of your community ever will travel to Germany please don’t hestate to contact me. In this case I offer to help with arrangements and advise to make travel as interesting and comfortable as possible. If it is intended to visit Bonn I offer I stay in my home and will be happy for the chance to return the favour. With best regards to all very special people of Lewisporte! - Markus Veit []
John: To all the folks in Gander..You Awesome! Thank You for caring so much!!!
Trapper: Eastern Hospitality
Janice Berilacci from Flt#644 Alitalia Airlines: For those passengers who stayed at the Hotel Gander from Alitalia Flt#644, I would love to hear from you, Email me at MD11 May God Bless Everyone
Vi Shoemaker: Thank you from the bottom of my heart Malev 90 ANYONE WHO STAYED AT GANDER ACADEMY E-MAIL ME PLEASE!!!!!!!
Bryan: A friend just emailed me an account of the wonderful manner in which the people of Gander and Newfoundland generally opened their hearts and their homes to passengers forced to land at Gander after the attacks of Sept. 11. I was not involved, but felt compelled to say "Thank You" on behalf of all of us in America.. When faced with such inhumane disegard for human life as exhibited by those who attacked defenseless women, men and children, it renews one's faith in the basic goodness of mankind when people such as you open your hearts to complete strangers. God Bless you, and thank you. Hi All, My 2 previous emails told you about the phone in on stranded passangers stories set for this monday, oct 15. We want anyone who had experience, either as a stranded passenger or a volunteer to tune in and phone in. Here are the times you can pick it up on the air or real audio. pacific time: 9:05-10:00; Mountain 10:05-11:00; Central 11:05-12:00, Eastern 12:05-1:00, Atlantic 1:05-2:00: Nfld; 1:35-2:30... what you need to do to hear it on the web is go to then hit Radio One St. John's Live. Mayor Claud Elliot, of Gander will be our studio guest and Shirley Brooks Jones of Columbus, Ohio will be a guest on the phone (she was stranded in Lewisport). all you have to do is call 709-7227111 COLLECT. We'd love to hear from you. Ingrid, producer, Radio Noon
Eve Bennett: This is a profound story in the dark times we are in. I was not on a flight that day but as an American (born 59 years ago in Toronto, I am reminded of the remarkable power we all have when we reach for our highest selves. Gander, you are a gift to all human beings. May your open, guileless, vulnerable,exquisite selves be a beacon for everyone in the world
Michel: Great !!!
Felix Schmitt: On this way I want to thank to all people of Gander. My girlfriend and I were two of the "refugees"(like Kevin said to us) on the Air France flight AF 004. Your warmth and your hospitality impressed me deeply. It was my first stay in Gander but it wasn´t my last one. Thank you
Jane: I wasn't a passenger, but thank you anyway. It is nice to know that in a time of trouble, we have friends!!
Walt: I was informed by a friend of the truley wonderful kindness of the people of Gander, may your kindness be returned a hundred times over.
hava rucher israel: úåãä øáä thank you good people of Gander fl 400
Ce: I have always felt a bond with Canadians, like the USA and Canada are sisters. I want to add my thanks to all you did to help the stranded airlines and their passengers on that ill fated day. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Sue: I was not one of the unfortunates stranded in Gander - and could only watch the unfolding events of 11 September with horror from my home in the UK. But speaking as someone who has visited Gander and friends in Newfoundland I can only repeat what you are all saying - what a wonderful little town and what wonderful people. Canadian hospitality is legendary and the Newfies lead the way. I am proud to be an honorary Newfie since being screeched in 10 years ago. Keep up the good work.
Sy bil Roberts: I was on CO29 enroute to Newark on 11 Sept. We landed at Gander airport late Tuesday afternoon and were immediately taken care of by our most caring flight attendants jntil late on Wednesday morning when we were taken off thde plane and put into the care of the people of Newfoundland. Although none of us would have wanted our journey to end this way we came asway from this wonderful place having experienced the utmost care and support imaginable. Out of such inhamnity to man there emerged such humanity towards manfind that it was my privilage to experience. If there is anyone out there who was in Gambo with me please sday hello. I live in Guernsey in the Channel Islands. The community of Gambo is very exceptional. We were loved and cared for. They opened their hearts and their homes and I will never forget them. Thank you, thank you.
Sybil Roberts: Hi again. I have just read through my first message and oh! what a lot of typing mistakes. Must try to do better this time. I just wanted to add the Email address incase anyone out there wants to get in touch. I stayed with Marg and David ,Gambo My Email address is
Emiliano: Hi Newfoundlanders, I was going to Newark that terrible day on the flight Alitalia 644. I don't really know how to express the feelings that I have for the things you all did for us. It was just wonderful. I only hope to come back there one day just to say THANK YOU.
Ellen Woods: I wasn't on any of the diverted flights, but thank you one & all for helping my fellow Americans. United by Love, we cannot be defeated!!
Kat: Thank you, to the wonderful people of Gander, Lewisporte, and the surrounding communities for their generosity and hospitality to all of the passengers stranded there on Sept. 11. Such acts of kindness remind us of all that is good in the world.
Rick Gibson: Please allow me to express my deepest admiration for the people of Gander & Lewisporte. I received an email, telling the story of the wonderful hospitality of the these communities toward the thousands of stranded airline passengers on 9/11/01. The msg was written in the 1st person by a Delta flight 15 crew member, and tells how an MD from VA proposed creating a scholarship fund for HS students of Lewisporte, while on the final leg from Gander to Atlanta. It says that $14.5K US was pledged by the passengers of Delta 015, before that flight landed, and that this doctor said that he would match that amount. Can someone who was onboard that flight please verify that this is true? It sounds like a truly special way of saying 'merci', but I have thus far not been able to find anyone who can confirm the validity of this fund, including Delta. Please email me if you have such first-hand knowledge. -
Bill Thomas: Greetings and thank you for the warm hospitality you extended to those who were your guests for several days . I am not surprised as I have experienced the same hospitality, except under less strenous circumstances, from British Columbia, Yukon territory, to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, I was not on any of the planes but I was stranded in Pittsburgh, PA en route to Denver. I experienced the madness at the airport there. Thanks again, Bill T. Orlando, Florida
Kai Eggenberger Dear Ganderites. It's already a month ago that I came to Gander. Due to the recent memories it doesn't feel like a month at all. I was on my way to JFK aboard LH 400 in order to spend my holidays in the US when we got diverted to Gander. You welcomed us with an overwhelming kindness and hospitality. In these 5 brief days I made new friends from all over the world. To cut a long story short: Thank you Gander for all you did to make our stay at Gander Collegiate a really great time. I'll remember you forever and I am looking forward to meet you again. I want to go to the US again next year, and I'll find a way to come and meet you in Gander. If anyone of you should visit Germany don't hesitate to contact me. Kai from Karlsruhe, Germany
elfi: Thank you sooo much for your kindness and hospitality!
Kathy: I was not on any of these flights but I love the spirit of the hospitality shown. How wonderful! I think those who were there should go BACK next year on sept 11 as a tribute to the events and to the town. Spend your tourist dollars there if you can. What better way to boost a small town economy? God bless all who shared that day in Newfoundland.
Mary: How blessed we are that charity prevails in the darkest times. So many heroes go unthanked. I didn't have the misfortune to be stranded, but my best friend did. She can't stop praising your community that opened their hearts and their homes to strangers from all over the world. Bless you all!
Gail: I was in Switzerland on Sept. 11 where people were also very kind, so I did not have the wonderful experience in Gander that I have read about. However, a friend of mine was travelling in Newfoundland and actually drove through Gander on September 12. He affirms that he actually saw much of what is related in the story written by the Delta flight attendant. Gander, your hospitality, efficiency, and selflessness is unmatched. Thank you so much for all you did for everyone who was forced to land in your town on September 11!
Maralynn: My husband and I can well understand the overwhelming expression of care the stranded passengers must have felt.This was an experience of a lifetime. We were not stranded but arrived in Frankfurt just 5 hrs before the tragedy. We traveled through Germany, France, Luxembourg, Belgium and Switzerland. In all countries, the locals expressed their sincere sympathy. There is far more love in the world than hate. Thank you, Newfoundland, for being an example to the entire world.
Carolyn: I've read two accounts now of the way you Gander-ites sprang into action on September 11. I've wanted to express my stunned admiration and thanks to you all, and here have the opportunity to do so. You've truly made a very dark time lighter, and not onl
Carolyn: Am not sure what happened to the tail-end of my message (see above), but want to finish by saying that you not only impacted the individuals who were forced to land at your airport and spend the next couple of days, but the rest of the world as well. You
Carolyn: Oh, no -- can't get my message finished! Here's one final try: Just thank you so much for your selfless acts. They will not be forgotten. Ever.
Joe,Ann Kyle: There are not enough words to express the gratitude that we feel towards the people of your comunity. We were on Continental flight 29,about an hour from landing at Newark when our pilot gave us the terrible news. Two jets had been crashed into the World trade centers,at that point I had lost my faith in humanity, little did we know then that there is at least one comunity left in this world that still holds on to the old fashioned values of decency, honesty and compasion for your fellow man, the people of Gander have it, and we owe a debt of gratitude to the people of Gambo in particular for restoring our faith in mankind. We will never forget you or what you did for us, our love to you all.
Woody Tiernan: I was not a passenger on any of the planes diverted to Gander. I heard about what happened in an e-mail letter a friend sent me. It seemed like a story too good to be tru (there's a lot of that on the internet these days). so I decided to try to "look it up", since I hadn't heard anything about it on the news or in the papers. Well, your website, and photos allayed my skepticism/cynicism!! I THANK YOU and all the honest-to-God decent, generous, and loving citizens of Gander and surrounding communities for what you did for my fellow Americans in their hour of need. May God bless all of you! We're all going to make this a better world, one day and one deed at a time.
Danielle: I was one of the volunteers at Lakewood Academy, Glenwood.I just wanted to say that you were all very thankful to us, which made helping out at hte school a lot more fun!!!!!! if anyone that stayed at Lakewood Academy have any pictures that they took while thay were there, if you wouldn't mind could you please send them to me!!thanks in advance.( p.s i miss you all!!)
Danielle : sorry but i forgot to tell you my email address:
Jeff Hudson: I was not a passenger either and just happened across the story until the week of the 9.24. Like some of the other posts it seemed to good to be true. WRONG! The people of Gander are definitely hereo's in my my book and it just continues to baffle me that the press did not jump on this story! It's a shame that the lot of Americans that don't have internet access will never find out about the caring citizens of Gander. You people are awesome! Jeff
David Martin from Virgin 021: Last week the Captain of Virgin flight 021, Robert Burgess, returned to the Gander Academy to make a presentation on behalf of the passengers and crew. A few pics here at
Joyce Cannedy - Boise, Idaho, USA: Thank you so much to the wonderful people of Gander, Lewisporte, and the surrounding communities for their hospitality & generosity to all of the passengers stranded there on September 11th. Such acts of kindness remind us of all that is good in the world. There have been many wonderful stories of people coming together, showing true care and concern when we really needed it. I wasn't on any of the diverted flights... but thank you so much for helping my fellow Americans. United by Love!!!
Leslie Moody: Others have said it well so I will simply say thank you. I was safe at home on September 11 but your town has touched my heart just the same.
Claudia: Terrorist will never have power as long as people react in kind and decent ways, as did the people of Gander. I wonder if they can understand what they are up against, the power of people being decent and kind and good ... thank you so much for your beautiful example!
Barbara: On that horrific day, Sept 11, I was safe at home. Nonetheless, I need very much to say to all who live in Gander and the surrounding communities: Thank you for all the truly loving care you gave to my fellow Americans. We will never forget your example of genorosity and giving.
Lori Wehmhoefer: I was safe in the State of Washington on September 11th, but feared for many of my fellow Americans. It has not only been our Nation that has come together at this time, but, as evidenced by people like yourselves, we are more than just "One Nation under God," we are "Many Nations united under God!" There are so many heart-warming stories that have been told of support. There is certainly a warmth felt by many of us who have read of the care you have provided for the people of our country! God Bless You All!
Sarah: I am a Newfoundlander and helped out in a small capacity during the week of Sept 11. I was just reading through the entries and noticed a remark made by Lori Wehmhoefer. She states that "we are more than just "One Nation under God," we are "Many Nations united under God!" ". But are we really?? Would that it were so. I watched some of the news reports during that week and also the memorial services. Americans were on their knees. Great Britain was on their knees. What will it take to bring Canada to their knees??
Sharon: Thanks to Gander and all it's marvelous residents. Your efforts and response to thousands in need as a result of the 9/11/01 terrorist attack on the US will always be remembered and appreciated. Greetings from Las Cruces, NM, USA
Jeff Venturelli: Just happened across this sight. God Bless you all and as the terrorists will find, we are more of one country and one people than they ever could imagine. Thanks again for all your kindness.
Bob & Carolyn Bordner: Even as the time passes and we become desensitized from the September 11 incident, we feel closer still to the wonderful family of Gander. Everytime we think of you, we get a very warm feeling inside and a smile on our lips. Thank you Gander, what you did to help thousands of people will never be forgotten and you will be blessed for all of your generosity and true caring! Thank you
Dennis Mathes: I was a passenger of Delta 15, and was hosted by the Lewisporte Lion's Club. The day before, I guess nobody of us knew where or what Gander is. Now everybody knows, and I think this will be a story we will be telling our grandchildren. I am still amazed about how eager the people there provided us with everything we needed. I want to thank all the peple of Lewisporte and Gander for their support.
Wolf d`Alquen / Ag.Andreas in Greece/ I received your message/Story from my sister in florida,a former flight-attendantt with TWA and was absolutely fascinated by what happened to you folks in Gander.This world sometimes seems so brutally materialistic to me once in a while and now this! Something that makes us more hopeful .Hail you people there in Gander,we love you deeply!
Tony Aiello: The passengers of CO45 could not have asked for better hosts than our new friends in Lewisporte. The crew at Philadelphia Tabernacle and Lewisporte Middle School went above and beyond the call of neighborliness. Please visit our web site for a fuller picture of what we experienced, and the gratitude we feel.
Jackie Pinto: I was also a passenger on Continental #45, and had the good fortune to land in Gander, and ultimately in Lewisporte. The warmth and generosity we were met with are truly impossible to describe, but I suspect most of you know what I mean from your experience. At least once a day, our "experience" comes up in conversation and I am asked to tell the story. I start out enthusiastically, after a minute or two I start saying "You wouldn't believe it, you wouldn't believe it, and then I just quit beacause I cannot find the words to convey the feeling that many of you seem to describe better than I can. I wish I could somehow gather the emotion we felt, a combination of fright, fatigue, generosity,kindness, unselfishness, humor, so much more.....and put it in a bottle. I would open the bottle whenever anyone wanted to hear "the story" and tell them to breathe in deeply. It would be a much better world.
Ganderite: I asked my 12 year old daughter what she thought of all these thank you's - her reply brought tears to my eyes...she said "Mom, I hope they all (the plane people) PAY IT FORWARD". If you haven't seen this movie - maybe you should - it sure made an impact on my daughter!
Paul: I am in mid America, in St. Louis, Missouri. There was an interview of one of our local citizens about the hospitality of Gander. I've only heard of Gander but never been there. God bless you good friends for acting as a refuge to our people during a horrible time for us.
Teena Jarvis: I am a Ganderite, now living in Ottawa. As so many people have expressed, I'm so proud of Gander and the hospitality of all Newfoundlanders during the days following Sept 11. Even in the midst of tragedy, strangers are there, aal over the world, to lend a helping hand. God Bless each and every one of you who took the time to help a stranger, and may God Bless the victims families and keep his loving hand upon their hearts. Always remember, God is in control! Good will prevail over always has!
Coffee Queen Kelly: Hi everyone - I have received a phone call from Nula and Florence - they have asked me to let everyone know that they made it home safely and are very thankful to all the people in Gander with a special thankyou to Gander Academy. I have there mailing address if anyone is interested in writting them - Just email me - and I will give it to you! I know Nula would love to hear from the children!
Caroline, Phillip, Helen and Hannah Dennis: It has now been one month since we arrived home in Atlanta. We will never be the same. While our initial feelings were inconvenience and fear, separation from our friends and family we became quickly overwhelmed by your unexpected and more than generous hospitality. In hind sight, we can not think of a better place to have been during the week following the horrible events of Sept. 11 than in Gander. While many Americans only experienced the evil, we were blessed to land among people who welcomed us with open arms anticipating our every need. Our children practically thought this was an extension of our vacation. We continue to tell our story to all who will listen, and there are so many who will. They want to hear good news about good people. You taught thousands of people from all over the world how to care for strangers. I know they are passing that care on. Now that could change the world! A big thank you to all the school bus drivers who came off strike to help us. A great big thank you to the teachers who stayed up all night greeting us. A very, very special thank you to Andy, Kelly, Kayla and Jaycee Cobbe who welcomed us into their home. Who cooked food and washed clothes and brought people home for showers. Thanks to Kayla for sharing her bed and to Jaycee for keeping my girls happy. We were so blessed by our time with you. Thank you.
Zoe and Sue. Virgin 21: It is difficult to put into words our sincere thanks for all the great kindness shown to us in Gander Academy. These situations really bring out the best in people. We will always have fond memories of you all. If John and Joe in row 47 look a this -a special hello from the girls on the floor by the emergency exit.
Marrion Sweeney: A simple thankyou for all the kindness and generouity you gave to the stranded passengers in September. After this horrific event, I am more convinced than ever that kindness lies deep within most human hearts. Thank you and may God bless you all!
Linda: Living at the other end of Canada, Victoria, B.C. I became aware of the generosity of the Gander and St. John's Nf. folks through my future son-in-law, himself a Newfoundlander. What our American friends may not realize is that Newfoundland is the poorest province in Canada, according to Statistics Canada. These people face brutal winters every year, courtesy of the Atlantic Ocean, try to make a living from a decimated fishing industry, and fight a rugged terain that yields more rocks than potatoes. But, if you've ever met a "Newf", you've made a friend. The one thing that Statitics Canada cannot measure is the size of Newfoundland's heart, and that's a fact that is known right across Canada. For all of our American friends who were forced to "touch down" in Newfoundland, you landed in amongst people who were willing to give you the shirt off their back before they would see you cold. They would have fed you before themselves so that you would not go hungry. And they would have loved you as they love their own family members and their province. And, like so many of the rest of us Canadians, they would have wept with you during that horrible week and prayed for the safety of your own families, have sung "The Star Spangled Banner" (even if we don't know all of the words!) along with you and mourned the loss of American lives as deeply as we would mourn the loss of one of our own. We cherish our friendship with the States and I would invite you to come up and visit us, all ten provinces and three territories! God Bless you all and remember that those of us north of the 49th parallel have also grieved with you.u
joyce weisinger: Thank you Gander. I was one of the many crew members that your citizens looked after.We were Continental #5 from London . Our passengers came back to the plane with rave reviews about their unscheduled stay.We left on sat. night. Thanks again.
alan ross: In the midst of tragedy we meet the warmest, friendliest people on earth. My fellow passengers on continental 45 and the people of Lewisporte are now part of my family and my life. My trip to Italy was quickly forgotten and replaced with the love and friendship of my new friends. The only time I remembered Italy was when I received my American Express bill. Love you all alan
joyce weisinger: Oh! I forgot. A special "thank you" to Ford and Wanda Whelan for coming to my hotel (yes I had a room) and taking me to their home for dinner and homemade berry preserves.
Don: Thank you - you wonderful people of Gander! Your kindness has even reached the shores of Africa. I live in Durban, South Africa, and generally only read the back (sports) pages of our news papers, as the rest can be a bit depressing. Well, thanks to our editor, who has been running a series on "The Town of Gander", I, and many others, have been truly enspired by your actions. Considering that crime and corruption seem to sell more newspapers, I was surprised but delighted with the "full page" coverage on your wonderful stories. Thank you for reminding us how many GOOD people there are out there!
Cynthia: Thank you seems like so little to say. But THANK YOU! for your hospitality and kindness to all the people that were diverted to Gander during the recent tragedy. Philippians 1:3
David: People of Gander, you are an inspiration. I am touched by the stories of your kindness and hospitality. It seems that it is impossible to repay your kindness, but be assured that many are inspired to a sense of responsibility toward our fellow man by your example. I hope to visit your community someday.
Patsy Graddick: Thank you so very, very much for your warm response to us in our hour of need. I was one of the flight crew on Continental 45. Alan Ross, one of our passengers had a small radio and we were able to pick up one of your stations there in Gander. People were calling in offering their homes to us. They were offering food. Most of all, they were offering to take care of us in our hour of need. Our aircraft was one of the last to land so we were on the aircraft all night and half the next day. Hearing the words of your citizians was soooo comforting to us. Thank you to each and every one of you. If ever in Alabama, come see me!!
Gill: Thank you to all the people of Gander and Lewisporte for their wonderful caring and hospitality towards the people on the flights that had to land there on September 11th. This site was just drawn to my attention, and it has been uplifting to learn of what you all did to help these stranded strangers in a time of need. God bless you all. Your knidness and compassion are a wonderful example of the good that He can bring out of evil. Greetings from Socorro, New Mexico
Richard Horowitz : It is now Oct. 21 and the memories of our experience at the Gander Hotel on Sept 11 are clearer now than they were then. We were on Alatalia # 644 and if it had not been for the kindness and hospitality of the people at the hotel and the entire city I do not know how we would have gotten through it. I will think of you constantly and forever.
Ann and Tony: Thanks to Gander and North Atlantic College. We were on the Air France flight and taken to the North Atlantic College - everyone was so kind to us during a most difficult time. We will always remember your kindness.
james addison alitaliacrew: l was one of the crew members on the alitalia 644 flight redirected to gander! I just want to take this opportunity of thanking everyone in Gander for their great hospitality and wide sincere smiles! Certainly an experience to remember and to treasure! my e mail is! Look forward to hearing from you!
Antonio Lepore: l was one of the passengers on flight 644 redirected to Gander in Canada. I want to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all those who helped me through my time of pain and suffering. As some of you already know, that during my stay in gander l was informed of the loss of my dear father. It was a confusing and frustrating time for me, being so far and so helpless! Complete strangers embraced me with their love and pure concern! I thank God for his guidance through people! The staff at the Hotel Gander completely sacrificed THEIR time for our well being!!! Something very special and certainly unforgettable! a special thanks to a GREAT woman...Susan Scharpegge who tirelessly devoted herself and her family time to our well being!!! This experience has restored my trust and faith in human kindness!!xxxx!
Wyomingite: The e-mail circulating about Gander's hospitality after the 9/11 tragedy is heartwarming! Thanks to the residents of Gander for their caring.
b.j. greene: As a native of Gander i am very proud of my little town which has always been known as "the crossroads of the world". This term came about, when many aircraft used Gander as a stepping stone to Europe, before the jet aircraft. My dad was an aircraft refuller at the airport for some 40 years and growing up there and hearing his stories, always gave me the since that this is a small world even in the 50's & 60's.I had recently spoken with my dad and he gave me details of the events which unfolded in Gander, after 9/11/01. Yet, it was in a matter of fact tone, the people of Gander have always opened their doors to standed travellers, it what you do in Gander when people are in need. My dad told of how he opened his home to serveral people that week.I have always been proud of Gander and it's residents.From a proud son, thank you,dad (Howard) you are still to this day teaching me the true meaning of love of our fellow
Pam Boudreau: I thought that I had finally stopped crying. Then I read the tale of how the wonderful people of Gander and Lewisporte helped and gave so generously to the stranded travelers. You give the world hope that more good will come from this horrible waste of precious life. Love and best wishes to each and every one of you.
Leigh: I just read an email about the stranded airline passengers who landed in Gander. I just wanted to add my thanks and appreciation for your kindness to all members of my 'global family'. God bless you! What a lovely thng you did for OUR people. I am sure their hearts were breaking (as mine was) during those first days. How beautiful 'Old Glory' looked flying from your airport tower. WE--truly are brothers-- in the human race. Thanks for taking such wonderful care of our 'plane' people.
Joe : Thanks to the people of Gander and the surrounding area from Texas. Our hats are off to you!!! You have loved my brothers and my sisters--you have loved me. Ephesians 2:10
anja a.scott: it´s been a while now since we got back to germany,but we hav´nt forgot anything of what happened to us in gander.Only good things happened to us,we found friends we´re still in contact with.But what really happened to us? The enormous trgody changed our life,but gander put so much hope into our hearts,cuase if people like you exist,,how can evil really effect the world.If every country were like GANDER,what would we have to worry about!We still are so thankfull and happy to be blessed to be stranded in Gander.God bless all of you!
Jeff Earnest: Thank you Gander..Your Generosity will never be forgotten. I work in the Travel Industry and this is why I continue to stay there. You helped this country more than you will ever know. May peace and prosperity be with you always. jearnest@trip.comb
David & Claire Hartigan: This was my 4th visit to Newfoundland, but first one unplanned. Having family in Newfoundland and especially in Gander I was not as inconvenienced as many others. When we arrived in Gander I mentioned to many passengers and the flight crew that if we had to land anywhere this was the place to land because Newfies are the best. What we all experienced was far more than I had ever expected. Everyone on TWA was very impressed with Gander, Newfoundland. Heck, I even had a chance to buy a bottle of Screech. My best to cousins Joanne Baird and Hiram Keeping and all you generous and hospitable residents of Gander. Hope to see you again soon.
Brigitte Schoenfelder: Hi people of Gander .I've been with the care team of LH to help our strandet people up there in your wonderful town. I just want to tell you, that you've don a real great job, and you all made our job quite easy. It really has been a wonderful experience to do our work in your town. I've met so many super people, and I found new friends. It's been a hard job to do, but I don't want to miss a minute of it. Thank you to all of you, and I promise to come back sometime to see all of you again. Thank you and may God bless you all.
Brigitte Schoenfelder Thanks to Gander!!!!!!! If you are interested, just give me a mail. I've been to Gander on a Lufthansa mission flight to take care of our passangers. I think of you very often, and I want to see you all again sometimes under better conditions. Thanks again, you've done a great job and may God bless you all
Helen & Andrew Stirling: Due to the kindness and generosity shown to us by the people of Gander, we will probably return for a visit in the distant future. Although unplanned and under tragic circumstances, we wouldn't say that we did not enjoy our stay. These events showed us what a community can do when it pulls together. We did eventually arrive in Florida on the Saturday morning, and the holiday was great. Yes, we were allowed to go to our original destination , as our airline was ATA. Thanks again for the kindness and genorosity shown to all.
Marcia L. Pollard: After reading of your love for your fellow brothers and sisters, I just wanted to say how wonderful it is to see God's love at work. Your town rallied without thought of reward, and I thank you for "welcoming and caring" for all of the plane travelers. "For what you do to one of these, you do to me." God bless you all!
Colleen Broderick: I recently heard about all your community did to take care of all the stranded passengers on Sept. 11. It is such an amazing story how your citizens mobilized so quickly to aid all these people. Thank you very much to the people of Gander for all you have done. We appreciate your kindness so much. Albuquerque,New Mexico
Beth Wakefield Hello Gander Lions Club friends and passengers of Lufthansa flight 438 from Frankfurt to Dallas! Who could have imagined we were all a part of something so amazing. A big thank you to everyone who helped us while we were in your city. Our newly adopted baby girl from Kazakhsta is doing great and is adjusting to her new home with us. My husband and I said that not getting home on September 11 was both the worst and the best part of our 30-day adoption trip. If we had not experienced this we would have missed meeting so many wonderful people in Gander!
Diana Ruesewald: Everytime I hear another story about the kindness shown to people on Septembe 11th I just want to cry. Thanks for your love and generosity. I would love to visit your country. You are a real inspiration to everyone. I live near Memphis, Tennessee and the same spirit was shown to passengers there. God bless
Roxanne Loper Hello from a former Lufthansa Flight 438 passenger! It has been well over a month now since that fateful day and I still remember it all so arms, open homes, warm smiles, and open hearts. Gander is such an inspiration and a mighty big hug and thanks goes to Bruce MacLeod and Neil Parsons for their expertise in Ferry schedules and rental cars for our trip over-land to Dallas, Texas! YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN!!
Elaine: Hi. I also was not a stranded passenger on the island of Newfoundland. Although, I am half Newfoundlander and have relatives in the Stephenville area. Through my aunt I know that the welcome mat was put out all over the island by all of its residents. I have always talked about how I could send anyone up to Newfoundland to any of my relatives and they would be greeted with open arms and lots of love as if they were family. Well, the island most certainly proved me right!!! Newfies are the greatest.
Barb: Hello, I was on my way to work in Colorado when the attacks starting to occur. I just want to say thank you and God Bless. Your hospitality is greatly appreciated. It is nice to know that there are a lot of generous, kind people in the world and no matter where you are from, in a time of crisis, there are people who care and willstep up to the plate and do whatever they can. Thank you again for opening up your hearts, homes, schools, etc to totally strangers.
James Morgan USN: Great Job from a wonderful community. Thank you for all of your support during this terrible time. The United States Navy and the people of America salute you!
Betsi: Thank you for showing us that the human species doesn't always want to hurt its own! I would like to know about many more Gander and Lewisports and many less of those at the opposite extreme of our species. I wonder if the News Agencies will ever get the hint.
Debra Gordon, Hello. I am writing an article about the planes that were diverted to Gander on Sept. 11, and would like to hear from American passengers about their experiences. Please email me at Much thanks. Debra Gordon
karen: I was not on any of the planes diverted to Gander. My sister sent me the email about what happened there. i thank each & every one of the citizens of Gander for their generosity of heart & spirit. You have set a beautiful example for us all to follow. Thank you.
Sven: I have read the repot in FOCUS and I were very happy that so many pepole from so many Nations are friendly in one City !!!! Thank you Gander !!!!
Klaus Barth, Germany: I want to say thank you to all the people of Gander, especially the men and women of St. Martins Church, for their great hospitality, friendship, and warmth. I will never forget you.
Beth Wakefield I'm looking for Rod who was on Lufthansa flight 438 and who stayed at the Gander Lions Club. I would like to thank him for the support he provided to my family during our time in Gander.
DavidTravis: Thanks for your help when we were
Amy: I was not a passenger on any of those planes who were diverted to your wonderful city. I was in bed here in California watching the horror unfold. I recieved an email about your wonderful city. It makes me cry to see such generousity in the face of uncertainty and horror. Thank you so much for taking care of so many people. You are among the heroes of Sept 11th!
Paulla: The real heros are the people of Gander
Josh: I've never been to Gander, but I heard about what the people of the area did, and I wanted to say thank you for setting such a great example for the rest of us to follow and live up to. God bless all of you.
Lisa Krieshok: A Big Thank You to my Aunt and Uncle in Gander, who are the most generous people in the world!
Roberta: As long as there are people like in Lewisporte that were willing to help in a bad situation we have hope for a decent world. And to Ben Ladin - we will survive.
Gary: For anybody that might be interested. ABC News have been hosts of Gander for the past few days. They have been doing a shot that will be aired either on Thursday Nov. 8 or Friday Nov. 9.
Patricia Slavinski: Hello,
Patricia Slavinski: Hello, I am currently working on a commemorative book, proceeds to charity, about the experiences of the flight diversions following the tragedies of September 11. If anyone would like to send me an account of their experiences in Gander I would greatly appreciate it. I am specifically looking to get in touch with Caroline, Phillip, Helen and Hannah Dennis, Jackie Pinto, Joe and Ann Kyle, Elizabeth Katt, Teri and Bob Shoemaker, Tom Farrier, David Korpan, Sue Riccardelli, Bob Gill, Johannes Weigand, but would appreciate any other experiences sent to me. Please contact me at Thank you in advance for all your help. Patricia Slavinski
Bob Roelf: Today's Wall Stree Journal (November 7, 2001) had an article about your community's kindness to our stranded citizens. I was not part of that group but, as a U.S. citizen
diana feibelman: thank you gander for all you did . i have written to siobhan she is writing the book for the goverment to have she has the story of all the wonderful people who gave there homes for showers did our clothes ect. my messages was the world needs to take lessons from gander and we would all be living in a much better place. i will be back gander to inbrace you one day.
John Sichenze: We thank you ,our first cousins,the Canadian People
Paul Dwyer: I was a passenger on Continental CO29. Through the unforeseen events of September 11th I made a new home and found new family and friends. A special thanks to Jack and Bunty Kelly in Gambo. Best regards to all in Gambo and Gander.
Anne: I was not one of the passengers stranded on September 11, but I want to express my heartfelt thanks to all of you for your help during our time of crisis. The people of Canada were absolutely magnificant and we are proud to have you as our neighbor. God Bless each and everyone of you.
Jamie In Arkansas USA: I read about the kindness of the people of Gander and the surrounding area. I am proud to be on the planet with you! Your generosity and kindness will surely be rewarded. God Bless Gander.
Dr. Kathryn Tittel: A special Thank You to Gander and especially to Lewisporte. We were on Continental 45 on September 11. We were SO impressed at the level of detail in caring our hosts in Lewisporte extended. We were amazed at how quickly you all were able to organize and orchestrate our "rescue". Since our return home, I have told our story to so many of my patients, and they in turn are sending back to me other flights stories and are so amazed at what we experienced. We are so thankful to the people of Gander and Lewisporte for all you did and how well you did it!!!! I have told many people that it is not an experience that I was "looking for", but having had it, it ahs changed my life, and I will never forget the cameraderie and support from our neighbors to the North! Thanks again, Kati Tittel and John Westerheid, Houston, Texas
yvonne coffey: just a note to say that you people who flew into our compassionate province of NFLD will be forever remembered in my thoughts and prayers. God bless all of you .My e-mail address is
Fred S. Rodgers Philadelphia: I would like to extend my deepest appreciation and gratitude for the open display of love, faith, and affection. Your kindness has had an impact on my life. I shall remember you always. Thank You!
Christina - Toronto ON: I am so proud Canadians in Gander NFLD and across Canada for their incredible acts of generousity and kindness in joining together to help our American and International travellers and friends in their time of need during the Sept. 11 terrorist tragedy. It restores our faith in human nature that our spirit cannot be broken in the face of evil and uncertainty.. These selfless acts of kindness and solidarity are indeed very powerful. Thank you!
Terry Reed, Anchorage, Alaska: Thank you so very much for the compassionate rescue of the stranded passengers during the USA's terrible crisis. I have seen the photos, read the accounts, and through it all, felt such gratitude to you all. Thank you people of Canada. You truly show what an ally is. God Bless each and everyone of you!
Kellee E. Ryan -- I can not express enough how much you have all touched me in LEWISPORTE. Thank YOU so very much -- I was on Delta flight 129 so if you were on that flight with me please keep in touch I only was bale to get some of the e-mail address's if you see this please e-mail me back at I will look forward to talking with you and YOU are my family I never had -- THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH AGAIN
Ilaine, Virginia: Thank you very much to the people of Gander, and all the other wonderful people in Canada who helped when it was needed. God bless you.
Ashley Dalley: I am a former resident of Gander, NFLD. I hope everyone who stayed in our Community had an exellent time through all such hard times. I am 11 years old and if you would please email me at I go to Gander Academy and I hope everyone had a great time.
BETTY HANEGAN: thank you we are proud of the people in Gander Just heard about it in e mail from a friend God Bless You all
Ben: I was on Bord of Lufthansa Flight 400 from Frankfurt to New York during the time when the terrible terrorist attack in New York and Washington happend. I want to thank all people in Gander. You were unbelievable.I was proud to be among so nice people. But that fact shows that evil is only among a small minorty of people, thos who planned the attack on the USA. But this was the beginning for the world to hold togehter und get ride of the evil. Thanks again. Ben
Locatelli Laura e Rossano: queremos agradecer mucho a todas las personas que nos ayudaron y nos hicieron sentir como en nuestra casa muchas gracias! con tanto carino
Betty: I'm from Lewisporte and on behalf of all our town......Too all who have thanked us...You hare all ever so welcome...may God bless you
Linda - Bethlehem, PA: I've been encouraged and uplifted by the support and sympathy the USA has received from other countries, especially Great Britain and Canada. But the stories of Gander's and Lewisporte's hospitality to thousands of stranded travelers is amazing. I join the other posters here and on other "thank you" sites in offering my sincere gratitude to all who assisted in a time of crisis. Your generosity of spirit is most comforting and heart-warming in this time of grief and anxiety, and a wonderful way to illustrate how wonderful MOST people truly are. Things like this send an important message to terrorists and their supporters.
RJP/Newfoundland: Growing up an hours drive from Gander , I always enjoyed my visits to Gander's International Airport , the "Crossroads of the World" . It seemed that even though we lived on an island perched on the edge of the north Atlantic ocean , the airport was like a magical portal that accessed the rest of the world . So it was that I was in Gander a week or so after the terrible tragedy took place in the United States . As I was reading through The Telegram (Newfoundland's daily newspaper) I came across a full page ad that was placed there by the Lufthansa Aviation Group thanking the people of Gander for their outpouring of support and generosity for the people who , through no fault of their own , happened to be stranded in this central Newfoundland community . I pointed this out to the waitress at the coffee-shop I was in and remarked that it was a nice gesture on behalf of Lufthansa . She nodded in agreement , and then mentioned that I should go next door to the Gander Town Hall and see the rest of the thank yous that were coming in . As I had a bit of time on my hands , I strolled over to the Town Hall where I was introduced to a lovely lady named Annette . When I told her about the full page ad you could see the pride just bubbling out of her . Everybody had come through in a time of crisis to help out in any way they could and she was extremely proud of her town and all the surrounding communities that helped out . Bringing me over to her computor , she brought up , and to say I was flabbergasted at what she showed me would be an understatement ! Literally hundreds of messages from the stranded passengers expressing gratitude for assisting them in their time of need . I've always felt proud to be a Newfoundlander , and every time I've gone backpacking through Europe (Holland/Belgium/France/Germany/Switzerland/Italy/Austria/U.K) , I've felt equally proud to wear the Maple Leaf to show that Canada is my home in this global village . So in closing , my compliments to those responsible for generating this most excellent web site , to the people of Gander and surrounding areas (as well as St. John's/Stephenville/Goose Bay) I would like to pass along my heartfelt congratulations on a job that was absolutely done first class ! Finally , to all our New Found Friends from all over the world , " Long may your big jib draw ! "
alison Hancock: I am a CBC Television producer with the National in Toronto. We are planning to shoot a story in Gander and the surrounding communities who helped the diverted passengers in September. We'd like to come to Lewisporte and/or Gambo. Right now I'm looking for any video shot in Lewisporte when the passengers were there. If you can help please email me at:
Myra Rosenberger: I'm glad that the stranded airline passengers found out about the fine people in Newfoundland. Perhaps that is why so American servicemen returned to the US with Newfoundland brides. Newfoundlanders, for the most part are warm, kind and giving.I'm proud to be a Newfoundlander.and prouder still to hear of the way the Newfs handled the events of Sept. 11th.
Rob Mawer: I am deeply touched by my fellow Newfoundlanders helping out in such a time of dire need. Being a Newfoundlander myself (I was born and raised in St. Johns), "Newfie" hospitality does not surprise me. Newfoundlanders have always been known to literally give the shirt off their back to help a stranger. I first found out about this thru a friend of mine who sent me an E-mail about this outpour of generosity in a town in Newfoundland (it was a copy an E-mail a pilot had sent to their family). Needless to say, I was so moved by this, I hung a copy of it outside my office for all to see. I am an American citizen now, but I am also a Canadian citizen and Newfoundlander by birth and very proud of my fellow Newfoundlanders. Thank you Gander, thank you Newfoundlanders for all you have done.
Kathy Johnson: I, also, was not a passenger on any of the airplanes that landed in your great community on September 11, but I could not have just recently read an article about your wonderful hospitality without responding. I am an American and when I read about the generosity and hospitality that you showed the passengers and crews of so many airliners, I was overwhelmed. The surrounding Gander communities put a halt to their everyday lives to accommodate such an enormous amount of people and very quickly. All of America suffered on that day, September 11, but to know that our surrounding neighbors came to the rescue of those stranded in the air will not be forgotten. I was touched by how very well everyone was treated and that when they reboarded the airplanes, they were very different people and it was due to their experience with the citizens of the communities in which they stayed. I have never visited your beautiful country, but I would love to. Thank you again for your generosity, compassion and hospitality toward our country in our time of need.
Kim: Thank you so much for your kind hospitality. you made a very troubling time much easier to deal with. God bless you all.
dodidone: Merci encore pour cette hospitalite qu'on aurait du mal a retrouver quelque part d'autre!
Shila & Igal Koifman: We want to thank all the wonderful people of Appleton for their warm and kind hospitality! May the world have more people as kind as you.
Martha Collier: Newfoundland has only 10 days remaining before the face of its landscape has changed forever. .....Please send an e-mail to Peter Armitage, with the subject line 'Main River to Gambo Pond' and ask him how you can help. ......My thoughts and prayers are with you, God bless you all.
Martha Collier: Newfoundland has only 10 days remaining before the face of its landscape has changed forever. .....Please send an e-mail to Peter Armitage, with the subject line 'Main River to Gambo Pond' and ask him how you can help. ......My thoughts and prayers are with you, God bless you all.
Greg Reischl, Appleton, WI USA: I believe it was your Mayor that was being interviewed on our Public Radio Program last Wednesday. I just wanted to say thank you for what you did for those travelers that were stranded. Gander sounds like a great place to live.
Edvyna and Adam Gedritis: To all of the people in Gander we thank-you from the bottom of our hearts. We were on Delta flight 15 that Sept. 11th day and we would like to express our appreciation to all of you for making a terrifying and exhausting ordeal bareable. The world is blessed to have people such as you living in it.
Karthikeyan: thanks to all for showing us kindness.i can never forget ur hospitality.
Stacy - Texas: Almost three months after this horrible tragedy and tonight I watched on TV the story of your town and the outpouring of hospitality shown to so many people. I am overwhelmed and deeply moved by the way in which your citizens mobilized to serve so many strangers in such a giving way. Despite the awful memories and images that will remain with all of us forever, I will also never forget the the selfless heroes of that day--the police and fire department, and now the people of Gander. May God bless you all.
Teresa Smith, Fremont, Ohio: Thank you Gander. I was so moved after watching a report about your caring and kindness to all of those passengers stranded. I was so moved...Thank you and God Bless you all. We love you Gander!!!!
Richard: The story of Gander and surrounding communities will live forever in the hearts of the American people. After watching a report tonight on ABC's Primetime Thursday, I immediatelly went to my computer to locate anything I could about your town(s). Though not a passenger, I was a victim, as were we all, of the heinous crimes against humanity. God bless you all for your kindnesses to my countrymen. Though the images of that day will slowly fade, the spirit of your city and people will not. My wish for you is t tke the lessons learned in this experience and share it with the world, for though your eyes, the light of freedom shines. Thanks!
Ren, Chicago: Thank you neighbors! Words alone cannot express the heartfelt thanks that we Americans feel for our neighbors to the North. Special thanks to the people of Gander and the surrounding communites for the love and generosity provided in our time of need. Thank you Gander, thank you Newfoundland!
Neil --pilot@execpc.con: Thank you Gander, you have touched many people from all over the world. I'm from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, would love to hear/receive e-mails from the Gander area. Again, thank you Gander.
Belinda: I just watched Primetime Live/ABC News as they did a story on how the people of Gander helped our fellow Americans stranded there on 9/11. I wish to add my THANKS to all of you !! God will bless you !!
Jennifer: Amazing people do amazing things. Thank you, lovely neighbors to the North -- for your compassion, for your selfless kindnesses, for your humanity. Americans never forget a kindness; please know yours never will be. You will be remembered and appreciated with fondness, with gratitude, with love. Thank you.
Car;a Brett: After watching Prime Time Live last night I now know that all of America knows what I have known all of my life about my hometown of Gander and all of the surrounding communities and Newfoundland as a general(a few knows there huh?) That we are a selfless and peaceful and loving people. The lady they did the interview with was asked why and she said that it was all that she has known Newfoundland to be. This is how we are. If we see you cold, we not only give you something to eat but we invite you in to eat it. There is none of this locking up your car just to run into the store for 2 minutes, or locking your house door to run down town. It is just a trusting, honest, kind nature that we have. And our town is empty now with all of the lovely people gone back to their homes. You are all still missed today.. Treat everyone as if you were the one in trouble and needed help, never fail to tell the ones that you love how much you love them because you never know when it will be the last time that you see them and HUGS..I think hugs are important. Hug somebody at least once a day.. Love, Peace, and Prayers. Carla.... Would love to hear from
Lynn: What a beautiful story on Primetime. Thank you, Gander! I can't tell you how much it means to know that there are people who don't hate Americans! As one of the passengers said, "You have renewed my faith in humanity." God bless you.
Glenn: Until "Primetime" I was not aware of your generous giving to a world in cricis. I thank you, with love in my heart for you all. Have a warm and a special Holiday season. You are true friends. You will always be remembered.
Anita McNeill: Being a Ganderite, and a Newfoundlander, I'm proud of my hometown folks, but it is hardly surprising. All Nfld communities are known for their hospitality, generosity, and caring. Sept 11 was most likely just accepted as one more thing to do by Nflder's to help fellow human beings. God Bless!!!
chelsea: I was not one of the passangers on any of those planes, I am just a 14 year old girl who saw your story on the news last night. To be honest I have never heard of gander until last night. But I think what you all did for those passengers was great, true americans. Well, I just wanted to say that I saw you on TV and you are truely admired.Bye
Janine: I saw PrimeTime last evening. The story about Gander and the September 11th attacks and routing of planes to Gander. I was very suprised and humbled by the story. There are good people and communities in today's world, we just don't hear about them. But, I think the community of Gander is very special. During this difficult Christmas season for the families of WTC victims and for the passengers on deverted planes, I hope they remember all the kindnesses they have received from strangers. Kindness and compassion are far more valuable and last longer than any material gift. I'm not religious, but I hope the people of Gander are blessed by God.
Patrick: I, too, saw the ABC program Primetime, and was so impressed and awed by the outpouring of caring and compassion by the good people of Gander. As a pilot for a U.S. airline, I,too, was stranded away from home that day. I know how much the passengers who were there in Gander appreciated your hospitality. It was truly amazing! Thank you for everything you have done. God Bless.
Natasha : Wow! I am speechless! So many entries here; each and every one recognizing the good deeds of the people of Gander. As a Newfoundlander myself, I was not surprised to hear about Gander's reaction to the events of that day. It was nice to see an uplifting report on ABC amidst all the saddening news we've heard since there. Hip! Hip! Horray for Gander! Some may have had trouble finding you on the map before, but you all stand out without a doubt now! Best wishes to you all this holiday!
Pat, Allen & Boom: My son and I watched the program about the town and the extraordinary people living there. Never have we been so touched at the goodwill that was shown to our fellow americans on that horrible day. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Sister Francis: Gander is the talk of the world now! THANK YOU! For showing the compassionate, loving side of humanity. All in the shadow of horrific hatred and mass destruction. What an up-lifting story! I had no idea you good people did all that! God Bless you all abundantly for your goodness, this holiday season and always! As an American, I thank you! A kind deed is NEVER forgotten!
A Ganderite: I have lived in Newfoundland, in Gander, all my life and because of that I sometimes think I have lived a sheltered life. I am not a well traveled person and I cannot imagine living any place where you can't say hello to someone on the street, or stop to help a stranger whose car has broke down on the highway, or leave the keys in your car while you run in the store. We are, by nature, trusting, friendly, and kind people and when the stranded passengers were amazed by the reception they received, I could not understand what all the fuss was about, after all, that's just the way we are.
A Ganderite: I think Newfoundlanders have given people all over the world a tremendous gift - a renewed faith in the human spirit - and I hope that all those who were stranded here and who were touched by our kindness will realize they too have a gift. Our way of life is not a fairytale, I think we live life the way it was meant to be, with love and compassion for our fellow human beings, regardless. Just remember, it's the smallest things that make a difference - smiling or saying hello to a stranger, making conversation with the person seated next to you on a plane, or giving a helping hand whenever you can. Keep the Newfoundland Spirit alive.
T. Hodder: To all of the passengers who became our friends and those who we didn't get the chance to meet: No one ever expected September 11th to turn out to be the kind of day that it did and surely it must have been not only a surprise but a mystery as to why you were landing in Newfoundland and not the intended destinations! I spent a couple of days at the Kin Centre in Lewisporte and had the wonderful opportunity to meet some of the passengers from the Delta flight 129, you truly are great people and I can honestly say, speaking for me and my family that it was a great experience and to be able to help in some small way just added to it. I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and hope your memories of our little town will be good ones! Happy holidays to you all.
Nelson Peña, Sacramento, CA: will always be a shinning star in my eyes and warm place in my heart. I never knew we had people like you on earth and I have been around the world a few times in my life span in the military. I'd say you are the best! I felt like at home but better because it was strangers who openned their hearts and home to us. I can never ever express the warm family feeling that I felt when in Gander. Thank You Gnader and United Church-your love and attention will always live in me. You have inspire and given me hope for humanity. Long live Gander and God Bless all.
Rick Hyman: This is a belated thank you to the folks of Gander who cared for me from September 11th through 13th. Although I am sorry that I am tardy with my appreciation, it was inspirational and tearful to just recently read this site and be able to contribute to it. I hope that it stays on the World Wide Web for a long time. As a stranded passenger from Air France flight #004, my experiences and thanks echo those of the others who have written. When our plane was diverted to Gander, I felt safe in knowing that we would be in a remote location, but I had no idea of what type of great treatment I was to receive. My stay at the College of the North Atlantic will always be fondly remembered, as will the staff and citizens who went out of their way to help us. I was one of those mentioned on their Web site who actually was given a second round of hospitality after refusing to board Air France for a return to Paris and given extra help and support to make alternative travel arrangements back to the United States. As such, I had the opportunity to see beautiful northeastern Canada through a bus window. Now back home in California I proudly wear the Gander lapel pin I was given, both as a prop to tell others about you great citizens and as a proud reminder to myself. Thanks, Rick
Herb & Jackie, Woodstock, IL : We had just watched Prime Time/ABC News on what this small community did for all the people that were diverted to your town on Sept 11th. What an incredible act of generosity and compassion. On behalf of all Americans we would just like to say thank you and God bless you all.
PHILIP: I just read this letters, of thanks to Gander. I am from Gander, living in New Brunswick going to school. I am very proud of my follow Ganderites. I would like to send my best wish to people of Gander, surrounding area, those who lose love ones.
Gandorite Dave: Hey, I would just like to say your welcome to all of the people that were stranded in Gander, and other NFLD towns. Newfoundland is known for good hospitality, and being a friendly neighbour, especially with what happend on Sept.11th. Im just saying your welcome and that I thank all of the others who have helped in making it a comforting place for the many people who were stranded in Gander. Thanx
Hippy 2001: I just want to say, Peace; Love; And Joy People, Merry Christmas! May The Very Best Be With Us In The New Year!
Carla I just watched my taped Primetime Live show - I know where Gander is; having flown overseas as a child - we landed on this far-away (as a child would think) land, although we didn't get a chance to inter-act with the townspeople. Having seen this story - I would LOVE to come and see the town up-close 'n personal one day. I just hope a lot of people aren't there the same time as I would want to be - since NOW the story and reality of the GREAT town is there for ALL to see and want. One day, I WILL be there to meet y'all !!!! Thanks to all of you from the bottom of my lil heart for the kindness you showed my fellow Americans,and fellow Citizens from the World-over.
Joyce: I wasn't one of the people who received your hospitality, but your kindness to the ones there will always be remembered by the ones there and those of us who have read about it or seen it on TV.May God Bless each of you. The world needs more people like the ones in Gander.
Mike & Jan Irwin ( We were passengers on US Airways flight 27 diverted into Gander on September 11, 2001. It is impossible to fully express our thanks and admiration to the people of Gander for their kindness and understanding. We would especially like to thank our hosts, the Anglican Diocese and the wonderful people of Mint Brook camp and Gambo. The people of Gander stand as an example of generosity and humaneness for the whole world. Thanks again.
David Martin (Virgin 021): Merry Christmas All. I Would like to share my newly found web page development skills where I have uploaded a section with photos on the stay at the Gander Academy. Bye
Barry and Sherry Porritt: Thank you so much for your warmth and kindness shown to my mother. She will always think kindly on the Gander community. A special thanks to the Hancocks, who, by phone and email, helped us put our minds at ease that she was being taken care of. Gander residents should be proud!!! Thank you again.
Carla Allen: I can't thank you enough for the wonderful graciousness and hospitality exhibited by the entire community of Gander. I was one of the many hundreds of passengers stranded at the Academy and I can't thank you enough for all you did for us! In a world where everyone is living such a frantic and fast-paced existence, it is truly heartwarming to see that old virtues have not died and the spirit of helping one another lives on! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Tera Kolvenbach: I sent the story of your generosity to the stranded passengers (as it appeared in the Wall Street Journal) to my friends and family as part of my Yule/New Year greeting. Your story is the best Christmas gift to the world!
Kayla the Ganderite: I don't know many of your addresses so I would like to say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!! Please E-Mail me at
Hubertus (Fritz) Wentzell:

If you are stranding somewhere anyway,
for reasons beyond imagination,
for leaving this, the next or another day,
then you should strand in Gander-
it’s the place for salvation.

It’s not the first place for fashion,
your risk of a sunburn is small.
But there are people with compassion
to help without questions at all.

You don’t get the feeling of loneliness,
a smile is around any place.
And you see people helping all night
and again all the other days.

Who asked for the music band?
who cleaned the floors?
who paid for phones to the homeland?
who organized taxi-rides outside the doors?

What a discovery tasting the food,
how did they manage the mass ?
The variety was really so good,
that you need not taking the bus.

I know that I must come back one day
to Gander, Newfoundland, amidst forests and lakes,
when I need to chase any threat-thoughts away -
getting back what city-life takes.

Hubertus (Fritz) Wentzell, LH 400

joyce weisinger: Ford & Wanda Whelan of Gander- Did you get the box of hawaiian stuff? I sent it over a month ago . Thanks again. We'll visit after the thaw.
Michael, Debra, Krista, and Lee Marinelli: Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year! Our family is looking forward to a reunion with you in 2002. God Bless!!!!!!!!
Linda P: Message to Joyce Weisinger from Ford and Wanda . They received your parcel and would really like to call or write you . Could you send your e-mail address or phone number to and I will forward it to them.
Michael Vogel: I saw the piece that "Primetime" did on the people of Gander & I was deeply moved that these wonderful folks from Canada would open their heart & their homes to virtual strangers from all over the world. I have always had great experiences in Canada (Montreal, Vancouver, B.C., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, P.E.I but now I want to take my family to Gander, New Foundland. You as a community have truly brought a marvelous experience to the world. You will never know what effect you have had on these people. You must be very proud of yourselves for this outpouring of generosity & human kindness! Bravo to you all. Go Gander!!! & Happy Holidays.
Kayla: MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY HANNAKAH, HAPPY KWANZAA To take care of all the holidays!!
Dornburg family: Thank you for everything, our son was in Gander during this time. We appreciate everything you did for him and everyone during this crises. Thank you, Thank you.
Richard Walther, Germany: Once again thank you very much to the people of Gander who hosted us during Sept 11 - 15, 2001. Special thanks again to the people of the St. Martins Anglican Curch. I wish all of you a merry Christmas and all the very best for 2002. May the spirit of christmas and the Gander people come over all people in the world, so we will see more love and peace in 2002.
Zee: Brava and Bravo to all the wonderful peolple of Gander
Lisa: As Alaskans we have been your neighbors for years, and have always held Canadians in high regard. However, people of the Gander area make us especially proud. Truthfully, we wouldn't expect anything else but the utmost hospitality and regard for those stranded by the WTC terrorist attacks. We continue to stand as proud neighbors to Canada.
Drew: Merry Xmas And a happy new year
nicole denty: I just want to wish all the passengers that stayed in Gambo a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We miss you all and hope to see you again sometime!
Anna,Poland: I was a passenger of flight LH400,I want to wish you all Happy New Year!Now I tell everyone about your warmth and kindness.You proved that there are still sensitive and open-hearted people in this world.Thank You.
Jennifer Collins: Merry Christmas and A New Year to all the passengers that stayed in Gambo:) Miss you guys!!!
RJP: Canadian Broadcasting is supposed to be featuring a documentary on the airplanes that were diverted to Newfoundland . It will be shown on Friday , January 11 / 2001 and will supposedly be part of the news program "The National" , although I believe Canadian Broadcasting will be showing various programs throughout the day as it will be four months since the terrorist attacks . The documentary is to be hosted by Rex Murphy
natasha bailey: passengers of the planes e-mail me at
natasha bailey: I was fortunate to have been one of the volunteers that assisted some of the passengers of the diverted planes stayed. It was an honour to meet these people and I was totally taken by the strength of each and everyone. There was alot of worried faces but all and all not one showed any unpatience. All that I met was friendly despite the situation that they were forced into. The scene of the elderly people sitting around and looking at the news of what was happening in their home land will never leave my mind as was how all gathered to hear the speach by the President. My heart and prayers goes out to the USA and the families that lost their loved ones. And to all of those who are the firemen, policemen and who ever is helping to dig threw the World Trade Center and The Pentagon you truely are heroes. And to all those passengers who were stranded here in my town of Gander and area, it was an honour to have you here.
Kayla: Fritz Wentzell thank you for writing the lovely poem it is very good and you must be very talented!!!
Patricia Calligeros, Ny: I am from Newfoundland, now married in NY. I was born not far from Gander on New World Island.. I am so proud of my "Newfoundland" . It is the most beautiful place in the world where everyone had a heart of gold. Thank you Gander and Newfoundland for renewing the proud and faith I have always had in my little province.
Shireley Brooks-Jones: I was touched by Fritz Wentzell's poem! It certainly captured our September experiences in Newfoundland. Fritz--and everyone else--do plan to go back to Newfoundland. You will find it and its wonderful people just as incredible as it was in September. I had an opportunity to return again (December 18-21) to participate in a documentary and I loved every minute of my time with those magnificent "Newfies." My plan is to return again in June for the presentation of scholarships to students in Lewisporte. I was a passenger on Delta 15 in September and spearheading the scholarship fund for that flight. The fund is now called THE GANDER FLIGHT 15 SCHOLARSHIP FUND and tax deductible contributions may be sent to GANDER FLIGHT 15 SCHOLARSHIP FUND at the Columbus Foundation, 1234 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43205. QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS: Contact Nancy Koerner at or Thanks again to all you--airline passengers and "Newfies." I am so proud of each and every one of you. By the way, check out pages 26 & 28 of the February issue of Kiplinger's Magazine and also the March issue of Family Circle Magazine. Also, watch for a new CHICKEN SOUP book and the book A DIARY BETWEEN FRIENDS and the companion documentary. Thanks to all the wonderful people of the media for telling our incredible stories. Let's all stay in touch.
jOYCE WEISINGER: Fritz, I didn't realize your posting was a poem. Who rearranged it? It looks better and reads better. As a crew member on Co#5 I can appreciate your poem. Thanks again to all of Gander. Your city pin is now a part if my uniform lapel. A special thanks to the Whelans for sharing their home and fish with me.
Alvaro: pousei no aeroporto de Gander,em 01/27/02,virtualmente com o Flight Simulator 2000.Sou brasileiro de Sao Paulo.Gander deve ser uma cidade maravilhosa e seu povo tambem.
Sharon: I am from Newfoundland,now living in UpState New York, and very proud to be called a Newfie..the following was taken from a newspaper in Calgary,Albera
Sharon: The moment you lose your faith in people, I recommend you save up your pennies and take a trip to Newfoundland,Meet the newfies and your faith will be restored. You will meet total strangers and they will become friends. You will walk in as an unknown soul and come out with buddies who'll stand up for you in any fight.You will hear them laugh at themselves, sing songs and tell tales. They will take life's curves with grace and know that being alive is a whole lot better than being dead. They will treat you for who you are and not put on phony airs. If you need a hand, you get an army. They will take you in, buy you a round, make you a part of the family and by the time you leave the Rock,you'll fall in love with the place. You see, Newfies are Newfies whereever they go. After all, as John Crosbie once said, you can always tell the Newfies in heaven, they're the ones who want to go home!! (If your Faith is Sagging , Hug a newfie
Fritz: Joice, thanks for appreciating my little poem, actually I started writing it already in Gander, as inspired by some nice passengers in our sleeping (class) room. After two unsuccessful tries to past and copy the poem into the text field, I asked the creators of the message board, the German internet company ip&more, see below the text field, for proper implementation.
Kelly: Just to let you all know that the book "A Diary Between Friends" was released on February 2nd. It is a commemorative book about all the flights diverted to Canada during Sept. 11th. It has many stories and photos and I believe anyone envolved, both volunteers and passengers would want a copy. You can find it at - just type the name of the book, A Diary Between Friends, in Chapters search engine! I hope you all enjoy it as much as we do!
sharon souza: I was not a passenger, and luckily did not have anyone directly connected to the tragedy.
SHARON S: I was not a passenger, not did I have anyone directly affected by the tragedies of Sept. 11. But as all AMERICANS was extremely upset by the events of that day. I just finished reading a article about the wonderful people of Newfoundland. These stories help us keep our faith in the human race in these hard times. Thank you Gander! We are extremely proud and lucky to have you as neighbors.
Sande Kreinest: I just read of your wonderful hospitality offered to the air passengers on Sept 11. I read of this lovely thing in the new Family Circle magazine, and I must say tears came to my eyes. You all are the sort of kind people that the Lord commissions us all to be, May His bessings flow to you all. Thank you so very much!
Alma: I just read the heart warming story of the hospitality extended by the people of Gander. All of America salutes you.
Ganderite: Please let us know which issue of the family circle magazine - we are all interested in anything that has been written!
Denise C: I just read the article about the wonderful people of Newfoundland. Thank you! You put a renewed faith in my heart and was so taken back by your generousity that Thank you just doesn't seem like much. I was not a passenger or even loss a love one in NY but am a greatful American for friends like you to take care of us. May God Bless you all!
shari H: What a wonderful feeling it gave me to read the article in the Family Circle magazine about the wonderful people of Gander. To know that there are so many people who behaved so generously is indeed heartwarming. so, thank you Gander.
Chris Voss, IA: I still have tears in my eyes after reading the article in "Family Circle" about the kindness that your whole community bestowed upon all the passengers of the various stranded airplanes. It renews my heart and soul to know that there are people out there who care about others, regardless of their nationality. Even though we are all different, we are all very much the same...Thank-You for providing hospitality to my fellow Americans in their time of need! God Bless!!!
Cris: I just read in Family Circle (March 12, 2002) and I can't thank the towns enough for embracing those passengers and America in your kindness. Part of America died that day, but you brought a smile across a sad day for everyone. Thank you for providing your beds, food, compassion and love. I was not a passenger, but I am an American who heart was affected that day and again today as a read the story of your kindness and generosity. Thank you again for all that you did. Cris
Marie Ballard: I am a Newfie living in Beavercreek Ohio. Just finished reading the article in Family Circle, I want to say how proud I am to be a Newfie.I have been away from the rock for forty four years...I go home just about every year. I am orginally from St. John's. I would like to applaud all the Newfie's who took part in the sharing and caring.I love my Newfoundland heritage. Family Circle did a fantastic job on the article.
Eden, from SLC, Ut.: You are an inspiration to people everywhere. Thank you for being there in our time of need. I feel your actions are an example of loving kindness that we should all strive toward.
Kathy - OH: I was not a passenger on an airplane Sept. 11th nor did loose a loved one on the horrible day, but I did read the article in Family Circle and wanted to extend my gratitude to the people of New Foundland for their generosity and for renewing my faith in mankind. It's comforting to know that there are still good (wonderful) people in this world and that out of evil there is always good to be found. The generosity that you extended to the people on those flights brought tears to my eyes, I was so focused on the horror of that day that I really didn't pay attention to all the good that was rising from the ashes. You are to be comended and all have a place in heaven awaiting you. I only can hope that others will follow your lead in times of need. God Bless Every One Of You!!!!!
Deb Cressler: I just read the story of Gander in FC. Not much attention was spent on what happened to the diverted airplanes on that day, but is is real touching to know that a country can extend all they have to help strangers in need. The United States is not use to such treatment.. God Bless to you all for what you have done, out of every disaster, something good comes out of it.
Pennie: I am so emotionally impressed by the caring, giving and genuine hospitality the people of Gander. What an uplifting thing to do when the American community needed such help. The American tragedy is one to never be forgotten, but the love created from it shall also never be forgotten.
Ellen Ryan, Ohio: What wonderful, selfless souls the people of Newfoundland are! From the story about Gander on one of the news magazines, to the March 12, 2002 story in Family Circle one can see the true heart and soul of our neighbors to the north. I have always thought that Newfoundland was a beautiful, unspoiled place and wouldn't it be a wonderful place to visit--if I ever am able to take a vacation, this is where I would like to go! Thank you for taking care of these people and for doing so so warmly.
Sheri: Thank you for your support for your friends in the United States.
Nancy Lafford: I just read an article in a monthly magazine I receive. I was not a passenger on any of the flights that had to land during our nations tradgedy. I was deeply moved by the article I read and all the hospitality of all the people of Gander . Your love and kindness has help our country more than you will ever know. Thank you. Nancy Lafford Manchester NH
Michael Illich ( As a passenger of Delta Flight 15 on September, 11th, i want to say thank you to all the members of the St. Matthew's United Church and the citizens of Lewisporte. I never will forget you and i hope to see you again one day. God bless you all.
Dr Sue: Thank you Gander! The article in the Family Circle USA magazine Mar 12 02 was uplifting and inspiring. We are lucky to have such wonderful friends and neighbors to the North. God Bless you all. Good continues to triumph over evil.
Maureen: Being an American of Newfie decent, I was so interested in the wonderful article in Family Circle magazine. On 9/11 I was directly effected by the horrific events of that day. My younger daughter works for Merrill Lynch, which is located directly across the street from the WTC. I spoke to her on the phone as the events started to unfold but then was cut off from any further communication for many, many hours until I mercefully heards from her and only then knew she was safe and unharmed. Our newspeople for some reason did not concentrate on the events following the tragedy that continued to unfold. We did hear that many planes that were in the air had been diverted to Gander, which of course, peaked my interest. Then little by little we started to hear about the Newfies that had opened their hearts and arms to all those that were stranded for so many days. I am proud of my heratige. My Mom was born in a little town called Bay Bulls a few miles from St. Johns. My dad was born in the USA but all his people came from that small little town as well. I would like to know how I could go about donating to the scholarship fund that has been set up. God bless the folks from Gander, & the surrounding area and mostly GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Allison: I just want to express my appreciation to all Newfounlanders. I was a passenger on one of the flights that were diverted to your land. I was terribly frightened when we arrived, but by the time I left Gander, my mind was no longer filled with fear, but of fond memories and faces of new friends. I was "screeched in" while on my stay, and am very proud to call myself an "Honorary Newfie" I will always remember the kindness that I received. Whenever I am asked to recall the four days I spent in Newfoundland, my eyes fill with tears, and my voice becomes faint as gratitude swells up inside me. Thank you Newfoundland for your extreme generosity, for lifting our spirits, and for being there in a time of need. God Bless You All!!!
Jackie Eis: Thank you to all the wonderful people who helpedthe stranded flights on that horrible day. I wonder if the taliban knew how good people really are if they would have not hated us all so much. You are all wonderful and may God bless you
Allison: I just want to express my appreciation to all Newfounlanders. I was a passenger on one of the flights that were diverted to your land. I was terribly frightened when we arrived, but by the time I left Gander, my mind was no longer filled with fear, but of fond memories and faces of new friends. I was "screeched in" while on my stay, and am very proud to call myself an "Honorary Newfie" I will always remember the kindness that I received. Whenever I am asked to recall the four days I spent in Newfoundland, my eyes fill with tears, and my voice becomes faint as gratitude swells up inside me. Thank you Newfoundland for your extreme generosity, for lifting our spirits, and for being there in a time of need. God Bless You All!!!
Linda Hankins: I am originally from Cape Breton and I now live in Pennsylvania. As I watched the events of September 11 unfold, I, like all of you in Newfoundland was shocked and horrified by what I saw. I was unable to help anyone directly affected except by sending some cookies to the workers. To be able to help people in need is what we Maritimers are all about. How fortunate that the folks on those diverted planes had good people like yourselves to turn to. The quote that touched me the most in the FC article this month was when a woman said to go ahead and "cry as long as you want to. You're among friends". I wonder if she knew how very true that is of the people of Newfoundland. Thank you for being there when this country needed you. Thank you for proving what I already knew about the Maritime hospitality.
Conrad: Being born in "Newfie" you will never know how proud i am to say that iam a "Newfie Boy "
patty: I read the article in Family Circle and want to thank-you for being there for all of the passengers of those flights on that tragic day in Sept. what wonderful people ypi all are may God Bless us All.
carol: I also read the family circle article. I had no idea this is what was going on around the world those first few days. Thanks so much for taking care of the air passengers.
Kerry: I'm a New Yorker who a few years ago had the good fortune to meet the love of my life, who is from Burgeo in Newfoundland. I fell in love with the most caring, loving, sensitive woman I have ever known, and soon learned that theses were traits all Newfie's shared. Newfoundland, on Sept. 11 emerged to be an example for the world to follow. An example of kindness, generosity, and support for those in need. I have always been proud of my girl from Burgeo, but on that day became proud of everyone in her homeland.
Mary: I too have just got done reading the Family Circle Magazine article --- I am speechless -- all I can say is may God continue to bless each and every one of you for helping our passengers out!! "....and the greatest of these is Love"
Ann: I just finished reading the article about your wonderful love and generosity following the Sept 11 attack on our nation. It is so reassuring to know that there are so many wonderful people in this world, not just the evil that seems to be foremost in our minds lately. May God bless you and yours for the rest of your days. You are wonderful friends, even though we've never met. Love and Prayers to all!
brenda kirk: Thank you Gander for making me proud to be a Newfoundlander
Lynne: I'm joining those who have read the Family Circle article. You are all truly generous, lovong and inspiring. You may never know how many people your kindness has touched but be assured that we will never forget it. Thank you.
Kelly: I am a Newfoundlander who now lives in Massachusetts, but my family is mostly still in Newfoundland. It comes as no great surprise to me that Newfoundlanders gave all that they had to help out in a crisis, they have been doing it for as long as there has been a Newfoundland. I have always told people that Newfoundlanders are the friendliest people on earth. When asked "In what way?"I give the example of asking for directions. Someone will take you there instead of just pointing out where it is you need to go. That is what Newfoundland is all about! I also want to add my "Thank You's" to the people of Newfoundland for the love, stability and comfort they offered up during the uncertain times following September 11th, I am sure, from all that I have read, it made all the difference to the passengers stranded there.
Gina: I have also just finished reading the Family Circle article about your country's generosity. I want to thank you as well. There are not enough words to explain how much Sept 11th touched all of us. It is wonderful to hear that during all of the horrendus events of that day, there were unsung heroes there... taking care of the innocent people in the skies. Thank you.
Jane Barcott: I took a cruise to the Maritime Provinces that left 9/16. It was a relief to be out of New York, frankly. At a stop in Newfoundland, I was chatting with a woman in a shop who said 9,000 passengers housed in the area after the disaster. I thought "that can't possibly be true," but I was too polite to express my disbelief. There was nothing but isolated villages. How could they absorb so many on such short notice? Well, now I know it is true. Canada and Newfoundland have so much to be proud of. I would encourage anyone to visit the Provinces, they are truly lovely. As we journeyed on, I visited a museum (in Halifax?) where I read all about how much Canada has been a refuge for others in times past. What a place! P.S. They should have won the gold in pairs figure skating.oere and really charmingand in the and
Peggy, Brielle NJ: I also just finished reading the article in Family Circle magazine! Thank you so much to all of you for being so kind and generous to the "plane people". September 11th was a horrific, tragic day that no one will forget. However, the evil that was expressed by a few cowardly, weak, people that day, the goodness, kindness, and godliness of so many more just goes to show us all that good outweighs evil. Thank you so much for supporting us during our time of need!
Robert and Colleen Pavlovec Pa.: My wife and I just finished reading the article in Family Circle about the kindness and generosity you showered upon our fellow Americans. As a former United States Marine people would often ask why I would go to any country, at any time, and fight for it. My answer was always the same, My country has asked, but most importantly if we can better someone's way of life and let them live free as we do, it won't be long before there are no more places to set free. My humble words are pale to what your people did for complete strangers on those days following Sept 11. Let me finish by saying that America is not about being a country ... America or American is about a feeling .... one of being free, and hoping someday the rest of world (or aleast some parts of it) would get this feeling. There is no such thing as a native American...with one except the American Indians....we all have ours roots from someone place else! It is obvious that the people of your country already knows this feeling, because when your are free, your heart, homes, and kindness are open to anyone who needs them at anytime. I wish to extend to all of a heartfelt thank you and want you to know that it will never be forgotten. God Bless All of You!
Renee Natoli: Not only did I just read the article in the Family Cirle Magazine which touched my heart, but the story of your kindness moveded me personally. My father, Ed Jarema was a passenger on Delta Flight 15. When disaster struck our homeland, one of my biggest fears was that my father was in the midst of return travel. It was heart wrenching to be unaware of his whereabouts. I feared for his safety. I prayed to the Lord that he was in good hands. Once we were able to locate my dad, who ultimately ended up at the Lions Club in Newfoundland, I knew my prayers were answered. Although he was extremely sad about the disaster, his emails indicated that he was in the best of hands "the people are great...I'm fine and they are feeding us well ". What comforting words from a father to his family in such a time of crisis. I saved the emails. To me they are the positive light in the sad part of history made Sept.11, 01. Thank you for being the earthly angels that protected my dad during that unforgetable time. God bless all of you!
Barbara H: Unbelieveable people you all are, I red the article in Family Circle and I could'nt tell you the joy I felt from reading about such KINDness. Thank you all for such overwhelming generousity.
Susan from Michigan: I read the article in Family Circle. We heard so much about the attacks but so little about the stranded people other than they were in Canada. Thank you to all the hosts of stranded flights. Too bad the news agencies couldn't spend some time praising all the good that was done then. Beyond the official politics of our governments, we the people do care about our neighbors. Thanks again.
Linda Eccher: We tend to forget how humanity can show love and concern in troubled times until good folks like the citizens of Gander are brought to our attention. We salute you and I am sure God will bless all of you for your kindness and unselfish sharing for fellow human beings. You are all an inspiration to many of us!
Kim: I too read the recent article in Family Circle - Your town of Gander should be an inspiration for the whole world! This is how we all should and can treat our fellow human beings. From the citizens of the United States and the world we thank you for your kindness and love during one of the most devestating times in many of our lifetimes. You are truly special people. May the kindness you showed come back to you 10 fold.
Abbie: hi, i was one of the people who was stranded in GANDER for 4 days, i found it very nice and loving to take all of us in like that, iam only a 14 year old girl, when i heard about the terrible diasters that happened in New York that day it brought tears to my eyes straight away i couldn't believe what had happened to all those innocent people(how could somone be thta evil!!??) i was on flight T28733(ata) i was really scared when we landed in GANDER but when we had left i was so happy thta such nice people was looking after us!! So thanks loads,loads,loads,loads and loads GANDER! i enjoyed being there, THANKYOU SO MUCH!!!
Abbie: i stayed in a school called ST.Pauls, it was brilliant, with my family alan,debra (my parents) and my sister amy
Joyce Weisinger: To all the people who found this website via the March issue of Family Circle magazine: Welcome! Be sure and check out the links attached to this website. There are pictures of all the planes on the tarmac, poems and great stories. My favorite link is I am a Continental crew member. Our plane was diverted to Gander. We were on the plane for a total of 30 hours. The Whelan family of Gander let me use their washer and dryer to clean my uniform. A small thing but very much appreciated. My biggest regret over the whole thing was that I missed my only childs wedding which was on Sept.14th. Oh well, worse things can and did happen. Love to everyone especially those related to me in the truth. Thanks Canada.
Kathy,NJ: I also read the article in Family circle and was reduced to tears at the generosity shown. To the Whelan family, thank you from another Whelan. May God bless you all in many ways and hold you in the palm of His hand
Denise: My aunt told my mother about the FC article, so I went to the supermarket and bought it. I forwarded it to my friend who is from Lewisporte and my sister and friend who live in Japan and the States respectively. It really shows how hospitable Newfoundlanders are.
Ronda: We live in a small town in rural Pa. One day I was at the local dollar store and a girl named Annie was telling of how she and her husband were stranded in Newfoundland and I could hardly believe what she was telling. Like Family Circle she gave numerous details of being stranded on the planes for many many hours and the wonderful hospitality of the people of this small town. I and many other American are so very proud and thankful to all of those who took care of these people in their time of need. God Bless not only the USA but Newfoundland our brothers!!!
Toni: I just finished reading the article in FC. It brought tears to my eyes and made my heart feel so happy knowing that there are people throughout the world that care about us so much. It really does make everyone feel better when we're able to help each other. Thank you for printing such a nice story. I hope the kindness that everyone feels toward each other lasts a lifetime. Thanks again.
Tonya: The townspeople of Lewisporte are the most caring, compassionate people on the planet! What they did for the stranded passengers in Gander is a lesson to us all! Kindness comes in many forms and from reading the article in Family Circle it seems they covered the gamut! I would like to thank them for being so wonderful to my fellow Americans!
Tony: many thanks for your remarkable kindness and example as how life should be lived. from a grateful American
Donna: I just read the story of your generosity in Family Circle Magazine! Thank you so much for all you did! God Bless you!
Brigitte Schönfelder: Hi there again! just had a look again ant the thankstogander page, and I raed about the artilce in the FamilyCircle Magazine. Is there anyone who could send me the article in an email????? I was with the LH care team at Gander and I'm thankful that I had the chance to get there and help. The people of GANDER have done a really great job. God bless you all and GANDER 4EVER! You people up there are really very special. The things you've done during the time all those passengers where strandet, is just hard to believe, but I could see, so I can believe! If anyone can mail me the article, please mail it to: I would be very happy to read it and thank you!! May God bless you all, and may never happen sth like this again.
Cherie: I have read the Article in Family Circle and just wanted to say thank you to Gander
Marie Gilliam: Thank you for your kindness and generosity. I just read the Family Circle article and I have to say it is wonderful that in our time of need we had such great neighbors and friends. Thank you!!
Gloria Bogdan: I read the article in Family Circle and was really moved by the spontaneous kindness of the people of Gander! In a time when we as Americans are beginning to feel we're not much liked by ANYONE, it's comforting to know that you welcomed us with open arms in our days of great need! If ever any of you visit the USA and Southern California specifically I hope that you'll get in touch with me so that I can meet you in person! P.S. We live about 15 minutes from Disneyland!!!
Liz: I just read the article in
Liz, PA: I just read the article in Family Circle. What wonderful people the Newfoundlanders are. It's wonderful to see that there are still people out there who are willing to help others. Thanks!
Judy: The Gander story is so heartwarming that my next vacation will be planned to visit this place of abundant human kindness. God bless you all.
Cheryl, Bossier City, LA: Today 2/20/02 is the first day I heard of your generosity for all the planes and passengers. Thank you for everything you did and all American and the World will remember. Thank you again.
Denise C.: I just finished the article in Family Circle about all of the wonderful people who helped and cared for and consoled all of my fellow Americans who were stranded so far from home at such a tragic and emotional time. I was overwhelmed by the kindness, compassion, and generosity of all of you good people, and felt compelled to thank you on behalf of my American brothers and sisters. Besides enduring such heartache and pain as a result of that fateful day, we were blessed by people like you. God bless you all!
Lydia, CA: I too read the article in Family Circle. Many things surrounding Sept. 11th have touched me deeply, but this was probably the most touching. Thank you all for your compassion.
Barbi A: FL: I just read the article in Family Circle Magazine regarding the wonderful spirit and love your community shared with the passangers stranded on September 11,2001 Thank you for your generosity and love. Americans need the big hug you gave our entire country on that day by helping those we could not at that point. Every one in your commuinty are truly unsung heros. God Bless you all
Jane, NY: I have just finished reading the Family Circle article. My heart feels such love and admiration for the people of Gander. What a wonderful world this would be if everyone "stepped up to the plate" and treated each other exactly the way these people treated the stranded passengers from September 11th! God Bless all of you!
linda from california: GANDER, you, along with our firrfighters, and rescue workers, are our HEROES!!!!!! i was in tears when i read the article in family circle. may GOD BLESS you all. article in family circle. may GOD bless you all.
Dale: I am a Canadian in Florida who also read that article in Fc and was not surprised by the kindness of the people of Newfoundland.Also, if you asked many other Canadians in many other airport locations across Canada you would hear of similar acts of kindness. I know that Americans feel they have the most free country in the world, but they must realize that Canada is just as free and as they have found out the citizens of Canada are kind and caring.
Gnaderite: Hello All - Check out the webpage You will find out about the book and about a tv special coming on tv on March 3. Great book - great stories - hope it's a great tv show too!
Lynn in Florida: I just read the article in FC and wanted to thank all the people of Gander for your kindness. God Bless each and everyone of you!
Cindy: Also just read the Family Circle article on this great kindness extended by your community. I was also stranded on a return trip on 9/11, but much closer to home (but also meeting many kind people in the adventure home) than many of those folks fortunate enough to meet the good people of Lewisporte. Thanks to each and every one of you for making such a horrible event more kind and gentle.
Anisa: I am an Arab-American woman and I just read the article in Family Circle magazine. It brought me to tears, as the events of 9/11 did. Thanks to all the wonderful New Foundlanders for your hospitality during the time of need for my fellow Americans. Let us all work towards a world of peace and non-violence for us and our children. Let's not wait until another disaster occurs to reach out again to other fellow human beings. If you and/or your families ever visit the U.S., I live in the state of Minnesota (not far from the Mall of America) and you are welcome to stay at my house ! My e-mail is:
Phil Brinston: Can someone please send me a copy of the article that everyone was talking about in the Family Circle??
Phil Brinston: My e-mail is
Pam: Thank you so much for taking care of my son's girlfriend, Nicole. I am not sure of the family's name that took her in, but she had only wonderful things to say about the care. I am just getting this website address from the FC article. Thanks. I have wanted to write you for soooo long.
Jodi: I was not on a flight on September 11th, but I would still like to thank all of the wonderful people of Gander, Nfld. for opening their homes and hearts that day. I spent two weeks in Gander last summer and it doesn't surprise me that the twon was so open. I have never met more caring, compaasionate people in my life. Kudos to all the people of Gander! You're all wonderful!
Alicia Winter: I am 16 years old and one of the students that attend Lakewood Academy. I had the wonderful privilege of volunteering at my school during the September 11th attacks. We are all so appreciative of the thank-you's that we are constantly receiving. My friend, Gail Snow (who is also 16), and I are creating a book of compiled experiences and stories that have circulated around our area ever since that upsetting week. We intend for the book to be a tribute to the bravery and humanity that prevailed. Whatever money that we raise from the book will be saved for our college and university funds since we will be graduating next year.. For those of you who were sent to stay in Glenwood and Appleton during that week, we would love to hear your stories. I can be reached by e-mail at Gail and I thank-you in advance for your stories and time. Always remember that hope dies last!!
Brian from Calgary: A Diary Between Friends, the book which documents the story of the planes landing in Canada on Sept. 11, will be the subject on the History channel, 8:00 PM EST March 3, 2002.
Kathy: I read the FC article Sunday 3/302 and was also moved to tears by the act of kindness of our wonderful Canadian neighbors . You will be rewarded great in Heaven for your kind and generious acts. And Thanks to all of Canada for being our Great Neighbor
Jackie: Thank you so much for showing us such kindness and love. God bless you.
Margie: I just finished reading the Family Circle article and felt compelled to visit this web site! I was not in an airplane that day, but I am so very, very appreciative of all you have done for the people in our country. Thank you so much. I read the FC article outloud to my nine-year-old daughter. I wanted her to hear a beautiful story about compassion and kindness. Thank you very much.
Michele Soucy: To all passengers who stayed in Gander and area:
Michele Soucy: To all passengers who stayed in Gander and area: I am from Gander and currently doing a research paper for university on the stories and folklore that emerged as a result of the September 11 tragedies. I am extremely interested in any stories that you may be able to send or tell me. I would also appreciate any contacts that any of you might have. My e-mail address is And thanks again!! Michele Soucy
rob: God bless you all.good shall prevail.the kindness and love that was experienced by the passengers shall in time fill our hearts leaving no room for evil.good job guys im proud to say im a newfie
rob: what would you say if you met face to face,would your anger take over, would you run from that place could you hate someone because of where they were born,or could you ban together, not having to mourn if silence fell upon you during a cold winters night, would you pray to god with all your might if you were cuddled by an orphaned child, would you turn away ,not showing a smile if you faced a ghost or dealt with a demon if you wondered if there was really a reason could you find a way from within your heart to forgive your enemy and make a fresh start the pain and the heartache is always the same, does it really matter who is to blame a loved one lost who no longer is there never hold his children, tell me that's fair it doesn't matter from where you come , this world we have will only be one to let anger and hatred cheat us of life, is living this way the cause of our strife the damage we see , the tears of sorrow,will anyone be here to see tomorrow to all this madness we must put a stop, in memory of those lost , this must NOT be forgot so hold one another , no matter what race and search for lost joy on a saddened face rid us from evil ,deliver from sin forgive one another , LET PEACE BEGIN. im proud to be a newfie god bless you all and thanks to those who helped those stranded passengers the love witnessed by all will always be a part of us t
brenda: iI knew this along of the kindness or the people in Newfoundland. My father was stationed at Harmond I would like a copy of the articles PLEASE! Lived in Newfoundland for 3 years and 7 mon.
Michele Soucy: To all passengers who stayed in Gander and area: I am from Gander and currently doing a research paper for university on the stories and folklore that emerged as a result of the September 11 tragedies. I am extremely interested in any stories that you may be able to send or tell me. I would also appreciate any contacts that any of you might have. My e-mail address is And thanks again!! Michele Soucy
Alicia Winter: I am 16 years old and one of the students that attend Lakewood Academy. I had the wonderful privilege of volunteering at my school during the September 11th attacks. We are all so appreciative of the thank-you's that we are constantly receiving. My friend, Gail Snow (who is also 16), and I are creating a book of compiled experiences and stories that have circulated around our area ever since that upsetting week. We intend for the book to be a tribute to the bravery and humanity that prevailed. Whatever money that we raise from the book will be saved for our college and university funds since we will be graduating next year.. For those of you who were sent to stay in Glenwood and Appleton during that week, we would love to hear your stories. I can be reached by e-mail at Gail and I thank-you in advance for your stories and time. Always remember that hope dies last!!
Gary: I am an Officer with The Salvation Army and spent several hours at Gander Airport on that fateful day in September. My wife and I were amazed at the 'calm' of the passengers as they came through the airport to be assigned to the various sites. I have thought of many of them often, especially one elderly woman from Israel who wanted to know if she was 'safe'. My response was, "dear there is no safer place right now in all the world, then Gander, Newfoundland". To all the passengers it was our pleasure and delight to be able to assist you. May God bless you all.
Peter Occhialini: My son and I were on US Air Flight 3. We were the last flight to land in Gander. Our Flight was assigned to the town of Lewisporte. To tell you how gratefull we are and how openly kind and warm the people of Lewisporte were to us would take volumes. I will be eternally grateful to the people there. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. email
Terri: I'm a Newfoundlander living in Connecticut. I first learned of the gander story from my mother-in-law who lives in Boston. She was given a copy of an email send out by one of the stewardess' on the delta flight. This was back in Oct of 2001. Growing up in Newfoundland as I did, Im not suprised by the generosity of the people there. I am delighted to know that others are learning of the treasure that is just off the coast of Canada.
Linda Maspeth , New York City: I was one of the passengers stranded the day of 911. I was on the Northwest Airlines flight from Amsterdam. After more than 18 hours on the plane they moved us to a wonderful town of Appleton. I want to thank all of the wonderful people of that town. I can't emagine how any of us would have been able to get through these troubled times. It warmed my heart to think that there are such wonderful caring people in this world. I have found a heaven on earth. I don't know how I can ever repay all your caring and kindness. God Bless all of you. I will someday go back and visit . Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!
Anne: I was not stranded on 9/11, but watch the events unfold from my 5th grade classroom in Mineral Point, Wisconsin. For the month of March, I recently read the wonderful Scottish story of "There is Always Room for One More." Ironically, I read the Family Circle article the very same week. Since New Foundlander's are of Irish and Scottish descent, we thought your kindness and generosity reminded us of this old song and sweet tale. On behalf of all Americans old and young, thank you for "Always Making Room for One More!"
Brigitte Schö Only 6 months ago, but not forgotten.God bless you all
Phil Gardner: It wasn't until ABC "PrimeTime Live" broadcast the story in late November, 2001, that I heard of the dozens of aircraft diverted to Gander and of the warm and wonderful welcome the good people of Newfoundland afforded them. For you, our Canadian friends, your guests were Christ in your midst, and you afforded Him your finest. For those suddenly stranded among you, you were the arms of our Lord, open wide and extended to take them in. I am a Lutheran pastor in Sandusky, Ohio, just across Lake Erie from the Province of Ontario. The story of your grace and mercy was told from my pulpit that Sunday. And, today, on the six-month anniversary of the attack on America, NBC recalled your kindness with a story on the "Today" program, and it brought it all back to me. I'll never forget it. I've been as close as Cape Breton Island. Perhaps a ferry ride is in my future. God's blessings in Christ Jesus, our Lord!
John Massaad: I was in lufthanza flight 440 and we stayed in st. martin church. It was amazing how nice the gander resident are. I took some picture and post them on my website . I thank God for having sutch good ppl around.
Liz in MI: Thank you to the people of Gander and the surrounding area. Your story showed the world that angels do exist here on earth.Thank you for opening your arms, your homes, and your hearts to those stranded by events beyond their control. God bless you and keep you.
JIM & DAISY FORD,APPLETON,NF.CA: a note to LINDA MASPETH,NEW YORK CITY. Just to let u know that we just finished our WINTERFEST CELEBRATIONS and George (state Trooper) and Tom McKeon (journalist) joined us for the week. everyone had a great time, The boys are planning on coming back again in Sept 2002, as we are planning something special for the 11th. The Byrne family are having their son"s wedding on that weekend and there are several people coming for that. My wife & I communicate with David Korpan & Mojy Goharie all the time. we would like to have your e-mail address, ours is thoughts have been with all the "plane people " and the USA . Hope to hear from you and anyone else who reads this site.
Valerie: I was safely at home on 9/11 - but after reading the Family Circle article, I had to add my thanks. Your story shows how the good prevailed that day. Gods blessings to all of the Newfoundlanders. May we all remember the acts of kindness that were grown out of such an evil day.
Diane Miller: I was one of the lucky ones to be caught in the air on 9/11 with my husband and my father. We were on our way back from Italy and landed in Gandor. We were one of the last planes to land and were on the tarmac for 26 hours plus the 6 in flight to Gandor. When we finally got off we went thru security and then the red cross line for information and food. We waited an hour and then were taken by school busses to Lewisporte about 40 minute drive. We were greeted by the Mayor of Lewisporte Bill Hooper and the Major of the Salvation Army George Lloyd. They had been up for 24 hours expecting our arrival and were wonderful people. There were all kinds of toiletries for us as well as gymnasium mats and cots with blankets and pillows. They closed the school so we could use the showers and the computers for email. We could not take our luggage except for carryons and we had no clothing . The townspeople took us anywhere we wanted to go. They even brought people to their homes for showers and beds to sllep in. It was the best experience of my life. I have made a new friend there and will always keep in touch. I can't imagine anywhere else I would have wanted to be stranded in. I couldn't ever put into words my heartfelt thanks to the people of Gandor.
Diane Miller: Does anyone have a copy of the article? My girlfriend told me about I did not get a chance to read it. Thanks!
Canadian: I see a lot of requests for the article in Family Circle. I would just like to say that if you live in North America (Canada/USA) please buy the March addition of the magazine. These people were good enough to write and publish the story - the least we can do is buy it!
Hedley: As I read many of the letters in here I noticed that some referred to the 'military' or 'Red Cross' or Airport personnel as being the ones who 'processed' the passengers to their accomodations. Actually it was The Salvation Army folks who were sitting at the tables filling in the forms, and who greeted each of the passengers as they cam off the planes. It was a thrilling experience to meet so many wonderful people, in spite of the anxiety of the moment.
Gabriele Smith U.S.A. : On 9-11 I was a passenger on Delta Flight 15, we landed in Gander and later on stayed in Lewisporte. It's been 6 mos. since we left there, but no day goes by that I don't think about the wonderful, generous people of Newfoundland. It was a terrible tragedy that day but we couldn't have picked a better place to be than Lewisporte. We were on a plane with no place to go and this country took us in like we were their own. I always will have a special connection with Newfoundland till the day I die. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness and love, we will never forget
JoAnn Pugh,Lafayette, Louisiana: Thanks to all the wonderful people in Gander and Gambo, I have posted my 20 page journal and picture on a website, This has been "My most Unforgettable Experience"
Karen Gildea: To the people of Lewisport:
Bonnie: My Aunt Lottie and Uncle Jack reside in Gander,Newfoundland and they told my family the story of how they help the people on Sept. 11th. I also read the story in Family Circle and had tears in my eyes. My mother was born in Newfoundland and I have been there four or five times. The people are the friendliest and kindest people I have ever met. I am prould to be part of their family and want to say that eveyone should visit Newfoundland once or twice in their life. It is the most wonderful place in the world.
Proud Newfoundlander: As a young Newfoundlander, I am not at all surprised by the kindness and compassion we showed during the tragedy that we know call 9/11. I am so pleased to see the thankfulness and graciousness all of the stranded passengers have shown throughout the past 6 months. As Newfoundlanders, the kindness that we showed back in September is second nature to us. We were not forced to do it, we wanted to. It was our pleasure. I want to thank everybody that had the good fortune of being stranded here for their kind thoughts and words. If any of you have heard about the hateful and derogatory comments made by British author Philip Kerr in the New Statesman magazine, you will be just as angry and upset as we Newfoundlanders are. Send your emails to and let him know how wrong they were in allowing such filth to be publicized.
Alicia Winter: I am 16 years old and one of the students that attend Lakewood Academy. I had the wonderful privilege of volunteering at my school during the September 11th attacks. We are all so appreciative of the thank-you's that we are constantly receiving. My friend, Gail Snow (who is also 16), and I are creating a book of compiled experiences and stories that have circulated around our area ever since that upsetting week. We intend for the book to be a tribute to the bravery and humanity that prevailed. Whatever money that we raise from the book will be saved for our college and university funds since we will be graduating next year.. For those of you who were sent to stay in Glenwood and Appleton during that week, we would love to hear your stories. I can be reached by e-mail at Gail and I thank-you in advance for your stories and time. Your stories would truly be appreciated since we have not collected many at this time! Always remember that hope dies last!!
Cheryl Sennett: As a passenger on Flight 129, I send a very special thanks to Gander and Lewisporte. Especially Stan at Calypso for making so many upset people comfortable and welcome. The hospitality was overwhelming. May your community be blessed in every way. I am so happy to hear of the scholarship fund! Love to you all.
Vicky Swyers: As a Newfoundlander, but presently living in Toronto, Ontario. I feel the warmth and compassion that you gave to the people, who's hour was in need. Thanks Newfoundland for reminding me how grateful it truly is to be a Newfoundlander!
Al Buchanan: I just read the article in Family Circle about the kindness shown on 9/11 to the passengers of the many flights that landed in Gander.
Al Buchanan: I read in the Family Circle magazine, the kindness shown to the passengers of the flights that landed in Gander, NF. My wife and I have led caravans to Newfoundland since 1992 and have brought around 400 couples from all over the United States and Canada to many of the towns mentioned in the Family Circle article. In 2003 we will be back with 2 sections of the Wally Byam Caravan Club, to visit and tour your spectacular island. It came as no surprise to us that the passengers were received so warmly. We have been treated in this manner each time we have visited Newfoundland.
saddened newfoundlander: I just wanted to inform everyone, especially those who have visited newfoundland about an article published in the New Statesman regarding "The Shipping News". This article not only criticized this film (which I do not mind) but stated many derogatory remarks regarding Newfoundlanders. There have been many complaints but nothing has been done so far. I feel that this review is being used as a publicity stunt to get Philip Kerr well known. Please visit their webpage (see the March 11th issue ) and let the staff know how you feel about such hatred. If I had a subscription I would cancel it...but that's up to you to decide. this is the webpage And thank you to everyone who writes with such beautiful remarks about my home province.
Karen Hewitt: On behalf of my family I would like to thank you Newfoundland for your compassion and kindness. My husband was in the air and only an hour away from the tragic scene in New York when his Continental flight was rerouted. Thank you so much for taking care of him. I am so grateful!
Chuck and Ruth Wittenauer, North Carolina: Reading through the comments on this website, brought the grand exprience back to us in a flood of memories! Our Delta Flt. 043 was diverted on 9/11 not to Gander but to St. John's. (Many flight crews during WW2 were familiar with Gander) It made no difference where your flight was diverted to in Nfld.---compassion and love awaited all of us! Our story is not unlike so many others, the first night on a mattress on the floor of a Baptist Church, and several nights in a lovely home where we were treated as royalty.
Dennis Igou: You folks rock!
JLokker: I agree with Saddened Newfoundlander. The views of the writer of the article in the New Statesman rag is extremely degrading and an insult to Newfoundlanders and Americans alike. Perhaps the writer had his head buried under his blanket on September 11 rather than helping as all you good people did. For what it is worth, I have emailed the paper with my comments. If one wishes to do the same, one can do it at the website. Thank you Newfoundland!!
Smadar Levi: Hi, since I do not live in North America or Canada - I cannot buy a coy of the Family CIrcle, can someone mail it to me? I was in Gander, on the LH400 Lufthansa flight, and we stayed in the Colligiate, it was the best exprience I have had in my life of so much graciousness, and friendship. also, if any Ganderrite can help: I am looking for the nurse who was on duty on might - her name I think was Gill, blonde her - we helped in a down moment, of being away from home. I am from Israel, and who ever want to visit our contry, from Gander -on better times- is mostly invited to our home. m and by e-mail:
grateful American: I was not a passenger on any of the diverted flights, nor do I know anyone who was, but I feel compelled to thank our neighbors to the north. We are indeed fortunate to have neighbors such as yoursleves, and you can stand tall and proud, knowing the difference you have made in the lives of others. Allow me to extend the hand of friendship across our borders. May God bless you and watch over you.
Sandy: Tears came to my eyes while reading the article from Family Circle!! September 11th was so tragic and we shall never forget it. God sends angels to minister in times of crisis. I hope that sometime I get to visit Gander and meet some of the wonderful people there!!! Y'all are great!!!
Arkansas Lady: Such a well written article in the Family Circle, March 12 edition. a few months ago I was sent pictures taken by someone who was there. they showed the airfield filled with the downed planes, Awsome. There was a beautiful message written by the person who took the picture telling of the sharing of the people and the love and caring shown to everyone. My thank you to these wonderful people. An extraordinary job so well done. God Bless each of you.
Pam: My family and I were safe in Florida on 911, but we still owe you all a lot. Thank you for taking care of everyone - I only hope we would show as much compassion and kindness in a similar situation. Thank you!
M Stockdalle: Just read the Family Circle March 12th article and it was just wonderful! I only hope to get to Newfoundland some day and meet some of you wonderful people that I have read about! Thank you so much for helping our "folks" that needed help so badly at that time. God Bless!
Matt: Could anyone e-mail me a copy of the FC artical ( Thank you.
M&T: Gander is a very special place to do this for these people!
Alicia Winter: Gail and I would really appreciate stories from all those who stayed in Glenwood/Appleton and area during that tragic week. We have not been able to collect much at this time, so your help would be wonderful. (
Jackie: In reading the Family Circle article, I am ashamed to say I did not know of the good works of Newfoundland. I am ashamed. I am also proud, glad, and happy to hear of the goodness displayed there. You thoroughly defeated the purpose of the bombings. You replaced hate, distrust and malice with love and caring. I am so pleased to realize there will always be good Samaritans such as you folks to take the edge off and the fear out of incidents such as Sept.11. May we, as a people, always remember the shining examples you have given and strive to provide the same should it ever be needed. Thank you is not enough for a stranger to give, but it is all I have to offer. It is given, though, with much love and respect
Joyce Weisinger: I was in Gander that week. I was a crew member on Continental #5. I met many fine people. One of them just sent me a box of Canadian things. Thank you very much! Could someone please tell me what a sweet bread "excursion biscuit' is and how to eat it. Thanks again for all your love and help.
Anne: I just finished reading the article about your community in Family Circle Magazine, and was deeply touched by the kindness you showed. I, along with my co-workers watched in horror the events unfold on 9/11. At that time all I thought and prayed about were the people directly involved. I never once thought about my fellow Americans who were stranded outside the country. Although I knew no one stranded, I thank you for the kindness, love and support you gave all of them. God Bless you and your country! May you never experience as a country what we did on 9/11.
jayne carroll: I just finished reading a magazine article about the way the people and the government of Newfoundland responded to the 9/11 tragedy I am a middle class citizen in a huge country and did not suffer a direct personal loss on that day but, today, reading about your kindness I have received a great gift of confidence in my fellow man(and woman). Thank you, for every man, woman, and child who you showed kindness may it be returned to those in need 10 fold. God bless
Angie: I read "The Kindness of Strangers" article in Family Circle and was deeply moved by it. I had never thought about all of the stranded passengers and what they went through. Thank you for taking care of them. I am amazed by everything that was done for those so far from home. You are all angels.
carla brett: Joyce Weisinger: This message is for you Joyce. A sweet bread is the sweetest of what we call hard bread or hard tack. Hard bread is soaked in water and served with salt fish and "scrunchions" which is a fatty thing. The sweet bread is even better. It can be broken apart and a bit of butter on it.....yumm.... And this is a "newfie" thing. I don't think they sell it across canada. But it is mighty tasty. Anyone else who would like to correspond with this Ganderite can get a hold of me at Enjoy
Joyce: Thanks Carla. I'll e-mail you to get more instructions.
Sheila: I read the article in Family Circle about the beautiful deeds of kindness of the people of Gander, Thank you so much. I'm embarrassed that I didn't know about this until now. Americans owe the people of Canada a great debt for their support, their compassion. God bless you.
Sanjay Iyer: Vancouver, B.C. deserves a great deal of thanks, like those people in Gander, Nfld. These two cities on 09/11/2001 received over 38 diverted flights and over 6,500 passengers! (Gander got 39 and 6,500, YVR, meaning Vancouver, got 38 and 8,600). I saw Rex Murphy's documentary about the kindness of strangers in Gander and how they helped the stranded passengers. The same could also be applied to the people in Vancouver.
To: Sanjay: No offence Sanjay - people are really thankful for the help that all of Canada gave the dirverted flights on Sept. 11th - BUT - please keep in mind - Vancouver is a major city - Gander is a small town with a population with only 10,000 people!!
Alex: Point well taken, Sanjay, however this IS a "Thanks to Gander" site. Surely there must be a "Thanks to Vancouver" site.
gander: deltaflight15
Sharron Hayward: Just finished reading story of Gander and other communities in New Foundland and what they had done during the 9-11 crisis. Totally amazing. The Bible says what you give of yourselves will be returned, packed down and overflowing. You gave of yourselves and I think you all will forever reap of your kindness. The story makes one believe that no matter what happens in this world that there is someone out there that will always care. God bless the people of Newfoundland
karen: Just more thanks to the people who helped our fellow americans during 9-11 and hope we can repay you someday in someway.GOD BLESS YOU ALL
Jim Scharpegge: Some of you may be happy to know that my daughter Susan Scharpegge has been appointe General Manager of Hotel Gander
To all: Thank you from the bottom our hearts
Linda : Maspeth ,New York City: I was on the Northwest Flight from Amsterdam and stayed in the town of Appleton . I would like to thank everyone there one more time and also would like to thank the wonderful Salvation Army people who greeted us at the airport that evening . After spending 23 hours on the plane , 18 of them spent on the ground waiting to be moved. Everyone was really warm and welcoming. They allowed me to call my family and provided us with plenty to eat and drink. Plus comforted me while I cried my heart out watching the horrors on T.V for the first time since we had no access to the news while on board the aircrafts. Thank You to Everyone who went out of there way to make us feel welcome . Even at the local Walmart everyone went out of ther way to make us feel comfortable. Thank you , God Bless Everyone. My E Mail Address is
Paula: Just heard about all that you did during 911 - Just want to say thanks - Way To Go Newfoundland!!!!!
Sanjay Iyer: Thank you for what you told me. To the people of Gander, you're so grateful to help the stranded travelers bound for the U.S. from Europe after the terrorist attacks in the U.S. and the people in the U.S. will forever be grateful to you.
Megan: Whenever my faith in human nature starts to run dry, I will now only have to think of you all and what you did for those who needed you. Thank you for your overwhelming kindness and inspiration. God Bless You!
ABC News: To the airline passengers and people of Gander (as well as other Newfoundland towns): We are updating a story that aired on ABC News and would like your help. Please click on the following link and let us know if you can help. Thanks.
Jane: Thank you. Your story touched me.
Janice: In our time of need, you have extended what God gives to all of us, love, compassion, food, shelter. We ALL need to look into ourselves to find this and spread it to everyone we touch. Thank you just doesn't seem like enough. Our love to you!
Janice: As I was sending my message, I noticed someone was asking about the Family Circle article. It is in the March 2, 2002 issue and you can check their site.
Robin Amerise: My mother has visited Newfounland and has always wanted to return and now I can clearly see why all of you have a huge golden chair in heaven! GOD BLESS YOU EACH AND EVERY DAY! I really lost it while reading the article when it said the ladies put on pots of soup made sanwiches and baked cookies how much more welcomimg than this from their hearts all love! I can really say you all are welcome to the USA anytime! Thankso so very much for your love and much peace to all!
Timmi: Thanks to Gander
bob: newfoundland ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edna: Just read the Family Circle Article. Congratulations Newfoundland,.You've done us proud. Our thoughts are with the people from the Families of the victims of 911. Regards from Saskatchewan.
Helga: Just for your information for those who don't already know, Luftansa is naming one of our jets Gander/Halifax in honor of the people of both cities who were so generous on September 11th. This honor is normally reserved for German city only. Thank you all again.
Joan(Rowsell)Milley: As a former Ganderite, now living in Alberta, May I say how proud I am of everyone who gave of themselves during the crisis of 9/11. God bless .
Capt. Nick Dobi: It's been a while since I've sent a message, but all of you will always be in my heart. I am planning to travel to Gander for a rememberence of 9/11/01 on or about a week before the 11th of Sept. this year. If anyone would like to do the same contact me at : God bless you all.
Sheila: From the Heart by Debra Gordon (Sept ll, 200l). When I read the word Newfie (meaning Newfoundlander) it made me smile as I'm sure it did other Newfoundlanders living AWAY FROM HOME, Newfie means kind, generous, warm people. Thank you my Newfy friends and relatives. You make us all proud.
David Martin - Virgin 21: Here at is a photo showing the renaming of a Lufthansa A340 in respect of the community spirit of the people of Gander, Newfoundland. I have a few pics capturing the few days in Gander Academy recorded here at All the best!
Christa Milley: If you look down a few posts you'll see my mom Joan :-) I'm so glad she mentioned this site to me, of course and another former Gander-ite (transplanted to Alberta) all the wonderful comments and stories really make me wish i had been there to help out. Since we moved out here i've had a soft spot in my heart for all fellow Newfoundlanders and I am even more proud to call Gander my home and know that the loving little community i left hasn't changed one bit. Love to you all...
Sharyn: On a day when the world saw one of the worst deeds of mankind, Newfoundland demonstrated mankind's best. Thank you for being the antithesis of those evil people. Your generosity will NEVER be forgotten.
Alison Hancock: The CBC wants to update the story we aired earlier this year. If you know of any re-unions, passengers returning to Newfoundland, I'd love to hear from you, Alison Hancock 416-205-7914
Karen N: The events of that day are still so emotional to many of us. I couldn't help but the cry while reading the article in Family Circle 3/2002.Although I was fortunate not to be on a plain that day, I know many, many people were. Not just Americans but citizens of all nations. As devastating as all circumstances were it would have been even more critical especially fo rthe young and old if not for your towns such gracious, giving and caring people.It is so wonderful to know that while one people can destroy another can build three fold. We are forever grateful!!!!!!
Marlene: I've just read the Family Circle article about the wonderful people of Gander. I heard about your kindness on our news programs shortly after 9/11, but the article brought tears to my eyes. As a true southerner, a Georgia girl, I have always felt great love for my region of America. Perhaps as a Southerner first, then an American. We have a saying in the South, American by birth, Southern by the grace of God. That has all changed for me. After 9/11, I heard someone say, We're all New Yorkers, now. This is very true. My heart is broken over the atrocities inflicted on my beloved country! I hope we'll never experience anything like it again. What your people did for my fellow Americans is so wonderful! You opened your homes, your arms, and your hearts to my fellow Americans. As an American, I sometimes feel that the rest of the world doesn't like us very much. You have changed my perspective, completely. I wish I could thank each and every one of you individually. I see now we're not the American Bald Eagle standing alone. We have you with us. I was also brought to tears by NATO sending planes to guard my homeland. I had a trip to Paris planned for Sept. 20, and after much thought, I felt that I would never let anyone or any organization stop me from traveling anywhere as an American. I flew to Paris and saw in person how the rest of the world felt our pain. Thank you again for your love of humanity. God bless you, and your country.
Bonnie: Atlanta, GA: It's June 9th and I have only just read the Family Circle article. Needless to say, I was moved to tears. THANK YOU ALL! I have always wanted to travel through Canada and now I will. God bless you and your beautiful, generous country.
Anne: I just read the Family Circle article and as a Newfoundlander I was very proud of Newfoundland and very moved by the response of Americans. For the interest of other readers, I emailed Family Circle and they were kind enough to mail a copy of the article to me. I want to extend my thanks to the Newfoundlanders who took care of our visitors and thanks to the visitors for their continued interest in our beautiful Newfoundland.
Jeff B: Hey I'm not from Gander, but damb you guys make me proud to be Canadian :) I also wanted to do what I could after 9/11...I was gona give blood, but it wasn't needed :), cause all my friends-comunity was giving da blood...............I felt very helpless durring those hours after 9/11...I want to show all my American brothers/Sisters how much I care about ya's :) I'll sign off by givin you all (Yall's) a big HUG :)
Charlee: I have a sculpture that memorializes the WTC, 9/ll and the close bond that exists between Canada and the United States. I want to give one to the city of Gander. How can I go about this? Check out
mel mel: you guys are crazy thornlea is way better!!!!!!!!
KH - Norway: I just want to thank all the people in Gander for the incredible hospitality we received there. I was on a British Airways flight and got stranded there on 9/11, and it still warms my heart when I think of how helpful and good the people of Gander were to us. Though the tragedy of the WTC, my visit to Gander was truly an amazing experience. Thank you!
Wanda B: I am an American Airlines Flight Attendant and was diverted to Gander on Sept. 11. I just want to thank everyone in Gander for their outpouring of love and caring when we were scared and stranded. I left Gander with a renewed sense of faith in mankind because of your kindness. I hope to visit again.
marec: I just read the March issue of Family Circle about how wonderful you were to all of the 'plane people'. Thanks for warming my heart and restoring my faith in the goodness and love that lives among us. I hope one day to visit your wonderful area and meet such great people.
ken,lpl,uk: just found your site well done on 11sep01 and beyond i spent 1975 at goose bay in the raf and i am not suprised at the newfie spirit shown at one of the worst moments in world and aviation history good luck to you all best wishes form liverpool england uk
Florian Gander: Mi name is florian gander im from spain, and i need to now how give´s the name the academy one first time, if sombody can send some information he maks me a big favor. thanks a lot .
Patti Claar: I read about what you did in Family Circle magazine, and want to express my heartfelt thanks as an American for what your open hearts and generosity to everyone on the flights that were trying to return home on September 11th. It truly shows how the best of people come out of such tragedy. What wonderful and kind people are in this town! God bless all of you.
Terri Mott: I wasn't a passenger but, I watched a program on how the city reactted. I just want to say thank you that help's my attitude about people in general. May God Bless You. It seems he already has.
NORM DILLON: I was not a passenger but saw the story of what the people of gander did for my countrymen on 9-11-02. I just wanted to say that you have restored my faith in humanity and you touched my heart. I cannot begin to tell you how proud I am of all your people. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Houston Texas: I just watched the ABC special about the people of Gander and wanted to include my thanks to everyone there that helped out the Americans and others in their time of need. The special on ABC showed how everyone in the little town pulled together and opened their homes and worked round the clock to help the Americans. Thank you, y'all are great -- Neighbor!
MR and MRs Johnny Gillespie: We live in Lawrenceville Ga. USA and just found out what all the wonderful people of Gander have done to help our fellow Americans by housing and feeding them during the re routing of their plans on 9-11.....Thank You and you will always be remembered and Blessed for what you have done!!!! Praise God for your was more than a "cup " of water you gave.
Johannah: I just caught the ABC news show about what happened in your town on Sept 11th. Although I live far from New York and my family are all safe and sound, those days are forever etched in my heart forever. What your town did was above and beyond what was called for. Opening your homes, your schools, your churches. Donating pillows and food...... I wepted like a baby. :O) I want to thank you for that. You made an awful day a little bit better for so many. You are truely a town of angels. Sending all my love to you and yours........
Mike Stanfill: I just saw the special on ABC and wanted to say Thanks for stepping up and helping all the stranded Americans.9-11 was a tragic day for all Americans. I good to see we are not alone. Thanks.
John Meyers, Ft. Collins, Colorado: I just watched the ABC 20/20 segment on the role the people of Gander played during 9/11 and would like to express my Thanks for all you have done. Though I never hope to need to return the favor, i f any of our Canadian brothers or sisters ever need our help, rest assured We will be there for you. You are the greatest! God Bless You All!
Keith Thompson, Tucson, Arizona: Totally amazing...... Just saw the ABC special on how the people of New Foundland open their hearts to those who had no place to go.
Kelly McDonald: I had no idea so many were received in your community on September 11. For such a small town to accomodate so many people on such short notice is simply incredible. I want to exctend my thanks to such a generous, warm, and thoughtful people. The USA is forever in your debt. The story about it that I saw tonight on ABC brought tears to my eyes.
Toni Peterson Tacoma, WA: I just finished watching ABC's Primtime regarding the wonderful deeds your community gave to 6000 mostly US citizens. I cried as I watched the compassion and concern Gander exhibited during the horrible events of 9/11/01. It does my heart good to know such people exist. Gander, Newfoundland is the beacon of hope for all the world to see. Many thanks and may God bless you all.
modeler2us: In tears, Just Thank You...
Dean: Your counrtymen are heros in my book. Thank you for taking care of our American family in a moment of crisis. You all have something to be proud of. You went above and beyond what anyone would have expected. Thank you from the bottom of my heart...and I extend that thank you from all of us Americans.
David Broadbent: The news story on CBS News caughy my I grew up hearing stories my parents told me about Newfoundland. They had been stationed there in the USAF in the 50's and had made scores of long-time friends, telling me about the specialness of your people. What can I say, I believe the people of Gander took action that did credit to the human race. We will not forget this.
AL YONAN: Hi, I am not even a passenger of that airplane who landed in Gander, Canada on the day of the 9/11 disaster but rather a maintenance service personell of the U.S. Airways Express here in the Pittsburgh International Airport in Pennsylvania. I was at work at the airport that day when the disaster in New York happened, and of course we were all shocked. Anyway, the reason why I got interested in writing this note also is that, I heard a news over our local TV station here in Pittsburgh about the outstanding humanity gesture and compassion of the people in Gander,(young and matured). myself and my family was so overjoyed to hear from the news unity and assembly of the local people who did not hesitate to open their heart and homes to welcome a great number of strangers from many places out of their own town, and people with different nationalities and languages, but that obstacle if you will call it that way, was not even bacame a problem for communications with the locale as long as their a compassion. Hardly perhaps, I am not sure, we can still find these kind of humanity and love to others, the way these beautiful people from heart did instantly when the need for shelters and open hand to help arises. To you all community in Gander, Newfoundland , my family and I thank you so much for that very good example that hopefuly others will follow too , to help us all in spreading the LOVE and COMPASSION to every one, regardless of who you are or what you are. I would be very glad and appreciative if there will be anyone from Gander, Newfoundland would be interested to e-mail me and let us be friends. My e-mail address and my home town address is...Al Yonan, P.O.BOX 487, American Bridge, Pennsylvania, 15003.....May the almighty bless you all always !!
Elisa, Paola, Natale from Verona, ITALY: We are a family who live in Verona, ITALY.We were on a Continental 45 Flight directed to NYC and were diverted to Gander on September 11.We just want to thank everyone in Gander for your generosity and for all that you have done for us.Thank you so much!!!!!! We hope to visit again.
Janice Day: I am currently writing an piece on the experiences in Newfoundland on and following September 11th. Specifically, I am interested in how the events in both Newfoundland and New York have altered your perception of the world and the human spirit. If you would like to contribute, please contact me at Thank you!
Alan and Ruth Hogan: We would like to express our sincere thanks to the natives of Gander, Newfoundland for their warmest hospitality and generosity in the days following September 11th 2001. We will never forget their kindness and speak of it whenever that fateful day is mentioned. Approaching the 1st anniversary, we remember all that you did for us and send our best wishes from Dublin, Ireland.
Mario: Nearly one year still impressed by your generous Hospitality. Thanks again on behalf of a Sabena passenger from the Netherlands.
West of Ottawa: This may or may not get much press outside of Canada, so I wanted to let you know that it was revealed today (Aug 24) that the official Canadian September 11 Anniversary Memorial Service will be held at Gander. Prime Minister Chretien and the US Ambassador to Canada will attend. It will be broadcast live on CBC, so if you are outside of Canada you have time to find a friend or establishment with a satellite dish that gets CBC, or you can listen to their audio webcast. There is a cable TV news station from Toronto that has a video webcast, but I don't know if they plan to carry it. I would think so though.

Thank you Gander for making Canada, and the world, proud!

Rob from Gander: I am from Gander and September 11 will be a day that will be etched in mine, and indeed, everyone's mind forever. The sights and sounds of that day, the news reports. Everyone just trying to come to terms with the scope of the situation, and the effects that it will have. But out of all the destruction and sadness comes something wonderful, A realization that the world is filled with kind, compassionate and caring people everywhere. Evil and terror will not stand a chance in this world as long as there is someone there that's willing to stand up and fight it. To all those who stood up and fought on september 11, and days since 9/11, Thank you. To all the familys who lost loved ones, My thoughts and prayers go out to you all. God Bless.
don martin: I am a columnist with The National Post who will be in Gander on September 11. Would any host families with on-going relationships with stranded passengers or poignant stories to share please contact me -- thanks
Madelyn: Good job, Newfoundland and Labrador!!
Donna Whitehouse from U.K: I was one of the stranded passengers in gander. Nearly one year on and me and my family are returning to America next week (6th Sept) for a 3 week holiday. Once again I would like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your hospitality and kindness during our stay last year.God bless you all. e-mail
Brigitte Schönfelder/ brigitte, Hi there people of Gander. I just want to say hello again and GANDER 4EVER
Linda C: Thank you, Gander, for showing the world how lucky we are to be Canadian! My husband & I met a couple in Jamaica a few years ago who hailed from Gander. It happens that he works for the Gander Airport and was instrumental in organizing the landing of all those re-routed aircraft. We spent a week together in Jamaica but their warmth and humour have held them dear to our hearts to this very day. Thanks Newfoundland for showing the world the definition of brotherly love!
warner kolb: forever grateful to the people of glenwood and the lakewood academy
Joe Frates : Very Cool Gander,Thankss...
Diana Alvarez: God bless all!!!!
Martha H.: Sept 11th is a day that most Americans (and probably everyone) will never forget. My husband was on Delta Flight 15 returning from Germany. Watching the news, I panicked because I knew he was in flight at that very moment. After finding out where the plane had been diverted, we looked on a map of Canada and finally discovered where Gander was. Around 6pm that night, one of the flight attendants let my husband use her phone (because the lines were always tied up) to call home and let us know he was OK. Finally on Friday he called and said he would he on his way home soon. I really expected to hear all about the Germany trip and the equipment he went there to see. Every word out of his mouth was about Gander and the wonderful people there. He told of the church that set up a feast and showeres an TV's forthem to atch the news. He told of the nurse who drove them to the store. He and the company he was traveling with stayed at Brittany Inn, but he told of going to the school so he could send e-mail to us at home. Nothing but praising the kindness of the Canadians! He often talks about taking our family to Gander. I would love to go, but for now..I'll just say THANK YOU from he bottom of my heart. Our prayer is that the students of Lewisport will truely benefit from the scholarships. God bless you all and thanks again for making something good out of something horrible.
Maris Fiondella, USA: My husband was on Aer Lingus flight 105 diverted to Gander on 9/11. Thank you to the good people of Gander for their kindness and generosity to him and to all the others stranded on that terrible day! The thoughtful help offered to the passengers was a real consolation to those of us in the States. Thank you and God bless you.
George Peckham: Thank you, people of Gander and especially St Martins Parish Church for you welcoming Lufthansa flight 440 September 11, 2001. Your grascious hospitality was unbelievable. Shelter, food, clothing and moral support were provided when we needed it most. Thanks to everyone and God Bless you all!
Tony: It has been almost a year since I've been there, but I'd like to thank the people of Newfoundland (and especially Gander Academy) for their graciousness during very difficult times. I was on LH416, which took a bit of a different tack than the other flights, probably a unique one. We were only in the aircraft after we landed for 10 hours (I know some were stuck overnight), but we ended up being the "transients transients," as we never did have a place to call our own... We were in the Gander Academy for a day and a half (yay!) where we stayed along with hundreds of other folks from several aircraft. Thursday we were moved to the Twin Ponds Salvation Army Camp, where the weather (and our mood - mostly due to the change and uncertainty) went downhill. (This was particulary unfortunate as I don't think we passengers were as thankful to the volunteers at the camp as we should have been and they in turn did not understand why we were so unhappy) Friday we were moved again, to the College of the North Atlantic, where we stayed about a half day before finally being allowed to go to the airport and (in the wee hours of the morning) depart for Germany (which is where we came from). This herky-jerky "don't know where we're gonna be, don't know how long we're gonna be there" was a bit wearing on us all. Sadly, though we appreciated all that was done for us, we never had the opportunity to spend enough time with the volunteers to get to know them. Nevertheless our time in Canada was made much more pleasant than any of us expected after the awful events of 9/11. At worst we were disoriented and confused - things were MUCH worse for those at the WTC and Pentagon! (Interesting note: we people on our flight who worked in both buildings and were MUCH happier to be in Gander than at work!) If anyone would like to contact me, I can be reached at Thanks again to everyone who volunteered and helped out!
Adele Warner British Columbia Canada: The residents of Gander Newfoundland are one of the reasons that I am so very proud to be a Canadian. We are truly blessed as Canadians to have Gander , Newfoundland as part of our wonderful country!!!!
Diane & Mark Shard: One year on and nobody will ever forget what happened that day. BUT we will never forget the kindness and generosity of the people gander especially the staff and pupils of St Pauls. Thank you for making our honeymoon as comfortable as possible . All our love and gratitude forever xxx
Jean & Ellen beedham: Thank you all in Gander for your generosity and support on that fateful day . We will always be thankful to you. love and GOD BLESS .
ERIC JAMES. WARRINGTON CHESHIRE ENGLAND.: I with my friends Jean & Ellen Beedham, Mark and Diane Shard were stranded but I cannot think of a better place to be stranded the people gave 110% to look after all the people stranded from across the world. Our thoughts are always with the families who lost loved ones that day in NYC . but our eternal thanks and love will be with the people of gander and Canada. THANK YOU
julie: I just finished watching a special on PBS and it brought back such memories. My husband and I were at the Gander Masonic Lodge for 4 days with the rest of the passengers on TWA flight from Paris. Your generosity and love will never be forgotten and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you did for us on that awful day, just a year ago. All our best to our Canadian brothers!
Hendrik Van de Walle: There are no words that can capture what really happened on 9-11 and the following days. In a way I have to be grateful that because of this terrible tragedy I have met the Gander people and experienced their warmth and hospitality. My most sincere thanks go in particular to the numurous volunteers at the Gander Academy, that helped the hundreds of stranded passengers and made them feel 'at home'. For most people around the world, the events of 9-11-2001 have left deep marks of pessimism and negative feelings. I for one cherish the warm humanity you offered me during my (forced) stay in the lovely town of Gander. Thanks again (from a Sabena passenger) !
chris & Jean Brown. : Just to let you all know that we will be thinking of you all today and remembering all that you did for us. thankyou again.
Norbert Demps: It is now one year ago that I was on my to the International Inline Instructor Conference in Duluth. And this changed my live, forever. Again I would like to express my deepest gratitude for everything you have done to make us, the passengers, feel welcome and comfortable. The Gander Community has extended its arms to us, looking after all of our needs during our stay. Your hospitality, warmth, and openness have left a lasting impression. The people of gander changed my life and you will be always with me. Looking back over the last year I find your flame of understanding, hospitality, warmth, and openness you get to grow in me hart. Still after almost one year, when I build this guest book every month there are looking all over the world more then 10.000 people in this guest book, reading our stories and feel with you but also get influenced by Gander. Take care and GOD BLESS you all. Norbert Demps
Jose Varela: I was in Gander in 1991 and was surprised by the kindness and hospitality of the people in this town. You are very special. I have you all very close to my heart!
Matt Samways: May mother (Susan Scharpegge) is the General Manager of Hotel Gander
Jason Villeneuve: I just watched the special on CNN today (sept.11th, 05) I was amazed and touched by both the friendlness of BOTH the people of Gander and the people of Delta flight that started the scholarship for my fellow Canadians. Both of your groups of people are just amazing and I wish I could express to you how good you made me feel on a crappy day in my life. I live in Vancouver BC and am a soldier in the Canadian Military - due to circumstances going on in the world today I was starting to doubt if anybody even cared about their fellow man anymore - that special just gave me the answer. I am only 27 but with everything that has happened in the last 4/5 years I feel like I have lived a lifetime. I just hope that all you good people from both the flight and Lewisporte get everything that you want in life and more - you deserve it!! If anyone ever makes it to Vancouver BC - drop me a line and I will tell you where the nearest starbucks is. Thanks again for making a crappy day good!! Jason (
Callist Tindimugaya: To the community of Gander, thank you very much for the care and kindness shown to us when we were stranded very many miles away from home. Although my message is coming years from the time you looked after us, all you did is still very vivid in my mind. may god bless you all.
joe: a friend of mine mad love and ask he motter did you know dat girl is sweet he motter was sork so you will go and see postor for palyer ,my name is joe contacts email collinsjoe2006@yahoo